Power BI Custom Visuals Class (Module 57 – Infographic Designer)
In this module you will learn how to use the Infographic Designer Custom Visual. The Infographic Designer give you the...
2017-07-11 (first published: 2017-06-30)
2,146 reads
In this module you will learn how to use the Infographic Designer Custom Visual. The Infographic Designer give you the...
2017-07-11 (first published: 2017-06-30)
2,146 reads
In this module you will learn how to use the Drilldown Choropleth Custom Visual. The Drilldown Choropleth is a map...
1,027 reads
In this module you will learn how to use the Enlighten World Flag Slicer Custom Visual. The Enlighten World Flag...
2017-06-20 (first published: 2017-06-13)
2,021 reads
In this module you will learn how to use the Rotating Tile Custom Visual. The Rotating Tile gives you the...
709 reads
In this module you will learn how to use the Play Axis Power BI Custom Visual. The Play Axis visual...
2017-06-13 (first published: 2017-05-30)
1,663 reads
In this module you will learn how to use the Bowtie Chart Power BI Custom Visual. The Bowtie Chart visual...
2017-06-06 (first published: 2017-05-23)
1,761 reads
In this module you will learn how to use the Route Map Power BI Custom Visual. The Route Map uses...
747 reads
In this module you will learn how to use the Hierarchy Slicer Power BI Custom Visual. The Hierarchy Slicer visual...
2017-05-30 (first published: 2017-05-17)
1,392 reads
Welcome to a new series that I’m starting with a few colleagues at Pragmatic Works. The goal of this series...
792 reads
In this module you will learn how to use the Narrative Power BI Custom Visual. The Narrative visual is developed...
2017-05-23 (first published: 2017-05-09)
1,613 reads
By James Serra
There are three Azure SQL products with so many different deployment options, service tiers,...
By Steve Jones
I hosted this month’s T-SQL Tuesday party with my invitation asking about tracking permissions....
By Steve Jones
I was asked to do some a little thinking and brainstorming recently. Rather than...
Hi, Does anyone have experience with MEMORYBROKER_FOR_RESERVE ? when suddenly there is somehow constantly...
I just learned that my database was created on my C:\ drive in the...
I am needing to migrate a MSSQL db to MySQL, on a different server...
I have a complex database with a few filegroups and files. Can I run a backup command like this? (assume file/filegroup names are valid).
BACKUP DATABASE [complex] FILE = N'thirdone' , FILE = N'thirdtwo' , FILEGROUP = N'second' TO DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL16.SQL2022\MSSQL\Backup\complex.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'complex-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10 GOSee possible answers