Brian Knight

Brian Knight, MCSE, MCDBA, is on the Board of Directors for the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) and runs the local SQL Server users group in Jacksonville. Brian is a contributing columnist for SQL Magazine and also maintains a weekly column for the database website He is the author of Admin911: SQL Server (Osborne/McGraw-Hill Publishing) and co-author of Professional SQL Server DTS (Wrox Press). Brian is a Senior SQL Server Database Consultant at Alltel in Jacksonville and spends most of his time deep in DTS and SQL Server.

Technical Article

Using DDL Database Triggers

In this short demonstration, you'll learn how to use DDL database triggers to prevent changes to product and audit changes to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley and other change management requirements. Free registration required.


3,395 reads

Technical Article

Creating a Basic SSAS Cube

In this video demonstration, you'll quickly learn how to create a basic cube using the Cube Wizard upon a data warehouse. Brian walks through the entire process in this 10 minute video to get you started with creating a browsing a cube. Free registration required.


1,597 reads

Technical Article

Using a Script Transform in SSIS

In SSIS, the data you receive from the source is rarely in the format your end users would like to see. To correct this, you can use the Script Component to transform data. In this video demo, Brian shows you how to use the Script transform to make a column proper case in the data flow. Free registration required.


1,805 reads

Technical Article

Free SSIS Events and Code Camp

There are a few upcoming SQL\SSIS\Developer events coming up in the next week. Andy Warren and Brian Knight will be speaking at Code Camp in Orlando (a free full day event) and Brian will be doing a SSIS event in Philadelphia. For more information, see this blog post.


1,631 reads


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Concat Addition

What is the result of this code?

SELECT CONCAT(1, 2, 3) + 4

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