Comments on PASS Community Summit 2002
Andy attended the recent PASS Community Summit and had a great time. Read some of the highlights from his perspective and maybe decide that you'll want to attend next year!
5,896 reads
Andy attended the recent PASS Community Summit and had a great time. Read some of the highlights from his perspective and maybe decide that you'll want to attend next year!
5,896 reads
Andy talks briefly about why the company he works for has decided to require all developers to obtain the MCSD, then takes a look at the book they chose for the initial round of study for the first exam.
5,184 reads
Andy takes a look at the new book on DMO and likes what he sees - "great book for beginner and intermediate DMO users!". We've been supporters of DMO for a while and we're glad to see a new book on the subject. Read the review, add your comments, buy the book!
5,260 reads
We're curious to see what our readers have to say about this one! How many of us have tables accruing data that won't be used and/or isn't of any value? At what point do we get rid of it to free up resources?
9,219 reads
All of do us regular backups. Ok, all of us SHOULD do regular backups. In this article Andy comments on why having a backup plan isn't enough and why you should look at some other options for when you need to fix data errors. This really speaks to the goal of minimizing down time using low tech, readily available solutions. If you're not interested yet, we'll add this - one of the alternatives he suggests is Microsoft Access!
8,396 reads
Andy relates some info he got from Wes Grant about his freeware and open source project to build a web based admin tool for SQL that is currently in the design/initial coding phase. Get the scoop and maybe write some of the code too!
4,820 reads
Following up on a question posted in our discussion area, Andy demonstrates how to backup/restore a database using DMO, how to get the list of files to be restored, and how to do a restore with no recovery. Lots of sample code!
8,626 reads
Now that Andy has converted Steve Jones to a DMO believer we asked him to spend some time discussing replication. In this kick off article he discussion snapshot replication at a very high level - and looking for reasons to use it. This article isn't about how to do snapshot replication, it's about whether you should.
11,948 reads
If you've been with us for a while you know that Andy started a series last year on worst practices. As he says, maybe you can't always do best practices, but at least dont do the worst ones. Read the article and add a comment, participate!
7,455 reads
Following up on a question posted in our discussion area, Andy looks at how to use DMO to add and remove linked servers. Along the way he points out a couple 'gotchas' and throws in a cool tip about how to save a little time when you experiment with DMO.
12,165 reads
By Steve Jones
lilo– n. a friendship that can lie dormant for years only to pick right...
I spend my days working on and managing SQL Server instances—working days at least,...
Want to learn SQL and get some real practice this December? Check out the...
Hi I am working on a rolling average calculation that is not working quite...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Subscribing to a Great New...
Hi, is there a way when using excel as a flat file source in...
What happens when I run this code:
EXEC sp_executesql N'PRINT 1; GO';See possible answers