Additional Articles

External Article

What specific deployment data is valuable to you or your organization?

Redgate have assembled a small development team to research and build a capability that not only records your deployments over time, but provides a window into past trends and insights. To achieve the best results we need to understand from you what deployment value should be recorded and displayed. Please help us by completing our short two-page survey.

2020-08-06 (first published: )


Monday Monitor Tip: Compliance Checking for Old Versions


A customer recently wanted to know if any of their instances were too old...

Making Legend Order Match Segment Order in a Power BI Stacked Column Chart


A reader of one of my previous posts pointed out that the legend order...

The Only Valid Test of a Backup is a Restore


Please, let me reiterate: The only valid test of a backup is a restore....

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Online gaming

By SuTTop

This prominent casino in Canada prioritizes the safety and enjoyment of its guests. It...

sql service account

By mtz676

We are trying to update a sqlservice account from a user account to a...

Help with index rebuild

By dnison-905607

Hi there!  This should make some eyes roll for some of you DBA's out...

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Question of the Day

Migration Assistant Issues

If I run the Data Migration Assistant to check for an upgrade from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2022, which categories of issues are pointed out as potential items that can affect an upgrade? (choose 3)

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