Kenneth Igiri

Kenneth Igiri is an Enterprise Architect with almost two decades of experience in Information Technology with nine of those years focused on SQL Server and Oracle databases. His interests include Database Performance, HADR, Cloud Computing, Data Architecture and Enterprise Architecture. Asides from his day job, Kenneth teaches at Youth Church, writes faith-based fiction and works as a Strategy Coach. You can connect with Kenneth via his blog, LinkedIn or YouTube (@kenigiri).
  • Interests: Strategy, Small Business, Creative Writing
  • Skills: Database Management, Data Management, Leadership, Management, Design Thinking

SQLServerCentral Article

Amazon EC2 | Creating a Connection to an Amazon RDS Instance

In a previous article, we showed how to expose an Amazon RDS instance to the public internet securely for direct access to the database. In this article we shall configure an Amazon EC2 instance for network access to an existing Amazon RDS instance. The purpose of this would be to make sure that if we deploy an application to this EC2 instance, communication from the client to the RDS instance would be smooth.

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