How to Safely Parameterize Table Names
Protecting against SQL Injection Part 2
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Last week we talked about building dynamic SQL queries and how doing so might leave you open to SQL injection...
3 reads
Protecting against SQL Injection Part 2
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Last week we talked about building dynamic SQL queries and how doing so might leave you open to SQL injection...
3 reads
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Looking for a script to find possible SQL injection vulnerabilities on your server? Scroll to the bottom of this post.
OWASP names SQL injection as...
9 reads
Unexpected SQL Server Performance Killers #3
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In this series I explore scenarios that hurt SQL Server performance and show you how to avoid them. Pulled...
8 reads
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How many times have you had to transform some column value and ended up stacking several nested SQL REPLACE() functions like this?
-- Input: Red,...
8 reads
SQLskills is giving away free training for their performance tuning and optimization classes. My entry for the competition is below. If you decide to enter for yourself, entries are...
1 reads
In this series I explore scenarios that hurt SQL Server performance and show you how to avoid them. Pulled from my collection of "things I didn't know I was...
5 reads
In this series I explore scenarios that hurt SQL Server performance and show you how to avoid them. Pulled from my collection of "things I didn't know I was...
2 reads
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Here's the scenario: you copy and paste some code into a query you are building. A few minutes later you need that same snippet...
5 reads
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Have you ever needed to look at what data in a table used to look like?
If you have, it probably took a knuckle-cracking filled...
5 reads
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Historically it's been difficult to accomplish certain tasks in SQL Server.
Probably the most annoying problem I had to do regularly before SQL Server 2012...
23 reads
By Steve Jones
This is my last week of the year working (I guess I come back...
I recently read the book Agile Data Warehouse Design – Collaborative Dimensional Modeling, from...
By Steve Jones
This is my last week of the year working (I guess I come back...
I have an ADF pipeline that copies Files from source to destination. Both Source...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Function Defaults
I have created this function in SQL Server 2022:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AddInt (@one INT, @two INT = 1) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN @one + @two ENDHow can I call this and invoke the default value for @two? See possible answers