Imagine a contacts database where we need to indicate whether or not a particular contact has a particular attribute
of a dynamic list of attributes.
For example our contact may be a student who has to choose a set of topics within a course. We may have a table structure
similar to the one below
- There will be a contact topic record for every combination of contact and topic
- Topics are broken down into different types
- All id fields are integers
- The primary keys are clustered
- The relationships in the diagram are for illustration purposes only. DRI may not necessarily be used, depending on the application.
The web front end for this displays a list of topics for a particular contact with a checkbox next to each description.
The challenge
There are two challenges to deal with here
Firstly, we need an efficient way of updating the records within our Tbl_ContactTopic table.
Secondly the most annoying HTML control on a web form has to be the checkbox. All other controls on a submitted form exist
regardless of whether or not a user has entered any information in those fields, but a checkbox only exists if the user has
checked it.
The web form
There is nothing we can do about the behaviour of the check box, but we can make things a bit easier for ourselves.
Consider the HTML below
<label for="chktopic1">Transact SQL</label> <input type="checkbox" name="chktopic" id="chktopic1" value="1"> <label for="chktopic2">SQL Administration</label> <input type="checkbox" name="chktopic" id="chktopic2" value="2"> ... ... <label for="chktopic10">SQL Administration</label> <input type="checkbox" name="chktopic" id="chktopic10" value="10">
Note that the value attribute contains the primary key value of the topic and that the id
attribute and matching for attribute of the <label> tag has the primary key value
appended in order to force uniqueness of the controls. This is necessary so that screen readers for the blind can interpret the form
By calling all of our checkbox controls chktopic then when we request the value of the chktopic then the checked items will
be returned as an array of values.
What approach should we take?
Take it as read that I am going to use stored procedures and not dynamic SQL for this.
I could get the web server to loop through the array returned by requesting the value of chktopic and call a stored procedure to update
my database for each itteration. The SQL would have a negligible impact on the database server requiring a clustered index seek.
On low to medium traffic web sites there would also be minimal impact. On high traffic sites however even small differences in
performance get multiplied up by the sheer volume of traffic.
In this case we may be better off passing our array of values across and letting the database server take the load and leaving the web
server(s) to do what web servers do best.
Web server code
To pass my array of checkbox values I need to cast the array as a string.
In the live system this was using server side javascript. (SSJS) so the code looked something like the following.
var _contact; var _topic=""; if(request.chktopic){ // Cast the array of chktopic values to a single comma delimited string. _topic=new String((request.chktopic); } // If there isn't a contact id then there must be an error if(!(_contact=request.contactid)){ redirect("errorpage.htm"); } //Code to handle _singleTopic, _topicType and _isMember values here var db=dbatabase.clone(); // Execute the stored procedure and don't cache the results. var sql="!nocache:execsp usp_setcontacttopic " + _contact + ", " + _singleTopic + ", " + _topicType + ", " + _isMember + ", '" + _topic + "'"; var result=db.execute(sql); /* Other code plus error trapping */ db.release();// Always destroy objects explicitly.
Assume that there is a considerable amount of error trapping over and above the code snippet shown.
SQL server code
Firstly I need a function to break out a delimited list into a table of values. I have called my function fnSplitter,
the code for which is shown below.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnSplitter ( @sInputString1 VARCHAR(8000) , @sSplitChar CHAR(1)) RETURNS @tbl_List TABLE (Id Int PRIMARY KEY ) AS /* *FUNCTION:fnSplitter *DESCRIPTION:Accepts a string of integer values with some form of delimiting character *and returns a table with a field containing a list of values. *ARGUMENTS:@sInputString1The 1st string containining the list of integer values. *@sSplitCharThe character that is used as a delimiter. *REMARKS:The function assumes that the string of integer variables does not contain duplicates. * *DateAuthorDescription *============================ *27-Jun-2002David PooleCreated */ BEGIN DECLARE@lInputStringLength1Int , @lPosition1Int, @lSplitChar1Int, @lIDInt SET@lInputStringLength1 = LEN ( @sInputString1 ) SET @lPosition1=1 SET@lSplitChar1=1 WHILE @lPosition1 BEGIN SET @lSplitChar1 = CHARINDEX ( @sSplitChar , @sInputString1 , @lPosition1) IF @lSplitChar1 = 0 BEGIN SET@lID = CAST( SUBSTRING( @sInputString1 , @lPosition1 ,1+ @lInputStringLength1 - @lPosition1) AS Int ) SET @lPosition1= @lInputStringLength1 + 1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @lID = CAST ( SUBSTRING( @sInputString1 , @lPosition1 , @lSplitChar1 - @lPosition1) AS INT ) SET @lPosition1 = @lSplitChar1+1 END INSERT @tbl_List( Id) VALUES( @lID) END RETURN END
Of course once you have decided to use this technique then you will find that you will want to use it in other situations.
For this reason it makes sense to put this function in the MODEL database as well as your current database.
Obviously my database server code has to include the usp_setcontacttopic stored procedure that was
called by the web server code.
As you can see it accepts up to 5 arguments. This implies that the procedure can do a great deal more than
has been discussed so far.
As an aside, it is easier to sell the concept of stored procedures if the programmer is shown a clear advantage in
using them, and that advantage has to be to the programmer, not some abstract such as user performance.
Most programmers are used to the concept of calling a function with varying argument lists so it is easy to
sell the idea of a single stored procedure performing multiple tasks than many stored procedures performing single tasks.
An explanation of the arguments is shown below
Argument | Description |
@ContactId | The unique reference number for a particular contact. This argument must always be present. |
@TopicId | Optional. The unique reference number for a particular topic. This allows a specific contact/topic combination to be set. If the value is not set then we could ask the procedure to update all records for a particular topic. |
@TopicTypeId | Optional. The unique reference number for a particular topic. This allows all topics of a specific type to be set for a contact. |
@IsSelected | Must be set to either 0 or 1. |
@TopicArray | Optional. Allows a set of specific topics to be set. |
The full code for the procedure is shown below
CREATE PROC dbo.Usp_SetContactTopics @ContactIdInt = NULL , @TopicIdInt = NULL , @TopicTypeIdInt = NULL , @IsSelectedBIT = NULL , @TopicArrayVARCHAR(200)= NULL AS /* * PROC:- Usp_SetContactTopic * Description:-For a given contact record the IsSelected flag can be set for * a) All topics. * b) All topics of a specified type. * c) A specific topic. * d) A list of topics * *Arguments:- * @ContactId - The Id of the contact within the contact/topic record to be retrieved. * @lTopicId - The id of the topic within the contact/topic record to be retrieved. * @lTopicTypeId - The id of the topictype for which all records will be set. * @IsSelecte - The value of the IsSelected flag. * @TopicArray - A list of topic ids to be set. * * Variables * @lReturnValue - Used to store @@ROWCOUNT, otherwise will contain -1. * * Dependancies * Table: * dbo.Tbl_ContactTopic * dbo.Tbl_Topic * *DateAuthorDescription *============================ *05-Mar-2004David PooleCreated */ SET NOCOUNT ON --Check that all compulsory parameters have been supplied. IF @ContactId ISNULL OR @IsSelected ISNULL BEGIN RAISERROR ('A contact and setting must be specified.',16,1) RETURN 0--Return value zero indicates and error. END DECLARE@lReturnValue Int --Cater for NULL arguments SET@TopicId = ISNULL(@TopicId,0) SET@TopicTypeId= ISNULL(@TopicTypeId,0) --If a specific topicid has been specified then there is no point --checking other parameters as it indicates a single specific record. IF @TopicId > 0 BEGIN UPDATEC SETC.IsSelected = @IsSelected FROMdbo.Tbl_ContactTopic AS C WHEREC.ContactId = @ContactId ANDC.TopicId= @TopicId SET @lReturnValue = @@ROWCOUNT --There should never be a situation where no rows are updated therefore --return a special -1 value to indicate a failure. IF @lReturnValue = 0 SET @lReturnValue=-1 RETURN@lReturnValue END SET@TopicArray=LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(@TopicArray,''))) --If no array of Topic Ids been submitted IF LEN(@TopicArray)=0 BEGIN --Set all topics of a particular type IF @TopicTypeId>0 BEGIN UPDATEC SETC.IsSelected = @IsSelected FROMdbo.Tbl_ContactTopic AS c INNER JOIN dbo.Tbl_Topic AS T ON C.TopicId = T.TopicId WHEREC.ContactId = @ContactId AND T.TopicTypeId = @TopicTypeId SET @lReturnValue = @@ROWCOUNT IF @lReturnValue = 0 SET @lReturnValue=-1 RETURN @lReturnValue END END ELSE --There is an array of ids BEGIN -- Combine the array with a topic type filter. IF @TopicTypeId>0 BEGIN UPDATE C SETC.IsSelected = @IsSelected FROMdbo.Tbl_ContactTopic AS C INNER JOIN dbo.Tbl_Topic AS T ON C.TopicId = T.TopicId INNER JOIN dbo.fnSplitter(@TopicArray,',') AS FN ON C.TopicId = FN.ID AND T.TopicId = FN.ID WHEREC.ContactId = @ContactId AND T.TopicTypeId =@TopicTypeId SET @lReturnValue = @@ROWCOUNT IF @lReturnValue = 0 SET @lReturnValue=-1 RETURN@lReturnValue END ELSE --There is only an array of topics to update. BEGIN UPDATEC SET C.IsSelected = @IsSelected FROM dbo.Tbl_ContactTopic AS c INNER JOINdbo.fnSplitter(@TopicArray,',') AS FN ONC.TopicId = FN.ID WHEREC.ContactId = @ContactId SET @lReturnValue = @@ROWCOUNT IF @lReturnValue = 0 SET @lReturnValue=-1 RETURN@lReturnValue END END --If we reached this point then we know that only the contact has been specified --so set all topic records for the contact. UPDATE C SET C.IsSelected = @IsSelected FROMdbo.Tbl_ContactTopic AS c WHEREC.ContactId = @ContactId SET @lReturnValue = @@ROWCOUNT IF @lReturnValue = 0 SET @lReturnValue=-1 RETURN@lReturnValue GO
Testing the procedure
In order to test the procedure I developed a test plan as follows.
@ContactId | @TopicId | @TopicTypeId | @IsSelected | @IsTopicArray | Subtree cost/fail |
NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NA / Fail1 |
276 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NA / Fail1 |
NULL | NULL | NULL | 1 | NULL | NA / Fail1 |
276 | NULL | NULL | 1 | NULL | 0.0133 |
276 | 15 | NULL | 1 | NULL | 0.0133 |
276 | NULL | NULL | 1 | '13,14,15' | 0.01802 |
276 | NULL | 2 | 1 | '13,14,15' | 0.0215 |
276 | NULL | 2 | 1 | NULL | 0.0180 |
1 | Test for the ommission of mandatory arguments. |
2 | I tested moving the function from an INNER JOIN to the WHERE C.ContactId = @ContactId AND C.TopicID IN ( SELECT ID FROM dbo.fnSplitter(@TopicArray,',')) It shaved 0.0001 off the subtree cost in this test and had no affect where the @TopicTypeId parameter was specified. For such a small saving I decided to leave the function where it was. |
3 | I also carried out some additional tests to confirm that the correct query was executed for various other combinations of parameters. For example, if the @TopicId parameter was specified then other selection parameters should be ignored. |
The procedure looks complicated, but if you look carefully you will see that it is really a lot of simple UPDATE
statements that are triggered depending on the arguments supplied.
The execution plans for the different scenarios show that index seeks are the order of the day so even when a delimited list
of ids are passed to the procedure the cost is low.
The amount of code and corresponding processing on the web server is reduced.
The programmer only has to check the arguments before passing them to a predefined stored procedure, thus saving themselves the bother
of coding a fairly mundane routine.