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Using Parent Package Variables in Package Configurations

Package configurations are now the prescribed way of being able to set values within your package from an outside source. One of the options for the source is Parent Package Variable. The name is perhaps a little misleading so this article is meant to guide you through this slight confusion and into using them. It also helps to explain a key concept in SQL Server Integration Services


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External Article

Using a Subquery in a T-SQL Statement

Sometimes the criteria for determining which set of records will be affected by a SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and/or INSERT statement cannot be obtained by hard coding the selection criteria. Occasionally there is a need to use the results of a SELECT statement to help determine which records are returned or are affected by a T-SQL statement. When a SELECT statement is used inside another statement, the inside SELECT statement is known as a subquery. Subqueries can help to dynamically control the records affected by an UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT statement, as well as to help determine the records that will be returned by a SELECT statement. This article will show different examples of how to use a subquery to help clarify the records affected or selected by a T-SQL statement.


4,571 reads

External Article

Full Text Search on SQL 2000 Part 3

In the previous month's articles, Full Text Searching was introduced as a way to query strings with more refinement than the usual TSQL "like" or equal operator statements. With Full Text Searching, a new file system structure is created, storing key words from selected fields into Catalogs. In addition to storing typical character fields from databases, Microsoft Office documents that have been saved as binaries can also be entered into the Catalogs. In this month's edition, we will begin with the maintenance issues required to keep these Catalogs current. Once created, these catalogs can be interrogated for key words that are near each other's proximity, the singular and plural versions of a word, or the noun and verb variations of a word. In addition, search result rankings, or weights, that usually accompany internet search engine returns can also be requested.


2,147 reads

External Article

Rebuilding SQL Server Cluster Nodes

Active/Passive SQL Server 2000 clustering gives more reliability and fault tolerance to Production SQL Server environments. When a failure occurs, all of the resources fail over from the active node to the passive node and make the passive node active. This article explains how to rebuild the node that failed and attach it back to the cluster.


2,232 reads

External Article

Full Text Search on SQL 2000 Part 2

In last month's article, Full Text Searching was introduced as a way to query strings with more refinement than the usual TSQL "like" or equal operator statements. With Full Text Searching, a new file system structure is created, storing key words from selected fields into Catalogs. In addition to storing typical character fields from databases, Microsoft Office documents that have been saved as binaries can also be entered into the Catalogs. Once created, these catalogs can be interrogated for key words that are near each other's proximity, the singular and plural versions of a word, or the noun and verb variations of a word can all be searched for. In addition, search result rankings, or weights, that usually accompany internet search engine returns can also be requested.


1,986 reads

Technical Article

SQL Server 2005 T-SQL Enhancements

SQL Server 2005 or "Yukon" is going to be a major SQL Server update containing updates to nearly every facet of the program, including T-SQL. In this article I am going to explore some of the new T-SQL features, commands, and capabilities in SQL Server 2005. Because covering everything new in T-SQL would require an entire chapter in a book, I am going to cover some of the more useful and mainstream enhancements.


2,825 reads

External Article

Full Text Search on SQL 2000 Part 1

Full Text Searching is a free, optional component of MS SQL 2000. When installed, it offers a vast array of additional string querying abilities. Full Text Searching allows for string comparisons similar to internet search engines, returning both results and a matching score or weight. With regular TSQL, string matching is usually limited to an exact match, or a wildcard match with the keyword "LIKE." Full Text Searching exceeds this by searching for phrases, groups of words, words near one another, or different tenses of words, such as run, running, and ran. In addition, if Microsoft Office Word or Excel documents are saved in the database, their contents can be searched like a typical varchar field. Full Text Searching is accomplished by installing a new service (Microsoft Search), and using key words in TSQL designed specifically for text searching. This article will demonstrate installing, configuring and using the Full Text Search engine.


2,282 reads

Technical Article

Partitioned Tables and Indexes in SQL Server 2005

Table-based partitioning features in SQL Server 2005 provide flexibility and performance to simplify the creation and maintenance of partitioned tables. Trace the progression of capabilities from logically and manually partitioning tables to the latest partitioning features, and find out why, when, and how to design, implement, and maintain partitioned tables using SQL Server 2005. (41 printed pages)


1,652 reads


My 2024 in Data: Music


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A New Word: Suente


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Timeout Error while executing a TSQL statement in Sql server Express Edition

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I am getting the below error when I execute a SQL command in SQL...

Sql script replace and rearrange numbers

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Hi everyone. I have this table and this information. (left side of the image)...

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