Brian Knight

Brian Knight, MCSE, MCDBA, is on the Board of Directors for the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) and runs the local SQL Server users group in Jacksonville. Brian is a contributing columnist for SQL Magazine and also maintains a weekly column for the database website He is the author of Admin911: SQL Server (Osborne/McGraw-Hill Publishing) and co-author of Professional SQL Server DTS (Wrox Press). Brian is a Senior SQL Server Database Consultant at Alltel in Jacksonville and spends most of his time deep in DTS and SQL Server.

Technical Article

Set Extended Properties for Every Table

Extended properties are a neat feature in SQL Server 2000 that let you set meta data for an individual object. This stored procedure is a baseline sproc that lets you set the properties of every object in a DB to a given value. For example, if you baseline your database at 1.5.0, you can set […]

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2005-03-02 (first published: )

195 reads

Technical Article

sp_MSforeachfk-Perform an action on every FK

This stored procedure loops through each user defined Foreign Key and performs an action on that FK, like disabling them or printing its name. Please install this stored procedure in the MASTER database. For full usage instructions and advanced parameters please see the article about it at .Shortened version of the usage (there are […]

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657 reads

Technical Article

sp_MSforeachsproc -Perform an action on each sproc

This stored procedure loops through each view and performs an action on that stored procedure, like printing the records or running an sp_help. Please install this stored procedure in the MASTER database. For full usage instructions and advanced parameters please see the article about it at version of the usage (there are a lot […]

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1,364 reads

Technical Article

sp_MSforeachtrigger-Perform action on each trigger

This stored procedure loops through each trigger and performs an action on that trigger , like disabling or printing it. Please install this stored procedure in the MASTER database. For full usage instructions and advanced parameters please see the article about it at Shortened version of the usage (there are a lot more parameters […]

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661 reads

Technical Article

sp_MSforeachview - Perform an action on each view

This stored procedure loops through each view and performs an action on that view, like counting or printing the records. Please install this stored procedure in the MASTER database. For full usage instructions and advanced parameters please see the article about it at Shortened version of the usage (there are a lot more parameters […]

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2,013 reads

Technical Article

Detect the Amount of Wasted Data Space in a Table for 2000

SP_WASTED_SPACE will run through each column in your database and print a report of all the character columns. It will then print a report with :* The maximum length that a column is storing* The average length of data stored in each column* The amount of wasted space in each column* Hints on how to […]

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1,123 reads


AI Step 1


As this is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) World, things are changing. We can see that...

Beginner’s Guide: Building a Dockerized Todo App with React, Chakra UI, and Rust for Backend


In a containerized app, React and Chakra UI provide a robust and accessible user...

A New Word: Nachlophobia


nachlophobia – n. the fear that your deepest connections with people are ultimately pretty...

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Migrating database with many orphan users.

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Question of the Day

The Funny SELECTs

What is returned from this query?

  ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh
    WHERE soh.OrderDate >= '01/01/2011' AND soh.OrderDate < '01/01/2012') AS OrdersIn2011
, ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh
    WHERE soh.OrderDate >= '01/01/2012' AND soh.OrderDate < '01/01/2013') AS OrdersIn2012
, ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh
    WHERE soh.OrderDate >= '01/01/2013' AND soh.OrderDate < '01/01/2014') AS OrdersIn2013;

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