Missing Data
When we don't have all the information needed to model data, we often use NULL. However, that causes other issues.
2,747 reads
When we don't have all the information needed to model data, we often use NULL. However, that causes other issues.
2,747 reads
Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor is considered the creator of set theory, and his theories are the basis for the naïve set theory you learned in school. But there are lots of other mathematicians you should know, such as Hilbert, Frege, Russell, Zermelo and Dedekind. They made a lot of contributions, too. Hilbert Hilbert is […]
5,601 reads
How you name data elements in databases and applications programs has often been a matter of personal taste. Decades ago, when I worked for state government, there is a COBOL programmer who would pick a theme for his programs. The paragraphs and variables would be named based on the current theme. One of his programs […]
2,113 reads
This final level to the first landing completes the basics of a SQL database, by explaining what cursors are and why you should never use them.
2020-11-18 (first published: 2011-11-02)
11,718 reads
1,987 reads
Joe Celko tackles the most difficult of all the types of data handled by SQL, temporal data, and explains how to avoid the commonest traps for the unwary programmer
2020-07-08 (first published: 2011-06-15)
11,205 reads
Having covered the procedure headers in SQL Server in the previous level, Joe tackles the subject of the contents of stored procedures. In this level, he outlines limitations of TSQL as a procedural language, and what you need to bear in mind when deciding how to use them.
2019-04-03 (first published: 2011-09-21)
13,491 reads
A great deal of the confusion that occurs when a database application is developed comes from a poor understanding of the basics of data. Here, Joe Celko gives a broad coverage of the difficulties you're likely to meet when handling data in databases.
2019-03-26 (first published: 2011-05-12)
20,597 reads
A confusion about the nature of numbers can lead to a number of problems in database applications. Joe Celko gives a simple guide to the subject
2019-03-26 (first published: 2011-05-18)
12,337 reads
Character-handling in SQL is not particularly straightforward, and confusion about collation and character encoding is a common cause of problems with searching, joining, and sorting.
2019-03-26 (first published: 2011-06-01)
9,485 reads
By Brian Kelley
Core skills depends on the position, but the point is that ensuring you have...
By Steve Jones
zverism – n. the wish that people could suspend their civility and indulge in...
By Kevin3NF
The Source Control Dilemma Every DBA has been there. Trying to keep track of...
Hi I have a task in my SSIS package that moves files from source...
We are migrating our environments to Azure, it will be a mix of SQL...
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