SQLServerCentral Article

SQLServerCentral Friday Crossword No 2



Welcome to the second instalment of the SQLServercentral.com Friday crossword!

If you know your SQL Server, and have 10 minutes to spare this Friday afternoon, then pour yourself a coffee, sharpen your metaphoric pencil, and take up our SQL Server 2005 Crossword challenge!

When you've completed the grid, take a screenshot and email it to me at:

[ tdavis ] [@] [sqlservercentral ] [ .com] (Remove all brackets and spaces)

All correct entries will go into a prize draw. The winner will receive a $50 Amazon voucher and a copy of Grant Fritchey's excellent new e-Book, Dissecting SQL Server Execution Plans. Three runners-up will receive a copy of the e-Book.

If the crossword proves popular, we'll make it a regular monthly feature!


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