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PostgreSQL Constraints: Learning PostgreSQL with Grant

One of the most important aspects of data management is the ability to ensure that the data in your database is well defined and consistent. Some aspects of that are ensured through the relational data structures you design. Another piece of control is using the correct data type. Then, we get to constraints. A constraint is a way to validate data prior to adding it to your database. This is one more tool in the toolbox that helps you maintain good data.


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The future of AI in solving database challenges

The conversation around Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a new subject to the database space, but the recent rise in machine learning tools like ChatGPT have sparked increased focus on new ways to simplify existing DBA challenges.

Join Redgate’s own DevOps Advocate, Steve Jones, along with webinar guests Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman (Principal Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft) and Brian Randell (Product Marketing Director, Github) to discuss how AI could help manage complex database ecosystems.



Rebuilding a SQL Server Database Transaction Log


“Could you help me, we deleted the database’s transaction log file and now that...

Copying Content from One Databricks Unity Catalog Catalog to Another


I had a couple of clients who were moving content from development catalogs to...

Dumping and Restoring Azure PostgreSQL Databases


I wanted to test a migration of Azure PostgreSQL from simple to flexible. I...

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Diving Deeper into the Import Extension in Azure Data Studio

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Diving Deeper into the Import...

List of objects that require VIEW SERVER STATE permission

By SQL Guy 1

Hi all, I need a list of objects (DMV's and probably other objects) that...

Memory grants pending root cause

By sqlfriend

Recently I got sql alerts from one of QA servers, every 2 or 3...

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Enable a Disabled Index

I have disabled the LoggerCI index on the dbo.Logger table. How do I enable it?

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