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Run SQL Server Agent Job from SSIS

While we can schedule SQL Server Agent jobs and SSRS report subscriptions, the actual time that we want to run them is dependent on when certain processing in our SSIS packages is completed. We also have certain business rules surrounding launching these jobs that we need to enforce which the built-in scheduling capabilities cannot accommodate. For example, we execute a SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) report subscription every Monday at 8:00AM but we want to skip it if the current week coincides with our month end processing which will also execute a report subscription for the same report. Can you provide a solution that we can use to accomplish this?


External Article

Why Ordering Isn’t Guaranteed Without an ORDER BY

If your query doesn’t have an ORDER BY clause, you can’t reliably predict the order of your results over time. Sure, it’s going to look predictable at first, but down the road, as things change – the indexes, the table, the server’s configuration, the size of your data – you can end up with some ugly surprises.


External Article

A Hybrid Approach to Database DevOps

A flexible approach to Database DevOps where the team maintain the current state of the database in version control, during development, and then at key stages generate and test the migrations script that will deploy the changes to the target database, safely.


External Article

How to ACTUALLY save money in the cloud with SQL Server

We have all heard migrating to the cloud can save you money and there are several ways moving your SQL Server workloads to the cloud can save your organization money. But, there are also missteps that can eat away at the savings, performance and even your availability creating instead an expensive, ineffective, difficult to manage cloud infrastructure.


External Article

Introduction to Azure SQL Database Instance Pools

In one of the article, Considerations for Deploying Azure SQL Database Managed Instances, recently published on this site, basic characteristics of Azure SQL Database Managed Instance were described. Its biggest selling points include nearly full compatibility with on-premises SQL Server deployments, support for SQL Server Agent, and additional security associated with its Azure virtual network integration.



Monday Monitor Tip: Compliance Checking for Old Versions


A customer recently wanted to know if any of their instances were too old...

Making Legend Order Match Segment Order in a Power BI Stacked Column Chart


A reader of one of my previous posts pointed out that the legend order...

The Only Valid Test of a Backup is a Restore


Please, let me reiterate: The only valid test of a backup is a restore....

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sql service account

By mtz676

We are trying to update a sqlservice account from a user account to a...

Help with index rebuild

By dnison-905607

Hi there!  This should make some eyes roll for some of you DBA's out...

Cannot connect to Analysis Services via Excel

By Bhagat

For myself this seems to work and for other users they receive this error:...

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Question of the Day

Migration Assistant Issues

If I run the Data Migration Assistant to check for an upgrade from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2022, which categories of issues are pointed out as potential items that can affect an upgrade? (choose 3)

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