GroupBy is Back – Spring 2021 Edition
GroupBy Conference is coming back May 25-26 for it’s Spring 2021 Edition. There will be 20+ FREE data sessions spread across the two days. Sessions for Americas’ time zones...
110 reads
GroupBy Conference is coming back May 25-26 for it’s Spring 2021 Edition. There will be 20+ FREE data sessions spread across the two days. Sessions for Americas’ time zones...
110 reads
GroupBy Conference is coming back May 25-26 for it’s Spring 2021 Edition. There will be 20+ FREE data sessions spread across the two days. Sessions for Americas’ time zones...
12 reads
This is one way to create a polling loop in PowerShell. I’m sure there are several options, but this one works well for the use case. Backstory I needed...
2021-04-19 (first published: 2021-02-16)
992 reads
I have created two new PowerShell functions for Granting or Revoking permission on items in the Power BI Report Catalog. These two will be the probably be the last...
2021-02-22 (first published: 2021-02-10)
465 reads
Story time: A few months ago I was in a meeting where we were all asked how we could take on a complex, but very necessary task. As they...
2021-02-17 (first published: 2021-02-09)
562 reads
This is one way to create a polling loop in PowerShell. I’m sure there are several options, but this one works well for the use case. Backstory I needed...
10 reads
I finally did it. I created a function I’ve been wanting to be able to use for *years*. Test-RsRestItemDataSource is here. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve...
2021-02-11 (first published: 2021-02-03)
543 reads
I have created two new PowerShell functions for Granting or Revoking permission on items in the Power BI Report Catalog. These two will be the probably be the last...
10 reads
Story time: A few months ago I was in a meeting where we were all asked how we could take on a complex, but very necessary task. As they...
5 reads
I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that a new version of the ReportingServicesTools module went out last week, and it includes 3 new PowerShell functions for working...
2021-02-08 (first published: 2021-01-28)
697 reads
By Steve Jones
I had someone reach out about generate_series() recently, saying they hadn’t realized this was...
I recently took and passed the DP-700 exam, which is required for the Microsoft...
As a Consultant, I would typically answer with – it depends! Then a typical...
Hi all, I work with an unusual warehouse and I was wondering if anyone...
A colleague of mine has setup SSAS monitoring through Extended Events and these are...
What happens when I run this code in SQL Server 2022?
create table Names ( namestring varchar(20)) go insert Names select 'Steve' go select choose(namestring, 'steve', 'andy', 'brian') from NamesSee possible answers