Finding Checked Out Files in TFS
There may be an easier way, but this was a quick way to find ALL the checked out files in...
1,217 reads
There may be an easier way, but this was a quick way to find ALL the checked out files in...
1,217 reads
No Files For You is another Question Of The Day. I ended up making this one just a little more...
474 reads
Meetings are a part of modern corporate work that many of us despise. However is that because
206 reads
Reading, Writing, and Riskmetic is another Question of the Day, this one about how to allow developers to understand performance...
537 reads
Bad Meetings or Meeting Badly is the editorial of the day today. Looking at it today, I wish I had...
514 reads
Poecilonym Madness! is my latest question that tests your knowledge of creating/dropping tables, views, and synonyms. Here’s the fun part...
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1,776 reads
Below is the chart Kendal Van Dyke maintains for us in Orlando showing year over year registration counts. Don’t I...
499 reads
Next week will begin our weekly planning call, so ahead of that (and perhaps a bit later than I should...
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1,580 reads
By Steve Jones
One of the neat enhancements made to Flyway was the addition of state-based workflows...
I did a couple of posts previously on dumping/restoring Azure PostgreSQL databases and also...
By Brian Kelley
Most of us know that spending a lot of time on social media and...
I have a powerQuery that reads and transforms a table in a PDF. Works...
Good Afternoon. I have a Table where each Record: 1) Represents an Appointment. 2)...
Hi , one of my on-premises servers one server is having databases and one...