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External Article

Flyway How-tos: a User’s Perspective

Flyway provides a database-independent way for a team to track, manage and apply database changes, while maintaining strict control of database versions. It updates a database by running a series of versioned migration scripts, in order, and keeps track of all the changes in a special "schema history" table. It sounds simple, but it is easy to derail this team discipline if you don't find the right answers to the following questions…


External Article

What is the Flyway Teamwork Framework?

My FlywayTeamwork PowerShell framework is designed to help get you started quickly with developing databases, using Flyway versioned migrations. It introduces a PowerShell task library, and automation, to take care of repetitive chores. It will also help you get to grips with the practicalities of using Flyway in team-based development. This article explains the basics of its design and provides a demo how to use Flyway to migrate a PostgreSQL database, while generating a high-level narrative of the changes made between versions.



Simple Talks Episode 7


The season 1, seventh episode of Simple Talks is out. Check it out, with...

A New Word: the McFly effect


the McFly Effect – n. the phenomenon of observing your parents interact with people...

Key mappings in Visual Studio Code


At a recent conference I was asked how I executed code during my presentation....

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Calling Invoke-Sqlcmd from powershell and passing an object containing a '-'


Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP $AAG REMOVE DATABASE $DB " -ServerInstance $Instance Invoke-Sqlcmd :...

SSMS V20 encryption  vs  SQL Server SSL Encryption

By tonytiger5812

I assume SSMS V20 encryption and SQL Server SSL encryption are different. I have...

Enable a Disabled Index

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Enable a Disabled Index

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Enable a Disabled Index

I have disabled the LoggerCI index on the dbo.Logger table. How do I enable it?

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