In the last few sessions of XML Workshop we had been looking at ways of generating RSS/ATOM Feeds. You can find the previous sessions here. We have seen how to generate RSS and ATOM feeds in SQL Server 2005 as well as 2000. In the previous sessions, we have seen how to generate RSS and ATOM feeds using FOR XML
PATH as well as FOR XML EXPLICIT. If you are working with SQL Server 2005 (and above), you can take advantage of FOR XML PATH and if you are still in SQL Server 2000, you can use FOR XML EXPLICIT.
Though we have seen two versions of the source code for RSS and ATOM
each, it would be often a difficult task to write the TSQL code to generate
a correct RSS or ATOM feed taking data from a given set of tables. To make this task easier, in this session, we will create a function that generates an RSS feed from a given channel and item information. We will create a
function that accepts two XML parameters (channel and items) and generate the required feed structure and returns an XML document.
So the focus of this sessions will be writing a function that accepts two XML parameters containing channel and item information and generates
an RSS 2.0 feed. We will be able to call the function as in the given example.
-- declare the variables DECLARE @ch XML, @itm XML
-- create an XML document with channel information SELECT @ch = ( SELECT * FROM ChannelTable FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('Channel') )
-- create an XML document with items information SELECT @itm = ( SELECT * FROM Products FOR XML PATH ('Items'), ROOT('Item') )
-- generate the feed SELECT dbo.GenerateRss20( @ch, @itm ) |
Function that generates RSS feed
Let us look at the function that generates an RSS Feed. The code is pretty much the same as what we developed in the previous sessions. The only difference is the part that transforms the XML parameters to virtual tables and runs a FOR XML PATH query on it to produce the RSS Feed. Here is the definition of the function.
CREATE FUNCTION GenerateRss20 ( @ch XML, -- Channel Information @itm XML -- Item Information ) RETURNS XML AS BEGIN -- This is the variable that will hold the result (RSS feed) DECLARE @rss XML
/* To make the process easier, let us transform Channel and Item information to a virtual table using CTE. */ ;WITH channel AS ( SELECT c.value('Title[1]','VARCHAR(500)') AS Title, c.value('Link[1]','VARCHAR(500)') AS Link, c.value('Description[1]','VARCHAR(MAX)') AS Description, c.value('Webmaster[1]','VARCHAR(50)') AS Webmaster, c.value('Language[1]','VARCHAR(20)') AS Language, c.value('ImageUrl[1]','VARCHAR(500)') AS ImageUrl, c.value('ImageTitle[1]','VARCHAR(500)') AS ImageTitle, c.value('ImageLink[1]','VARCHAR(500)') AS ImageLink, c.value('ImageWidth[1]','INT') AS ImageWidth, c.value('ImageHeight[1]','INT') AS ImageHeight, c.value('CopyRight[1]','VARCHAR(100)') AS CopyRight, c.value('LastBuildDate[1]','DATETIME') AS LastBuildDate, c.value('Ttl[1]','INT') AS Ttl FROM @ch.nodes('/Channel') ch(c) ), items AS ( SELECT i.value('Title[1]','VARCHAR(500)') AS Title, i.value('Link[1]','VARCHAR(500)') AS Link, i.value('Description[1]','VARCHAR(MAX)') AS Description, i.value('Guid[1]','VARCHAR(500)') AS Guid, i.value('PubDate[1]','DATETIME') AS PubDate FROM @itm.nodes('/Item/Items') itm(i) ) /* Generate the RSS feed and assign to the local variable */ SELECT @rss = ( SELECT '2.0' AS '@version', ( SELECT Title AS title, Link AS link, Description AS description, Webmaster AS webMaster, ISNULL(Language, 'en-us') AS language, ImageUrl AS 'image/url', ImageTitle AS 'image/title', ImageLink AS 'image/link', ImageWidth AS 'image/width', ImageHeight AS 'image/height', CopyRight AS copyright, LEFT(DATENAME(dw, ISNULL(LastBuildDate,GETDATE())),3) + ', ' + STUFF(CONVERT(nvarchar,ISNULL(LastBuildDate,GETDATE()),113),21,4,' GMT') AS lastBuildDate, Ttl AS ttl, ( SELECT Title AS title, Link AS link, Description AS description, CASE WHEN ISNULL(guid, Link) IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE 'true' END AS 'guid/@isPermaLink', ISNULL(Guid, Link) AS guid, LEFT(DATENAME(dw, ISNULL(PubDate,GETDATE())),3) + ', ' + STUFF(CONVERT(nvarchar,ISNULL(PubDate,GETDATE()),113),21,4,' GMT') AS pubDate FROM Items FOR XML PATH('item'), TYPE ) FROM channel FOR XML PATH('channel'), TYPE ) FOR XML PATH('rss') ) -- return the feed RETURN @rss END |
Invoking The Function
We have the function ready. Let us see a few examples that invoke the function and generate RSS feeds. Here is a basic example.
-- declare variables DECLARE @ch XML, @itm XML
-- Create an XML document with channel information SELECT @ch = ( SELECT 'TSQL RSS Library' AS Title, '' AS Link, 'A TSQL RSS Library to help generating RSS 2.0 feeds' AS Description FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('Channel') )
-- Create an XML document with item information SELECT @itm = ( SELECT 'Item 1' AS Title, '' AS Link, 'This is Item 1' AS Description FOR XML PATH ('Items'), ROOT('Item') )
-- generate the feed SELECT dbo.GenerateRss20( @ch, @itm ) |
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>TSQL RSS Library</title> <link></link> <description>A TSQL RSS Library to help generating RSS 2.0 feeds</description> <language>en-us</language> <lastBuildDate>Sat, 05 Jul 2008 15:07:45 GMT</lastBuildDate> <item> <title>Item 1</title> <link></link> <description>This is Item 1</description> <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid> <pubDate>Sat, 05 Jul 2008 15:07:45 GMT</pubDate> </item> </channel> </rss> |
A Real Life Example
We just saw a basic sample that generates an RSS feed using the function we created. Let us now look at a real life example. We will use the pubs
sample database for this example. Connect to the pubs database and create the function.
Assume that we need to generate an RSS feed for each author. The feed will contain information about the books written by each author. For the purpose of our example, we will take author Green Marjorie.
We need to create two XML variables before we can call the function. The first XML variable should contain channel information and the second should contain item information. Let us create the
an XML document with channel information for author
Green Marjorie. The information of authors is stored in the table 'Authors'.
The Author ID of 'Green Marjorie' is '213-46-8915'
and we will use it for identifying the correct row from the 'Authors'
SELECT @ch = ( SELECT au_lname + ' ' + au_fname + '''s Books' AS Title, '' + au_id AS Link, 'Books written by ' + au_lname + ' ' + au_fname AS Description FROM authors WHERE au_id = '213-46-8915' FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('Channel') ) |
Now, let us find information about the books of the above author. ID of books written by each author is stored in the table 'TitleAuthor'. Details of the book is stored in the table 'Titles'. Let us link these tables and retrieve information about the books written by 'Green Marjorie'.
-- Create an XML document with item information SELECT @itm = ( SELECT t.title AS Title, '' + t.title_id AS Link, t.notes AS Description FROM titleauthor ta INNER JOIN titles t ON ta.title_id = t.title_id AND ta.au_id = '213-46-8915' FOR XML PATH ('Items'), ROOT('Item') ) |
The following code generates an RSS feed containing details of books written by
Green Marjorie.
-- declare variables DECLARE @ch XML, @itm XML
-- Create an XML document with channel information SELECT @ch = ( SELECT au_lname + ' ' + au_fname + '''s Books' AS Title, '' + au_id AS Link, 'Books written by ' + au_lname + ' ' + au_fname AS Description FROM authors WHERE au_id = '213-46-8915' FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('Channel') )
-- Create an XML document with item information SELECT @itm = ( SELECT t.title AS Title, '' + t.title_id AS Link, t.notes AS Description FROM titleauthor ta INNER JOIN titles t ON ta.title_id = t.title_id AND ta.au_id = '213-46-8915' FOR XML PATH ('Items'), ROOT('Item') )
-- generate the feed SELECT dbo.GenerateRss20( @ch, @itm ) |
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Green Marjorie's Books</title> <link></link> <description>Books written by Green Marjorie</description> <language>en-us</language> <lastBuildDate>Sat, 05 Jul 2008 15:26:48 GMT</lastBuildDate> <item> <title>The Busy Executive's Database Guide</title> <link></link> <description> An overview of available database systems with emphasis on common business applications. Illustrated. </description> <guid isPermaLink="true"> </guid> <pubDate>Sat, 05 Jul 2008 15:26:48 GMT</pubDate> </item> <item> <title>You Can Combat Computer Stress!</title> <link></link> <description> The latest medical and psychological techniques for living with the electronic office. Easy-to-understand explanations. </description> <guid isPermaLink="true"> </guid> <pubDate>Sat, 05 Jul 2008 15:26:48 GMT</pubDate> </item> </channel> </rss> |
Note that the nodes of the XML parameters should follow certain naming rules. The function identifies the elements by applying an exact match on the name and hence the elements of your XML parameter should be correctly named. The channel parameter recognizes the following elements.
- Title
- Link
- Description
- Webmaster
- Language
- ImageUrl
- ImageTitle
- ImageLink
- ImageWidth
- ImageHeight
- CopyRight
- LastBuildDate
- Ttl
The element names should EXACTLY match with the list given above. The function will ignore any elements that it cannot recognize. If you mis-spell a few elements, a feed will still be generated, but it may not be a valid RSS feed (as it would be missing some of the elements).
Just like the 'channel' parameter, the 'item'
parameter too, expects the elements to follow certain naming rules. The 'item'
parameter expects the following elements
- Title
- Link
- Description
- Guid
- PubDate
In this session, we created a function that generates an RSS 2.0 feed. The function takes two XML parameters containing the channel and item information. A feed is then generated based on the information stored in the XML parameters.