Andy starts a new series about Worst Practices - come find out why and read about the first one on his list - using Hungarian Notation for column names!
2019-08-01 (first published: 2001-10-09)
34,337 reads
I mentioned in earlier posts that I’m using Trello this year for managing SQLSaturday tasks and figured I might as well go all in and add some of the...
2019-07-26 (first published: 2019-07-09)
287 reads
A guest editorial from Andy Warren looks at the traits of problem solvers.
2019-07-26 (first published: 2015-08-28)
546 reads
For those who haven’t used the admin tools for SQLSaturday when an event is created there are a set of messages loaded automatically. It’s up the event admin if...
2019-07-12 (first published: 2019-06-15)
277 reads
One of the interesting but not often used features of the SQLSaturday tools is the announcement/news (in the admin tools, its Message Center | Announce News) to do mini-blog...
2019-07-05 (first published: 2019-06-15)
150 reads
Today we have a guest editorial from Andy Warren. Andy look sat the ways in which we might solve problems and become better over time.
2019-05-31 (first published: 2015-03-25)
280 reads
Today we have a guest editorial from Andy Warren, looking at learning.
2019-05-15 (first published: 2015-02-23)
382 reads