
An IT Professional with 10 + years of experience focusing on cloud technologies.
  • Skills: SQL,Azure


SQL Server Time Bombs


Common Reasons for Emergency SQL calls If you are a production DBA (or Accidental...

Book Review: A Radical Enterprise


I grabbed this book over the 2024 holiday season as it was on sale...

Advice I Like: Investing and Growing Rich


Investing small amounts of money over a long time works miracles, but no one...

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What is time?

By Louis Davidson (@drsql)

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KB5046856 fails to install

By webrunner

Hello experts, The following SQL update is failing to install on some of our...

where to find information about xE sqlserver.databases_bulk_copy_throughput

By Johan Bijnens

where to find information about xE sqlserver.databases_bulk_copy_throughput ? I'm searching for de description of...

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Question of the Day

Rows estimation with OPENJSON

Consider the following script for a Sql Server database with Compatibility Level at least 130 (Sql Server 2016):

create table tjson (
id int primary key,
j1 varchar(max),
j2 varchar(max),
j3 varchar(max));

insert into tjson (id, j1, j2, j3) 
'[{"c11":"value11A", "c12":"value12A"},{"c11":"value11B", "c12":"value12B"}]',
'[{"c21":"value21A", "c22":"value22A"},{"c21":"value21B", "c22":"value22B"}]',
'[{"c31":"value31A", "c32":"value32A"},{"c31":"value31B", "c32":"value32B"}]');
How many rows does the Query Optimizer estimate for the following query?
select id, c1.c11, c2.c21, c2.c22, c3.c31, c3.c32
from tjson
cross apply openjson(j1) with(
c11 varchar(50) '$.c11',
c12 varchar(50) '$.c12') c1
cross apply openjson(j2) with(
c21 varchar(50) '$.c21',
c22 varchar(50) '$.c22') c2
cross apply openjson(j3) with(
c31 varchar(50) '$.c31',
c32 varchar(50) '$.c32') c3;

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