David Poole

David Poole has been developing business applications since the days of the
Commodore Pet.

Those were the days when 8K was called RAM not KEYBOARD BUFFER.

He now works as Data Solutions Architect at Moneysupermarket
  • Interests: Badminton, Cycling and Music. Keen piano player.

SQLServerCentral Article

Storing IPs in SQL Server

An IP address is something we all recognize and is a piece of data that is quite prevalent in many systems. However it is a piece of
data tha presents some challenges in its storage and retrieval. SQL Server guru David Poole presents us with a look at how you can
work with this strange formatting.

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2008-02-19 (first published: )

17,204 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Automated Monitoring Database Size Using sp_spaceused

Keeping track of the amount of space in a database is something every DBA needs to do or face the dreaded "out of space" errors appearing on every client's desktop. SQL Server guru David Poole brings us an automated way of doing just that.

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2007-12-25 (first published: )

20,795 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Performance Effects of NOCOUNT

Most SQL Server programmers know to use the SET NOCOUNT command to prevent the number of rows message from being returned to the client. But how does this affect performance? Does it make sense to qualify the owner on your objects? SQL Server guru David Poole brings us some performance analysis of how your stored procedures perform.

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2007-12-07 (first published: )

25,567 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

SQL Sudoko

The latest puzzle craze seems to be Sudoko with all kinds of online puzzles, books, etc. appearing around the world. Longtime SQL Server guru David Poole decided solving the puzzles was not enough of a challenge and brings us some T-SQL to help solve those difficult ones keeping you from getting back to work.

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