SQLSaturday, Rocky, and a CheeseSteak - Upcoming Event
As you know, the SQLSaturday sensation has exploded all over the nation. So many events scheduled this year, there is...
2,100 reads
As you know, the SQLSaturday sensation has exploded all over the nation. So many events scheduled this year, there is...
2,100 reads
Microsoft SQL Server Licensing For Dummies..
Don’t let the above title fool you! Have you been confused on the Microsoft...
89,257 reads
What the heck is going on? Industry news, shake-ups and departures.
It's only two weeks into the New Year 2011, but there's...
1,733 reads
Get Prepared for the January Hiring Season
As the year winds down, in what was undoubtedly a tough economic year for...
756 reads
Just in time for Christmas, Microsoft releases SQL Server 2005 SP4.
Many were wondering if they would meet their intended...
1,745 reads
There are many considerations and much preparation to do, when a company decides that it is ready to upgrade their...
13,734 reads
Signal Waits vs. Resource Waits
During my presentation at SQLSaturday#59, I spoke about the categories of wait types, such as...
3,713 reads
Signal Waits vs. Resource Waits
During my presentation at SQLSaturday#59, I spoke about the categories of wait types, such as...
19,910 reads
SQLSaturday#59 – Waits & Queues Presentation
At SQLSaturday#59 in NYC, my session was about Waits & Queues. I presented a topic I thought was...
926 reads
As I was doing a little research this evening for a client, I hit the SQLMag site for the latest updates. ...
648 reads
By Steve Jones
The episode on data masking and subetting is out. You can see it here:...
By Brian Kelley
I'm listening to Effortless by Greg McKeon (link to author's page) through Audible.com. He...
This book was making its rounds on social media, and the concept seems interesting...
I declare @Where based on the input parameter in the stored procedure. Set @SQL...
Hi, hoping someone can help. We're in the process of migrating to a new...
I am building an ETL process between these tables in SQL Server 2022 set to 160 compatibility level:
CREATE TABLE Image_Staging ( imageid INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Image_StagingPK PRIMARY KEY , imagestatus TINYINT , imagebinary IMAGE); GO CREATE TABLE Images ( imageid INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT ImagesPK PRIMARY KEY , imagestatus TINYINT , imagemodified DATETIME , imagebinary IMAGE); GOI want to run this query to check if the images already loaded exist. This will help me decide if I need to insert or update an image. What happens with this query?
SELECT i.imageid FROM dbo.Image_Staging AS ist INNER JOIN dbo.Images AS i ON ist.imagebinary = i.imagebinary;See possible answers