SQLServerCentral Article

Using Stored Procedures for SQL Server DML




can learn a little about creating and/or

accessing a database nowadays. Just take a minute to browse your local bookstore and

you will find a plethora of books on the subject. And while I feel that it

is wonderful that all of this knowledge is so easily attainable, I also find it frustrating. It

seems that many times what is being taught is often the "fast and easy" way

to do something with no mention of the repercussions of building actual applications in such

a manner. What I commonly

find missing from these textbooks is any consideration of the following core aspects of

professional database development and deployment:



Database access is a subject that

deserves consideration as part of the overall database architecture, and not

just a quick demonstration of the simplest and most easily described

methods.  Applications designed without a data access forethought

can be the most difficult to secure, support, maintain and

enhance.  Designing your application so that Stored Procedures are the only

database objects that are accessed is generally the best practice.  In

fact, Stored Procedures should be used in SQL Server for Data

Manipulation Language (DML)

This premise is written with the following assumptions in



  • Data Access is important to you /

    your project.

  • Your existing framework supports the use of stored procedures, and
    the Data Access concerned is not a one

    time event.

  • You are not

    developing a "quick prototype."(Although prototypes tend to grow into


  • Your

    application is not designed to be database platform independent or 100%

    ANSI compliant.

  • The SQL Server database you are using is relatively relational

    and not "flat."

The simple fact is, using

Stored Procedures in conjunction with a well defined development standard to consolidate your

Insert, Update, Delete and Select statements will vastly improve the security, performance and

maintainability of your application at a minimal/negligable



  • Permissions - Table/View Level

    I have heard and read many times that views are a good way of

    controlling access to particular database objects. Stored Procedures, however,

    can provide the same and additional functionality. You can grant EXECUTE

    permissions to a stored procedure without necessarily granting rights to

    the objects referenced by the stored procedure. If stored procedures are used

    for DML (insert, update, delete and select) they can provide the same functionality

    provided in a view. Programs like Microsoft Access or Crystal Reports allow

    users to pull information from stored procedures as if they were tables. In

    addition, the user will be prompted with the parameters present in the stored

    procedure, possibly eliminating the requirement for a "where clause" or a

    filter to be applied to the data. (BTW - If a

    user wants to do ad-hoc reporting, ideally this work should be done on a standby

    server and not against a production machine.)

  • Permissions - Column/Row Level

    By assigning permissions through Stored Procedures, not only can you control

    how any statements that will alter the database are written, you can control

    modifications on a column and/or row basis.

  • Data Integrity

    Using Stored Procedures for DML makes it nearly

    impossible for someone to forget the "where clause" and make a global update, or worse

    yet, delete the data from an entire table.  In addition, requiring the use

    of DML for inserts, updates and deletes can help to prevent the addition or alteration of data by incorrectly written

    ad-hoc SQL statements.

  • Encapsulation

    In many cases, a company may not want all of it's own

    developers, or client developers to know the exact schema of a proprietary

    database. By using stored procedures for all DML this can be

    accomplished while allowing development of a system to move


  • RI and Business Rules*

    Depending upon where the referential integrity is enforced, using stored procedures in this way

    can help keep the database under control. (You may not want

    users adding new magazine articles to a table if the magazine itself has

    already been printed.) You can also control RI between your system and other

    databases (see Transactions).

  • Transactions*

    By using stored procedures you can be assured that mutually dependent updates within

    your database or between your database and others occur synchronously. In

    other words, you can wrap a transaction around an entire update so that either

    all of it occurs, or it all rolls back as one.

*Some type of Business Rules and Transactions may not be appropriately

placed in Stored Procedures depending upon the application design

and the decision of the layer in which to place this type of logic. 

In many cases, some Business Logic arguably belongs in it's own object

layer(s), and transactions may be handled by entities other than just SQL Server

(like MTS).  However, in many basic development environments, Business

Logic and Transactions are best segregated in the Stored Procedures. 

These items do need to be considered early in development, and organized in a

centralized, predictable and manageable fashion.


In my experience, there are

basically five

ways in which data in a SQL Server is manipulated,

let's briefly look at each


1.  Data Access Methods (ADO, RDO, DAO,

2.  Dynamic/Embedded SQL Statements in Code such as


3.  Updateable


Dynamic-SQL Stored Procedures (non-compiled SQL)

5.  Static Stored


  • ADO (RDO, DAO, etc) Methods

    If you use ADO, you will be familiar with the handy .AddNew,

    .Update, and .Delete methods that are available. While these are very

    convenient, and what is most commonly taught in the "learn it quick" books,

    they are a very expensive means of getting at the data in a SQL Server. 

    Compared to using stored procedures, which exist right on the SQL

    Server itself, these methods in ADO can generate large amounts of network traffic

    and go about doing an update using cursor based logic (looping) instead of

    joins. If you are dealing with large amounts of data, the

    difference can be enormous.

  • Dynamic/Embedded SQL in Code such as VB/ASP

    This can take two forms, hard

    coded static SQL statements in an application (VB or ASP for example) or dynamic

    series of SQL Strings that get pieced together based on logic also hard

    coded in the application. The SQL then gets sent across the network to

    the SQL Server where it must be parsed for syntax accuracy, compiled, a query plan

    created, and then executed. While this is slightly faster than using

    ADO's methods (above), it is still very burdensome, and when an

    application gets large it becomes very difficult to maintain. In

    addition, by embedding SQL into an application the responsibility for

    optimizing the SQL Code is for all practical purposes no longer in the arena

    of the DBA or SQL Developer who is specialized.

  • Updateable Views

    While views can provide the same type of

    insulation between an application and database tables as stored

    procedures, views provide almost the same functionality as a table and

    therefore circumvent many of the reasons for using stored procedures discussed

    in this article.  A view can easily be treated as a table and allows for

    the use of ADO Methods, inefficient SQL code, forgotten where clauses,

    embedded SQL etc.  Views are great to use for ad-hoc reporting solutions,

    preferably on a standby server and not on a production


  • Dynamic-SQL Stored

    Procedures (non-compiled


    A dynamic SQL

    Stored Procedure is one in which the SQL is built on the fly inside of the

    stored procedure, and is dependent upon parameters passed.  The SQL

    statement is concatenated together and the final result is then executed.

    While this can be a very powerful tool, it must be considered that writing

    stored procedures in this way is difficult to debug, maintain and inefficient.

    It is impossible for SQL Server to reuse query plans created by dynamic stored

    procedures, and so each time a new query plan must be


  • Static Stored Procedures

    By using stored procedures

    the syntax has already been checked, and a

    compiled statement and

    pre-defined query plan are ready to use immediately. There are many performance

    benefits to having DML located in Stored Procedures, the top four

    being that the code is Precompiled, that the SQL Server can then

    perform multi-step processes without repeated calls across the network, that the SQL Code

    can then be written by SQL Developers, DBAs, or in the

    most basic cases a scripting tool (see Tools section at the end of this article)

    - not by Webmasters or other types of non-SQL specialists, and

    that Network Traffic and CPU Processor Time is decreased.

  • Precompiled Code


    reason why stored procedures improve an application's performance is that the SQL

    code is precompiled. When a stored procedure is saved in the database,

    SQL Server parses the syntax for accuracy and saves the procedure's text in

    the syscomments table. Upon the initial execution, the query processor checks to see

    that the referenced objects exist. If they do, SQL Server compiles an execution

    plan and stores it in memory in an area called the procedure cache.

    As a result, SQL Server doesn't have to reconstruct the same query

    plan over and over again, and already knows the indexes it will use and the

    strategy it will take to return query resultset.

  • Multi-step Processes

    Another performance gain from stored procedures is

    that you can perform multi-step processes requiring conditional logic, entirely within a

    stored procedure. You simply call the procedure and pass it

    all the parameters required for the process. The procedure can then use Transact

    SQL (T-SQL) conditional statements (CASE statements are designed for this

    purpose) to make decisions rather than have the client application submit a

    query to the server, retrieve the result set, make the decision, and finally

    submit another query to perform the action. These additional round trips to

    the server consume network bandwidth, not to mention processing


  • Efficiently Written Code

    When combined with the proper development process and

    personnel, requiring all DML be contained within stored procedures can help

    to assure that all SQL will be either written or reviewed by a

    knowledgeable SQL person who understands the underlying index structures and

    the concept of optimization. Obviously, poorly structured SQL can cause

    performance issues as locks escalate and resources are consumed.  One good example of this is

    that select statements on heavily used tables that do not require up

    to the second information can be given the "with (NOLOCK)" hint to allow a dirty read.  If all requests

    for information go through the same interface (that table's "select" stored procedure), locked records and

    timeout issues in the application can be avoided.

  • Reduced Network Traffic & CPU Processor Time

    Calling a stored procedure only requires sending the stored procedure and

    parameters across the network instead of an entire SQL String.

    Plus, the stored procedure can decide what type of update needs to take place

    instead of successive SQL statements traveling back and forth as conditional

    instructions are followed from another location (IIS/ASP, COM or within a


One additional

note: While it may take more code, it is worthwhile to create

parameters for your stored procedure calls explicitly in your code instead of

using the .Refresh ADO method. Doing so eliminates back and forth trips to the

server to provide a list of parameters and will speed things up even



The last, and

probably most significant reason for using Stored Procedures for DML and making

data access it's own "layer" is that the level of complexity related to

database alterations is greatly decreased.  This strategy has many benefits:

    1. It allows for the use of a consolidated data

      access object naming convention.

    2. It places data

      storage rules closer to the database itself.

    3. It isolates code changes required due to database


    4. It promotes data access code


    5. It works with source code version control tracking

      ( VSS)

      and development processes.

    6. It can

      unify the method of error logging in all tables throughout a database, and

      greatly decrease troubleshooting time.

  • Error Logging
    Stored Procedures can call the raiserror function, and

    write to the log a custom message to assist in tracking and debugging a SQL application. Other

    methods of error logging which can be accessed when doing updates via

    stored procedure are writing information to meta tables and providing output parameters signaling success, failure,

    or some other information.  This strategy places the SQL related errors close

    to the people in the infastructure who can fix them.  An email

    can even be sent to an administrator if need

    be!  Using Stored Procedures for DML, and including Error

    Tracking, is a great way to provide consistent Error Handling for all tables

    in your database.

  • Database Structure Changes

    By creating procedures to select, insert, update, and delete data,

    you can shield any dependent applications from changes that are required within the

    database. When stored procedures are used as the interface that developers use

    to manipulate data, you can change the database's structure without affecting the

    application programs. As long as the stored procedures contain the same parameters, return the same quantity and

    types of columns, and no additional required parameters have been added, there is no need

    to recompile and redistribute any client program when database alterations are

    made. Stored Procedures are a great way to achieve a separation between

    a database and dependent application programs.

  • Control Source


    Using stored procedures for DML allows you to create a modular library code designed

    specifically around data access. The code can then be scripted and

    versioned, allowing for the creation of a "data access" layer

    that can more easily be defined, tracked, debugged and involved in

    the development cycle as it's own entity. Since data access is

    one of the biggest application performance problem areas (bottlenecks), it is

    beneficial to treat it as a serious subject requiring highly trained

    development resources and consideration.

  • DML Consolidation and

    Having stored procedures that provide

    predictable and specific DML functionality helps to prevent repeated code from

    being written.  This type of consolidation is not only efficient in

    regard to development time, but makes an application smaller, more streamlined

    and modular.  Also, the act of SQL optimization only needs to be

    done once per actual table event type, instead of multiple times for

    essentially the same SQL with a different name or in a different location

    in the application.  Repeated code is generally undesirable in programming, and

    SQL is no exception.

  • Defined Methodology

    Especially in large development teams, if there is not a

    development methodology (how do we name objects, what type of code belongs in

    each object, what are the technologies we are going to use to create objects and

    which are we not going to use, etc..) the entire development project

    can become so scattered and

    hodge-podge that the application becomes a nightmare to debug

    and maintain. SQL and Data Access is no exception. Sure, it may be faster

    and easier to just write SQL on the fly in whatever environment you happen to be

    coding in at the time, but in the long run this can cause more

    problems than the initial convenience. As in anything, a little planning up

    front can make your life (or the next guy's) much easier.

    If Stored Procedures are used

    for DML, a defined data access methodology can prevail which makes

    development, debugging, optimization, upgrades and migrations much more

    simple. One example is defining a naming convention for all DML to help

    immediately pinpoint the logical players tied to a table alteration (see


    Example DML Naming Conventions

    Option 1










    Option 2










By requiring all inserts, updates,

deletes and selects occur through stored procedures named in such a way, a

database change becomes fairly straightforward. Otherwise, one would need to

go through the familiar task of changing views, stored procedures, asp code,

vb code, include files, Access databases, Crystal Reports,



I am aware

that there are many ways to access data, but I am of the general opinion that

DML itself does not belong scattered all over an application. It is too

difficult to maintain, secure and nearly impossible to optimize. Plan

ahead when doing your development, otherwise most developers will unthinkingly follow the

shortest development path - sacrificing stability, efficiency and long term development efforts.


    • Hemant Sahgal has posted

      T/SQL Code that will generate insert, update and delete stored procedures for

      every table in a database based on metadata. You can find these

      scripts at the following link under:

      Automatically Create Insert, Update and Delete


        I found that the

      scripts do require some modification to work under SQL 2000 - mostly double

      quote and single quote issues, but nothing too complex.  It would be

      fairly easy to write a script that stepped through each table in a database,

      called a revised version of Sahgal's code and compiled stored procedures for

      Insert, Update and Deletes automatically.

    • Lockwood Technologies has a freeware VB - SQL

      DMO program, including source code, called Proc Blaster that generates

      Insert, Update, Select and Delete Stored Procedures for each table in a


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