SQL Server exposes command shell in the form of extended stored procedures.
There are quite a few of them that are pretty useful, especially if your only
way of accessing the server is through SQL Server Enterprise Manager and/or
Query Analyzer. For example, xp_fixeddrives can give you free disk information,
xp_sendmail allows you to send emails in SQL script. To see how to use them
see my previous article on monitoring disk space using SQL scripts. Among
many extended stored procedures, the most versatile is xp_cmdshell, because it
provides you with a DOS interface that you can use to execute many useful
For example, often times we want to find out when the server was last
rebooted. This is very easy to do with xp_cmdshell. All you have to do is run
xp_cmdshell 'net statistics server'. In the result set, you will see "Statistics
since ....". That was when your server was last rebooted.
To use xp_cmdshell effectively, it helps if you know DOS command well. For
example, if you use a command like DEL that needs interactive user input, it is
going to be hard to automate tasks. To find out all the options or switches that
are associated with a command, under DOS, type YourCommand /?, you will see all
the options that are available to you. Please note that some command's options
are case-sensitive.
When writing these series of articles, I strive to use examples that are easy
to follow, touch key aspects of the technology, and provide a template for you
to work on. This one is no exception. The following are 2 examples that will
help you get started with xp_cmdshell.
Example 1: Stored Procedure to delete files in a folder
When your only way of managing SQL Server is through Enterprise Manager or Query
Analyzer, you will have to do a lot of tasks through command shell. If you find
yourself routinely conduct some activities using xp_cmdshell, it is a good idea
to wrap those routines into a stored procedure. This example takes an input
parameter for directory name and delete all files within that directory. The
directory name can be UNC path. I put some comments within this procedure so it
should be easy to follow.
CREATE proc usp_DeleteFileInFolder @FolderName varchar(150) as --Created by Haidong Ji SET NOCOUNT ON declare @DOSCommand varchar(150) --Check whether the user supply \ in the directory name if not (right(@FolderName, 1) = '\') set @FolderName = @FolderName + '\' --Delete all files within this folder. Note: del *.* only deletes files, --not folders. Q is the quite switch so DOS will not ask for confirmation set @DOSCommand = 'del /Q ' + '"' + @FolderName + '*.*' + '"' print @DOSCommand exec master..xp_cmdshell @DOSCommand GO
Example 2: Stored procedure to automatically generate database schema
Often times, there is a need to keep a backup copy of database schema
information, so that an empty database can be easily created without data. You
can generate database script using Enterprise Manager. You can also use SQL-DMO
for this purpose.(See
Andy's intro to DMO). However, SQL Server also provides a nifty utility
called scptxfr that you can use to generate database script. This example
demonstrate how you can use xp_cmdshell to call an external program to finish
some task. This stored procedure will iterate all user databases on the server
and generate database scripts for them. The output will be stored in the folder
name passed in as an input parameter. Each database will have a separate file.
The file name will be in the format of ServerName_DBName_YYYYMMDD.SQL. You can
easily schedule this procedure as a job so database scripts will be backup
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_GenerateDBScripts @FolderName varchar(150) AS -- Author: Haidong Ji -- Purpose: This stored procedure will generate DB scripts -- for each user databases on this server. -- Note that DB property info will not be generated, such as file location, -- recovery model, and other db options like Auto Update Statistics, -- Auto Shrink, etc. --Note also that you can use UNC path for output file. -- ***Important*** Depending upon your installation of SQL Server, -- you might need to change the directory name -- to get to the scptxfr.exe utility set nocount on declare @DBName varchar(50) Declare @CMD Varchar(1000) --Check whether the user supply \ in the directory name if not (right(@FolderName, 1) = '\') set @FolderName = @FolderName + '\' declare UserDB_Cursor cursor fast_forward for select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name not in ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'pubs', 'northwind', 'msdb') open UserDB_Cursor fetch next from UserDB_Cursor into @DBName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin Select @CMD='Exec master..xp_cmdshell ''"c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\upgrade\scptxfr.exe" /I /s ' +@@SERVERNAME+' /d ' + @DBName + ' /f ' + @FolderName +@@Servername+'_' + @DBName + '_'+ Replace(convert(Varchar(8),getdate(),112)+'_'+convert(Varchar(8),getdate(),114),':','')+ '.sql /r /O /Y /G ''' print @CMD Exec (@CMD) fetch next from UserDB_Cursor into @DBName end close UserDB_Cursor deallocate UserDB_Cursor GO
Continuing the discussion of SQL Server admin automation techniques, (see my
previous articles on
VBScript and
WMI), I talk about using command shell to automate various tasks in SQL
Server in this article. Hopefully it can provide enough information to get you
In addition,
Brian Knight's article on xp_cmdshell is also very helpful.