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Working with Flyway And Entity Framework Code First: An Overview

This article presents an approach to database development and deployment that combines the strengths of Entry Framework Code First for .NET-driven development with the control and database versioning provided by Flyway's SQL migrations. It allows every database change to be reviewed and tested for integrity, performance, and stability in the same way as any application change. It should make a Database CI process much easier to sustain.


External Article

How to Automate Cross-Platform Database Development

In order to focus on their primary task of developing databases, the development team need to automate as many as possible of the routine tasks that are essential for database delivery, such as testing, scripting, version control, documentation, code review, reporting and so on. This article gives some advice on how to do it, faced with the added challenge of needing to use several different relational databases.



A New Word: Lilo


lilo– n. a friendship that can lie dormant for years only to pick right...

Learning Database Design and Power BI Performance


I spend my days working on and managing SQL Server instances—working days at least,...

Free SQL Training: Dive into Databases This December!


Want to learn SQL and get some real practice this December? Check out the...

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The Funny Dynamic SQL

What happens when I run this code:

EXEC sp_executesql N'PRINT 1; GO';

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