T-SQL Tuesday #49: Topic is … Wait for It …
Have you been waiting to hear about this month’s T-SQL Tuesday topic? Here’s the announcement, right here and right now....
1,012 reads
Have you been waiting to hear about this month’s T-SQL Tuesday topic? Here’s the announcement, right here and right now....
1,012 reads
The final day of this six part series, Introduction to Integrity, sponsored by Idera and their new free tool SQL...
1,107 reads
We’re approaching the end of our six part series Introduction to Integrity, sponsored by Idera with our last two postings...
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Have you been putting off running integrity checks on your databases? Are you unsire where to start or what to...
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It’s day four of our six part series Introduction to Integrity, sponsored by Idera, and tonight’s topic is going to...
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For day three of this six part series Introduction to Integrity, sponsored by Idera, we will take a look at...
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Welcome back for day two of this six part series Introduction to Integrity, sponsored by Idera. In this post, I...
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I want to start a short 6 post series to serve as an introduction to integrity in SQL Server. Most...
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The Certified Master and Architect community was collectively notified Friday, August 30, 10 PM Pacific Time (Microsoft Time) that the...
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I’m setting my course for a new adventure, my mind on a new … undertaking. My apologies if you thought this...
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By Steve Jones
One of the neat enhancements made to Flyway was the addition of state-based workflows...
I did a couple of posts previously on dumping/restoring Azure PostgreSQL databases and also...
By Brian Kelley
Most of us know that spending a lot of time on social media and...
Good Afternoon. I have a Table where each Record: 1) Represents an Appointment. 2)...
Hi , one of my on-premises servers one server is having databases and one...
Simple one looking for a script that can track what's logging in from where...