I have been working a lot of SQL Graph related queries and applications of the graph data concept to the extent possible within SQL Server’s graph capabilities. Genealogy, or...
2019-10-17 (first published: 2019-10-14)
1,189 reads
This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by my friend across the pond – Alex Yates. Alex has a fantastic topic for us to blog about – he asks us...
2019-10-14 (first published: 2019-10-08)
515 reads
‘Shortest path’ is by far the most feature of SQL Graph for now. What does this even mean? ‘Shortest path’ is the term accorded to the shortest distance between...
2019-10-08 (first published: 2019-09-22)
740 reads
In this post we saw how to create some graph tables with data. In this I will explore simple queries off of this data and how they compare with...
2019-10-01 (first published: 2019-09-21)
448 reads