Ben Miller (DBAduck)

Stairway to SQL PowerShell

Stairway to SQL PowerShell Level 11: SQL Server Maintenance Using SQL PowerShell

This level will demonstrate simple techniques to perform a few important SQL Server maintenance tasks using PowerShell. We'll barely scratch the surface of what's possible but I hope it will whet your appetite.

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2022-01-19 (first published: )

6,375 reads

Stairway to SQL PowerShell

Stairway to SQL PowerShell Level 10: Getting data in and out of SQL Server using SQL Server PowerShell

In this level we will look at ways of getting data into and out of SQL Server. We will specifically look at the Database object and a cmdlet Invoke-Sqlcmd or Invoke-SqlCmd2. To get data in, we are going to leverage a PowerShell script that uses SMO to put data into a predefined table in SQL Server.

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2021-12-08 (first published: )

14,311 reads

Stairway to SQL PowerShell

Stairway to SQL PowerShell Level 7: SQL Server PowerShell and the Basics of SMO

In this level we begin our journey into the SQL Server SMO space. SMO stands for Shared Management Objects and is a library written in .NET for use with SQL Server. The SMO library is available when you install SQL Server Management Tools or you install it separately.

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Partial Backups I

What is a partial backup for a read-only database?

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