SQLServerCentral Article

SCOME - Part 4: Using Visual Studio To Develop The Report


A recap on things so far

Hello again, and welcome to SCOME – Centralizing with ASP.Net, where

in part 4 we'll dive head first into the world of Microsoft's Visual Studio.

Are the primates still swinging on your SQL Servers and jumping on keyboards

where you are? Yeh, they are here too, but our suite of reports will allow us

to not only centralize *all* aspects of our monitoring, but also create web

applications that will help us manage our day to day DBA duties. In

part one we discussed the reasons for Centralizing, and how this can be achieved

using the SCOME technique. In part 2 we set up our linked servers and the initial

setup tables. In part 3 we started on our Failed Jobs report and discussed how

this report can be easily changed to reflect any SQL Server data held in it's

system tables and views. Today we finally get to do .Net things. I intended

on completing the Failed Jobs report today as it's not quite finished (the final

report will allow to extract keyworded entries in the log files), but some people

have been very keen to get on, so we’ll extend the Failed Jobs scripts

later after we’ve implemented it as an actual report in .Net.

What this article is about

This article is an introduction to Microsoft

Visual Studio, the .Net framework, how the web pages fit together and other

bits and pieces relevant to writing web applications. It is a straight-forward

no-nonsense, sweet and sassy guide where the idea is to get us up and running

as quickly as possible. Just a quick reminder that to make this suitable

for as many people as possible, I will assume you know nothing, so forgive me

if I iterate over something that may seem obvious or something you already know.

As there is so much to cover, I'll actually do very little explaining on how

some things are the way they are in .Net, or the technology behind them, but

feel free to google these as, needless to say, there are very good websites

that do this. The aim here however is to get you up and running, so that you

can systematically build your own .Net solutions in your own time, that will

in-turn aid your day to day DBA duties. You could use Reporting Services to

do much of this, but as you get whizzy at developing, you'll find that you may

want to use Microsoft .Net components and/or third party components not easily

available to the vanilla framework used by Reporting Services, whereas conversely,

you can build Reporting Services pages on top of your web app from within Visual

Studio. We'll do all this in VB.Net as it's more intuitive than C#.Net, but

if you'd rather not, there are lots of free online VB.Net to C# converters.

It's worth mentioning that there is nothing that can be done in C#.Net that

can't be done in VB.Net. They are both based on the same framework.

The Client Browser, the Web Server and the Database Server

So let's say we use the Payroll web application to look up an employee's details.

We punch in the Payroll number and back come the details. What's actually happening

is the browser on your PC puts in a request to a web server. The web server

holds the code (that we write in the form of web pages) that tells the browser

(a) what the page will look like and (b) what the web server needs to do to

retrieve the employee's details. Our code on the web server says (to the web

server), if the browser sends an employee number, go pass it as a parameter

to some stored procedure on this database server. SQL Server does it's thing

and passes the results back to the web server, that then passes it back to the

client browser. Incidentally, this web server may be somewhere across the world

(like the web server that these pages you are reading right now are on), it

may be a web server on your internal network, or it could even be the same client

PC you are actually browsing from. Likewise, the database server can be remote

or local.

Figure 1 - PC Client to Web server to Database Server and back again

Visual Studio allows you to design the look of the web pages (written

in HTML and Cascading Style Sheets) as well as write the code that talks to

the database (VB.Net or C#.Net). The process may seem a bit much if you've not

been exposed to this before, but fortunately we don't have to write much of

the interacting components, as the .Net framework was developed for this purpose

alone. We just drag the components we want to use within Visual Studio to the

page and connect them together with snippets of code.

The .Net Framework

When I first got myself a PC, I didn't know know what the heck the ".Net

framework" was. Every time I downloaded a new app to install, the instructions

said you must first have the .Net framework installed. Meant nothing to me.

There was nothing in my Programs start menu that remotely indicated that I'd

have it installed, and when I discovered that it was, I couldn't actually find

it. There was no GUI to the framework, what was I supposed to do with it? The

reason for this is that you don't get to see it. The framework is just a load

of dll files that your application relies on to function. Once downloaded (from

Microsoft) and installed, it gets placed into the bowels of your operating system

and your application (if a windows form) then uses it. If your application is

a web one, such as what we are developing, then the framework must be installed

on the web server. In essence, all the .Net framework is, is a lazy mans way

of writing less code. You see the dialog box that you use to browse to a file?

Chances are that was a .Net component dragged and dropped on to the web page

or windows form from a Toolbox in Visual Studio. Just like the Toolbox in the

SSMS Maintenance Plan screen. See that drop down list? Also, a .Net component

dragged and dropped. See the radio buttons, or the data grid, the context menu

(the one that appears when you right click), the login screen, or the calendar

control? All .Net components that have been dragged and dropped. All we have

to do is tell the web server what we want doing with these by writing code that

connects the components together. And we do this using Visual Studio.

Visual Studio

Visual Studio is a an integrated development environment (IDE) from which you

can do anything. You can build windows apps, web apps, mobile apps and anything

in between using a zillion and one different languages. It's all there in one

contained space. It will compile your apps, package them, create dlls, create

install wizards. It allows you to use Microsoft components, third party components

and open source components. You can design your app via code or the inbuilt

graphical designer. It has a full blown debugger that will step through your

code one line at a time so you can see where your app goes wrong. Comparatively

speaking, it's a very friendly bit of kit. It's just on your side. Heck, I even

made a Beef Goulash last week using Visual Studio and that's no lie.

So let's get started. If you don't have a copy of Visual Studio, now is the

time to download it. Visual

Studio Web Developer 2008 Express Edition is a free cut down version of

Visual Studio Pro. I use the Pro edition, but to the best of my knowledge everything

we will cover can be done in the freebie one. When you come to install it, make

sure you choose Visual Basic as one of the languages you want to use.

Creating a New website

To create a new website, we go to File -> New website (in the future, when

you want to work further on your site, go to File -> Open Website, and browse

to the folder containing your website). You should be presented with the following


Figure 2 - Creating a new website

1. Select the ASP.Net website icon. This will setup the necessary files to

start a blank ASP.Net site.

2. Choose the type of location where you want the files

placed. You can choose between a virtual directory, an FTP site or in some folder.

We're going for some folder; so choose File System.

3. Microsoft adds new components to the framework every

now and again to make life a bit more easier for you and me. Every time they

do, they increment the versions. At the time of writing, the latest version

was 3.5. I first started my suite of reports when the latest version was 2.0.

Every time, I open my web site in Visual Studio, it asks me if I would like

to upgrade the website to use .Net 3.5. I always so no, because I've kind of

learnt not to bother with things unless I really need to. So here, by all mean's

select the latest version. If you want to be really safe though while following

along with me, select .Net Framework 2.0. Later, you can upgrade when you know

it's all working.

4. Select the path where the website will be kept

during development, and hit OK. You should now be presented with the Visual

Studio IDE.

Figure 3 - The Visual Studio IDE

The IDE dissected

1. This is the main design area of the screen. This is where your web page

or windows form gets designed and the code gets written.

2. This is the Toolbox area, from which you drag and drop components onto your

design area. Components such as Dialog Boxes, Drop down lists, Combo Boxes etc.

These are grouped into, well groups.

3. The Solution Explorer displays all the files that make up your entire application

solution. All your reports will be listed here in the form of web pages.

4. That little Play symbol runs your app when you want to see how it will look

like in the real world.

5. The Properties pane. Every element, every page, anything you click has properties

and they can be viewed and changed here. Do you want the checkbox to default

to checked or unchecked, what colour do you want the page background to be and

so on.

6. These tabs at the bottom allow you to switch views from Source View, where

you get to see the code behind the design of the page, Design View where you

get to see how the page will physically look or Split View where the screen

is split and you get to see both (useful when there is lots of code and it gets

a bit confusing knowing what does what).

7. Finally, that bottom bit there, is by default the location of various information

panes such as what's happening when you are debugging, any errors or warnings

regarding your code, build progress etc.

If we take a closer look at the Solution Explorer, you'll find various elements

have been placed in the pane.

Figure 4 - Solution Explorer

Ignore the App_Code and App_Data folders, let's look at the others...

1. The web.config file is an xml file and is

the most important file you will have in your solution. Without it, your web

app won't run. It contains configuration items related to the site as a whole

such as connections strings, the security model to be used, the libraries to

be used, maximum and minimum limitations you may want to enforce (such as the

maximum size a file can be uploaded to your site, or the length of time before

a page times out etc). Like everything in Visual Studio, you can edit this file

manually, but once again the good people at Microsoft makes life easy for the

lazy man by providing all sorts of GUI windows to edit the Web.config file.

2. The Default.aspx and Default.aspx.vb files.

When your folder contains lots of web pages (or web forms as they're called

in ASP.Net), the web server will look for the Default.aspx and take that has

your home page. Unless otherwise specified, it is the first form that it will

load when someone visits you site.

The VB.Net code does not have to be in

the .aspx.vb page, it can actually go in the .aspx page as long as it is in

between <% and %>, but it's good to keep things separate.

For example www.MySQLReports.com/Default.aspx. The aspx extension

is typical for a .Net web form. Notice how Default.aspx.vb comes under the Default.aspx?

Every time you create a new .aspx web form in Visual Studio, a corresponding

.aspx.vb page will be created underneath it. In the .aspx page we write how

the page will look by using HTML, Stylesheets, and certain ASP.Net elements

(like textboxes, buttons and checkboxes etc). In the .vb page, we write what

we want those ASP.Net elements to do, using Visual Basic, such as sending data

to and from the database server. Now delete the Default.aspx page, so we can

cover how to create a new web form, as this is what we will do every time we

want to create a new form (a new report).

Creating a new web form

Go to Website -> Add New Item, you should be presented with

the following screen...

Figure 5 - Adding a new web form (page)

Look at all that! We could go to town with this (notice the Reporting Services

items in the middle there). Select Web Form, call it FailedJobs. Tick "Place

code in separate file", so that the .vb page is also created. We're not

actually going to be doing any coding in this particular report (so we won't

enter anything into the FailedJobs.aspx.vb file today), as I want to demonstrate

how simple it is to display data using the wizard. When we come to extend the

FailedJobs report in a future article, we will programme using VB.Net. Now double

click on FailedJobs.aspx that has been created in the Solution Explorer. Click

on the Source tab in the IDE (number 6 in figure 3 above). At the top of the

page, you should see code similar to this:

<%@ Page Language="VB" 
  AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="FailedJobs.aspx.vb" 
  Inherits="FailedJobs" %> 

I just want to point out now that the CodeFile="FailedJobs.aspx.vb"

part must always be the name of the the corresponding .vb file where your code

will be. And the Inherits="FailedJobs" part must

always be the same as the name following "Partial Class" situated

at the top of the FailedJobs.aspx.vb page. If your pages get muddled up one

as you follow these articles and things aren't quite working, check that this

is still the case.

Enter SQL Server

Now lets finish off this report. As mentioned above, normally your programming

code would go in the aspx.vb file, including any lines that specify where your

database is (your Data Source). Lots of ASP.Net controls can have Data Sources

associated with them but when we use the Data Source wizard to setup your connection,

instead of placing it in the aspx.vb file, it actually places it in the .aspx

file. But that's fine. We just want to get a feel for how things work and the

options we have available to us. Go to the Toolbox, find the group called Data

and select GridView. Drag it to the middle of the window (1 in figure 3). The

component should render itself like this (see figure 6).

Figure 6 - The ASP.Net Grid View control

Click on Choose Data Source and create a New Data Source. You

should be presented with a "Data Source Configuration Wizard". In

the first step, select the database icon and replace "SqlDataSource1",

with FailedJobs_DataSource. This is the name we are going to give our connection

string. Click OK. The next step is to "Choose Your Data Connection"

i.e where is this server we want the string to point to? Click New Connection

and you'll be presented with a dialog window that allows you to specify your

server and database where the FailedJobs table is. This is your server with

all the linked servers set up on it. Once you've done this, click next and the

next screen will ask if you want to save this connection so that you can use

it in the future without having to specify where the server is again. Save it

as DBA_Admin_ConnectionString, click Next and configure the Select statement.

We are now telling the wizard what we want displaying in the data grid control.

Specify the Failed_Jobs table, select which columns you want returned (figure

7) and click Next. Test your Query and click Finish, the data grid should now

look like this (Figure 8).

Figure 7 - Configure what you want the Data Grid to show

Figure 8 - The Data Grid configured (well almost).

Before we continue, I want to show you where that connection string was saved

to. It's in the daddy of all files, the Web.config file. Double click on it,

and you should be able to see your connection string.

Figure 9 - The connection string in the web.config file

Click on FailedJobs.aspx and click on the GridView so that the whole control

is selected. Then click on the Source tab (6 in figure 3). The code representing

the GridView should be highlighted. Familairise yourself with the different

elements; you could write that without the wizard. Do the same with the FailedJobs_DataSource.

Notice how it's calling the DBA_Admin_ConnectionString which is defined in the

web.config file.

We're now going to configure the columns on the Data Grid. Go back to Design

View and click on the tiny little tab hanging off the right hand side of the

Data Grid (see figure 8). You should get figure 10. Enable Paging if you want.

This means if you have too many failed jobs, it will display page numbers at

the bottom (you got a bigger problem if you got that many failed jobs!). Enable

Sorting allows you to sort via column name (such as by Server or Last_Run_Date).

Enable Selection allows you to select and copy. Click on Edit Columns to get

figure 11. Here you can configure how the columns will look in the Grid View.

First of all make sure Auto-generate fields is not ticked, as this will just

pull the data from the table without giving us the choice of formatting. On

the bottom left (of figure 11), select the field name you want to configure,

and on the right, it's properties are displayed. Play will all the available,

but the most important two is the HeaderText and the DataField. In the DataField

textbox we put the name of the corresponding table column. For example Job_Name.

The HeaderText is what the display name will be in GridView. For example "The

Job Name Field". If you leave this blank it will just reflect the name

of the column in the table (including any alias you may have given the table

column). You can completely remove or add fields all together and reorder them

by using the two panes on the left of the Fields window (figure 11).

Figure 10- GridView Tasks

Figure 11 - Configuring the GridView fields

Viewing the report in the browser

When you are done configuring the fields of the GridView, hit F5 or click the

little play icon (number 4 in figure 3). If you get a message about enabling

debugging, click Yes. An internal web sever installed by Visual Studio will

chug away and fire up your report in Internet Explorer. Viola!

Figure 12 - Our Failed Jobs report

Looks a bit bland, huh? Every element on your page, including the page itself,

has configurable properties. And within those properties you can change the

way anything looks i.e colours, borders, padding, margins, alignment etc. All

you have to do is click on the item and play with the properties in the Properties

pane in Visual Studio. Particularly look for the word "Style", as

this will often lead to more styling options.

That's it. You've developed an ASP.Net web page displaying all the failed jobs

on all your servers. You can run your FailedJobs retrieval job on your central

server as often as you like, and check for failed jobs in your report. You can

follow this same procedure to display any data (whether a table, a query or

proc) using the same connection wizard. In the next article, (a shorter one

hopefully), I'll show how easy it is to change the FailedJobs report into any

other type of report that displays info on all your servers, simply by changing

what's retrieved from the SQL Server system tables and views in the usp_GetFailedJob

proc. We'll demonstrate this by creating an Un-Run jobs report. This will display

jobs (such as backup jobs) that haven't been run in the last so many minutes/hours/days.

With two reports in our pocket, we'll then setup Internet Information Services

(IIS) so that the report pages can be viewed from any PC.

See you then,



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