Andy Warren

I'm Andy Warren, currently a SQL Server trainer with End to End Training. Over the past few years I've been a developer, DBA, and IT Director. I was one of the original founders of and helped grow that community from zero to about 300k members before deciding to move on to other ventures.

Blog Post

SQLOrlando 2019

We just had our final event of the year and looking back, not bad at all. No event in June or November, but 18 overall (16 listed below, plus...


24 reads

Blog Post

SQLSaturday Orlando Notes – Kahoot

The last two years we did Family Feud as part of our end of day gathering. Fun, exciting, and energetic are all words I’d use to describe it. Definitely...

2019-11-08 (first published: )

173 reads


Can You See Who Forced a Plan


I had an excellent group of people in Gothenburg Sweden when I taught there...

Monday Monitor Tips–Finding CUs for My Instance


How can I quickly get a CU patch for a system that’s out of...

Why Data Analysts Love PostgreSQL (and You Will Too!)


Data analysis is all about wrangling massive datasets. To do that efficiently, you need...

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GIT Configuration and Automated Release for Azure Data Factory

By Sucharita Das

Comments posted to this topic are about the item GIT Configuration and Automated Release...

workaround for problems that cant be try caught

By stan

hi a peer of mine recalls an error in an edi app that often...

How to commit transaction log during a large ETL process

By Lord Slaagh

Hello SSC! First, I would like to thank everyone who has responded to my...

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Question of the Day

Trigger Order III

I have created these triggers in SQL Server 2022:

CREATE TRIGGER triggertest_tri_1 ON dbo.triggertest FOR INSERT
PRINT 'one'
CREATE TRIGGER triggertest_tri_2 ON dbo.triggertest FOR INSERT
PRINT 'two'
I want to be sure that the trigger with "1" runs first. I decide to run this:
EXEC sp_settriggerorder@triggername = 'triggertest_tri_1', @order = 'first'
What happens?

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