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MSSQL Server 2000 Reporting Services: Black Belt Administration: Prepa

General optimization of RS' performance is, beyond argument, one of the more important functions of the Administrator. In evaluating performance from various perspectives at the Administrative level, one readily useful source of information is the data we can obtain from the logs created by the system itself. Reporting Services generates a number of log files to capture information about server operations, status, and so forth. Within this group of logs, which we will explore individually within prospective articles within our series, the Report Server Execution Log is a great place to start in setting up a basic performance and auditing analysis capability.


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External Article

SQL Server 2005 Part 1 - Security (Authentication)

In this installment of our series covering new and improved functionality of SQL Server 2005 Beta 2, we will focus on the topic of security, which has been becoming increasingly prominent among the issues on every database and system administrator's agenda. A new approach to software development started with the Trustworthy Computing initiative launched in early 2002, necessitated by the growing number of exploits directed at the Microsoft operating system and applications, resulted in a "secure by default" product with highly customizable security features further increasing the degree of protection. We will start with the features related to authentication (the process of identifying logins connecting to the SQL Server and users accessing databases), and continue with authorization (determining the level of permissions granted once the initial connection is established) and encryption in the future articles. In particular, we will cover here, password policy implementation and management as


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External Article

Connect to Lotus Domino using SQL Server Linked Server

Many Enterprises create and maintain applications that reside on "IBM Lotus Domino Server." Since the Lotus Domino server has the capability of handling applications and messaging, it has become a prime requirement for a SQL Server DBA to cross- reference data or import and export data to and from the Domino database and SQL Server databases. In this article, I am going to discuss how to use SQL Server Linked server to connect to databases that reside on the Lotus Domino server. The steps involved in connecting to the Lotus notes mail server database can be used for connecting to other databases that reside in "Lotus Notes Domino" server.


2,430 reads

Technical Article

What's New and Different for the Access Developer Moving to SQL Report

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services is a powerful new tool allowing developers to move reporting solutions online for truly global access. This paper explains the key advantages, similarities, and differences between Microsoft Access reports and Reporting Services reports for organizations considering migrating to Reporting Services. (22 printed pages)


1,323 reads

Technical Article

Reporting Services Extras Bug - Date Sort Problem

SQL Server's Reporting Services comes with some pre-built reports to be able to monitor who is doing what with your Reporting Services Server. You can find these reports in the \Extras\Execution Log Sample Reports folder on the product CD-ROM ( One of the reports is titled "Todays Reports" (Todays Reports.rdl/pToday Dataset). It should show the […]

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2005-01-27 (first published: )

885 reads

Technical Article

Microsoft SQL Reporting Services – Running a Report from the Command L

I recently ran into a need to run a report in SQL reporting services from the command line. The Report took four (4) input parameters and I had to export it to Microsoft® Excel and save it to disk. I had to rummage through the product documentation and the Microsoft® SQL Reporting newsgroup to get this right. For running reports from the command line, SQL Reporting services provide a utility called “rs utility”.


2,602 reads


My 2024 in Data: Music


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A New Word: Suente


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Timeout Error while executing a TSQL statement in Sql server Express Edition

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Timeout Error while executing a TSQL statement in Sql server Express Edition

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I am getting the below error when I execute a SQL command in SQL...

Sql script replace and rearrange numbers

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Hi everyone. I have this table and this information. (left side of the image)...

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