SQL Server is powerful tool to store terabytes of data but what if you need to search for some values thoughout the database? The situation becomes even more complicated when you don't even know the tables' names. So what can be done? Do we need to go to each and every table and then search or is there any smarter way?
The answer to the above question is yes, there is. There are numerous way of doing this but I have done this using cursors. Using a nested loop system you can search the values throughout the database and it will return all the columns with tables containing these values.
Let's take a look at the query:
--Variable Delaration Declare @keytosearch varchar(max), @Database_Selected varchar(50) set @keytosearch ='%london%' set @Database_Selected= 'Northwind' Declare @Table varchar(100), @Table_Name Cursor, @Count_Column int, @Result nvarchar(4000),@ID int,@ID_inserted int,@Count_Table int, @data_type varchar(10) set @ID_inserted=0 set @Count_Table=0 DECLARE @column varchar(max), @Column_Name CURSOR --Variable Delaration end --Second Cursor start declare @informationName varchar(50), @SysName varchar(50), @Var varchar(5) set @informationName=@Database_Selected+'.'+'information_schema.COLUMNS' Set @SysName=@Database_Selected+'.'+'sys.objects' Set @Var='u' --Database Selected start Create Table #SearchResult(ID int identity(1,1) not null, TableName varchar(50), ColumnName varchar(50)) Create Table #SearchTestResult(ID int identity(1,1) not null, ColumnName varchar(max)) Create Table #Table_Name(ID int identity(1,1) not null, table_name varchar(50)) IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME='Column_Nam') drop table Column_Nam insert into #Table_Name exec ('Select name from '+@SysName +' where type= '''+@Var+'''') --First Cursor open SET @Table_Name = CURSOR FOR Select table_name from #Table_Name open @Table_Name Fetch Next from @Table_Name into @Table WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN set @Count_Table =@Count_Table+1 --Second cursor opened --print 'Select column_name from '+@informationName +' where table_name= '''+@Table+''''s Exec('SELECT column_name,data_type INTO Column_Nam FROM '+ @informationName +' where table_name = '''+@Table+'''') SET @Column_Name = CURSOR FOR (select column_name from Column_Nam ) OPEN @Column_Name FETCH NEXT FROM @Column_Name INTO @column set @Table=@Database_Selected+'.[dbo].['+@Table+']' WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN set @data_type= (SELECT top 1 data_type FROM Column_Nam Where column_name= @column) if @data_type is not null and (@data_type='varchar' or @data_type='nvarchar' or @data_type='Text') begin set @Result=null if @column like '%-%' begin set @Result =('SELECT ''' + @column +''' FROM ' + @Table +' Where ''' + @column + ''' Like '''+@keytosearch+'''') end else set @Result =('SELECT ' + @column +' FROM ' + @Table +' Where ' + @column + ' Like '''+@keytosearch+'''') insert into #SearchTestResult exec(@Result) set @ID=0 set @ID=(Select ID from #SearchTestResult where ID=Scope_identity()) if @ID is not null begin set @ID_inserted=(select top 1 ID from #SearchResult order by ID desc) if @ID_inserted = @ID begin print '' end else insert into #SearchResult values (@Table,@column) end end FETCH NEXT FROM @Column_Name INTO @column END CLOSE @Column_Name DEALLOCATE @Column_Name --Second cursor closed drop table Column_Nam Fetch Next from @Table_Name into @Table End close @Table_Name Deallocate @Table_Name --First Cursor Closed Select * from #SearchResult
There are two cursors running in this code one inside another. The outer cursor selects the table name from the database. The inner cursor picks each column and then checks the value passed in for a match. If a record is found then it inserts the table name with the column value into a temp table (#SearchTestResult). At the end it gives all the results.
Searching the keyword "London" in Northwind database gives
ID TableName ColumnName 1 Northwind.[dbo].[Customers] City 2 Northwind.[dbo].[Suppliers] City 3 Northwind.[dbo].[Orders] ShipCity 4 Northwind.[dbo].[Employees] City
You need to pass the key you want to use to search, the @keytoseach parameter, and the database name in which you want to search as the @Database_Selected parameter. As the results, you will get tables with columns who contain the search term.
Thanks for reading my post. Hope you enjoyed it 🙂