Recently I was faced with an interesting challenge that involved random numbers - to randomly select 1 in 5 invoices to be audited. My initial approach was to write a query with a column that contained a random number from 1 to 5 for each row in that table, and then to select the rows with a value of 1 for this new column. This should be easy I thought, and so I started by writing the following query.
CAST(5 * RAND() + 1 AS INT) AS Rnd --Generate random # between 1 and 5
FROM Invoice
This produced the following output.
InvoiceID........................... Rnd 1E92C9B1-7C7D-40EB-A386-6535A3AA557C 2 ECC458E2-CA56-4FD7-B508-5708C367D578 2 14EA7295-5338-4C92-AB4E-04FA88ADF8AB 2 AF414580-D271-4E46-96CA-AA5E2C4A05FD 2 F2126FAE-F22F-4B21-AB98-0C50EE233498 2 2A151BE0-5215-4EB7-A315-CD403E00A51D 2 D0BA9F75-8C4D-43F0-B929-1CA6F9F61A1A 2 5EC94F38-BF00-41DF-89E6-C175E4E886D5 2 7C32ADC4-6119-4D13-9B0E-D0207D15A208 2 0383E4E2-86C1-4FBD-9280-582132A401B9 2
Every time I ran the query it showed the same behavior, although with a different number. Exactly what was going on here? To find out, I simplified the query.
RAND() AS Rnd --Generate random # between 0 and 1
FROM Invoice
It produced the following outputs the first time:
InvoiceID........................... Rnd 1E92C9B1-7C7D-40EB-A386-6535A3AA557C 0.735523213 ECC458E2-CA56-4FD7-B508-5708C367D578 0.735523213 14EA7295-5338-4C92-AB4E-04FA88ADF8AB 0.735523213 AF414580-D271-4E46-96CA-AA5E2C4A05FD 0.735523213 F2126FAE-F22F-4B21-AB98-0C50EE233498 0.735523213 2A151BE0-5215-4EB7-A315-CD403E00A51D 0.735523213 D0BA9F75-8C4D-43F0-B929-1CA6F9F61A1A 0.735523213 5EC94F38-BF00-41DF-89E6-C175E4E886D5 0.735523213 7C32ADC4-6119-4D13-9B0E-D0207D15A208 0.735523213 0383E4E2-86C1-4FBD-9280-582132A401B9 0.735523213
and the second time:
InvoiceID........................... Rnd 1E92C9B1-7C7D-40EB-A386-6535A3AA557C 0.187330049 ECC458E2-CA56-4FD7-B508-5708C367D578 0.187330049 14EA7295-5338-4C92-AB4E-04FA88ADF8AB 0.187330049 AF414580-D271-4E46-96CA-AA5E2C4A05FD 0.187330049 F2126FAE-F22F-4B21-AB98-0C50EE233498 0.187330049 2A151BE0-5215-4EB7-A315-CD403E00A51D 0.187330049 D0BA9F75-8C4D-43F0-B929-1CA6F9F61A1A 0.187330049 5EC94F38-BF00-41DF-89E6-C175E4E886D5 0.187330049 7C32ADC4-6119-4D13-9B0E-D0207D15A208 0.187330049 0383E4E2-86C1-4FBD-9280-582132A401B9 0.187330049
Then, just for giggles, I modified the query again as follows.
RAND() AS Rnd, --Generate random # between 0 and 1
RAND() AS Rnd2 --Generate a second random # between 0 and 1
FROM Invoice
This query produced even stranger results.
InvoiceID........................... Rnd..... Rnd2 1E92C9B1-7C7D-40EB-A386-6535A3AA557C 0.961508 0.358211 ECC458E2-CA56-4FD7-B508-5708C367D578 0.961508 0.358211 14EA7295-5338-4C92-AB4E-04FA88ADF8AB 0.961508 0.358211 AF414580-D271-4E46-96CA-AA5E2C4A05FD 0.961508 0.358211 F2126FAE-F22F-4B21-AB98-0C50EE233498 0.961508 0.358211 2A151BE0-5215-4EB7-A315-CD403E00A51D 0.961508 0.358211 D0BA9F75-8C4D-43F0-B929-1CA6F9F61A1A 0.961508 0.358211 5EC94F38-BF00-41DF-89E6-C175E4E886D5 0.961508 0.358211 7C32ADC4-6119-4D13-9B0E-D0207D15A208 0.961508 0.358211 0383E4E2-86C1-4FBD-9280-582132A401B9 0.961508 0.358211
A few hours of reading and some deductive reasoning later I had worked out what was happening. The RAND() function, by default, uses the current date and time as its seed value. The problem is that the RAND() function re-seeds itself once for every row in the result set, and the query runs so quickly that the seed value for each row ends up the same.
The RAND() function does take an optional parameter, a seed value. But what seed value should I use. The first thing I tried to use was the Row_Number() function.
SELECT InvoiceID, RAND(Row_Number() OVER (Order by InvoiceID)) AS Rnd FROM Invoice
InvoiceID........................... Rnd 14EA7295-5338-4C92-AB4E-04FA88ADF8AB 0.713591993 F2126FAE-F22F-4B21-AB98-0C50EE233498 0.713610626 D0BA9F75-8C4D-43F0-B929-1CA6F9F61A1A 0.713629259 52DC8A47-4B1F-4258-BD40-23A0C657DEE7 0.713647892 481130B9-6237-4B0D-AA2F-25D8141656B5 0.713666525 CCB83FA5-4D42-4848-8EED-388C6AFDA9CB 0.713685158 2C39B111-0AEA-410B-BC1D-3DC95B6A707D 0.713703791 91F0469F-8DE1-48DC-9953-3E5B0D4C0E26 0.713722424 204C8A91-36FD-4D1B-8C40-3FF9C3DE6263 0.713741057 EBDEF2EE-7208-4893-BF5B-40057F0C3285 0.713759690
This produced a different number for each row, but it suffered from two new problems. The first is that the random numbers generated are very similar. The second problem is that every time the query is run, it produced the exact same results.
This whole thing was turning into a real head-scratcher. The problem was that I needed a random number with which to seed the random number generator - a veritable catch 22. Then I noticed the primary key values - they certainly looked unique. Could I use a uniqueidentifier as the seed for the random number generator?
I first tried to simply pass the newid() function as a parameter to the rand() function, but this only led to an operand type clash. What I needed was an easy way to convert a uniqueidentifier to an integer. The solution was to use the built in checksum function, as shown in the next example.
RAND(Checksum(Newid())) AS Rnd --Generate random # between 0 and 1
FROM Invoice
This did the trick.
InvoiceID........................... Rnd 1E92C9B1-7C7D-40EB-A386-6535A3AA557C 0.518769865 ECC458E2-CA56-4FD7-B508-5708C367D578 0.246216954 14EA7295-5338-4C92-AB4E-04FA88ADF8AB 0.069079661 AF414580-D271-4E46-96CA-AA5E2C4A05FD 0.207718428 F2126FAE-F22F-4B21-AB98-0C50EE233498 0.562418735 2A151BE0-5215-4EB7-A315-CD403E00A51D 0.095575008 D0BA9F75-8C4D-43F0-B929-1CA6F9F61A1A 0.390121252 5EC94F38-BF00-41DF-89E6-C175E4E886D5 0.118476845 7C32ADC4-6119-4D13-9B0E-D0207D15A208 0.620123360 0383E4E2-86C1-4FBD-9280-582132A401B9 0.027715165
The last step was to modify the original query with my new supercharged RAND() function.
Cast(5 * RAND(Checksum(Newid())) + 1 AS INT) AS Rnd
FROM Invoice
This finally produced the desired results.
InvoiceID........................... Rnd 1E92C9B1-7C7D-40EB-A386-6535A3AA557C 4 ECC458E2-CA56-4FD7-B508-5708C367D578 5 14EA7295-5338-4C92-AB4E-04FA88ADF8AB 4 AF414580-D271-4E46-96CA-AA5E2C4A05FD 2 F2126FAE-F22F-4B21-AB98-0C50EE233498 5 2A151BE0-5215-4EB7-A315-CD403E00A51D 3 D0BA9F75-8C4D-43F0-B929-1CA6F9F61A1A 4 5EC94F38-BF00-41DF-89E6-C175E4E886D5 1 7C32ADC4-6119-4D13-9B0E-D0207D15A208 5 0383E4E2-86C1-4FBD-9280-582132A401B9 5
In my production environment, I modified the final query so the user could select the percentage of invoices that should be audited. To accomplish this, I changed the final query to produce a number in the range of 1 to 100 and saved it as a view. Then I created a table value function that took a parameter to specify the percentage of rows to be selected. These are shown below.
CREATE VIEW dbo.vwInvoiceAudit AS
Cast(100 * RAND(Checksum(Newid())) + 1 AS INT) AS Rnd
FROM Invoice
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnInvoiceAudit(@pctToSelect INT)
FROM vwInvoiceAudit
WHERE Rnd <= @pctToSelect
This approach is easy to implement, easy to understand and quite flexible because it is set based, rather than procedural. It can be applied to a number of other scenarios - for example randomly assigning cases to auditors, or even selecting door prize winners. The only other lesson to come from this case study is that the SQL Server's implementation of the RAND() function has some severe limitations.