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Pseudo web service using xmlHTTP


In my first article XML in 20 minutes, I disscused

the basics of XML, identified key properties of the XML DOM and

demonstrated the ability to query a XML DOM using XPATH.  I ended the

article by creating a server-side Active X control which would query the

titles table in the pubs sample database and return a list of books

in XML format.  My Second article Client

Side XML - ASP on Steroids , demonstrated

the ability to use the XML DOM on the client-side browser. Using java

script, I was able to bind the XML DOM to various form

controls on an ASP page. I  then demonstrated the use of the DOM

to browse through the list of books providing the ability to prune off book nodes from the

DOM and save them as a new XML document. Perhaps the

most interesting feature of the code was the ability to query the pubs database for

a list of its books.  The query was initiated by the use on the

client, the results were retrieved and displayed, all without ever reloading the ASP page. 

And its possible with an object called xmlHTTP that is part of

the Microsoft Parser version 3.0

Article 3 - "Pseudo web service using xmlHTTP"

- Will delve into the mysterious xmlHTTP object and the ASP code that did

the magic in article 2.  I've got to tell you that I

really love using this object.  Basically what I like about it is that

through xmlHTTP you can expose some or all methods of any ActiveX class to

the client-side user.  What this means is you are giving the

user the capability of calling your Backend Active X controls.  And the best part

of it all is that the entire communication process takes place behind the scenes!  Using this

object, I will enhance the previous code to extend the users

ability to query for titles from the pub database. When the query is

submitted, I will use xmlHTTP to send a command in xml format to the ASP listener

page which will interpret the command and call a method of my

VB activeX control. The VB control will then return a XML string with the query

results to the ASP listener page which will then package it up in XML format

and forward it back to the client. All of this will occur without reloading our

initial ASP page. The user will never know what's going on under the hood.

This Article

will enhance the BookViewer Application presented in Articles 1 and 2!  To maximize your leaning experience please

download the code and try it out!

System Requirements:

Microsoft SQL Server with sample pubs database

Microsoft I.E. 5.0+
Microsoft Parser version 3.0

Microsoft IIS - copy all ASP pages, style sheets, as well as the

mybooks.xml file into a virtual directory
Place the files: bookview.asp,

xml_receive.asp, mybooks.xml, default.css, and book.css in a virtual

directory on your web server.
Register the WebClass.xmlcontrol on your web

server (webclass.dll)
Set your sql servers name in the xml_receive.asp

Set your sql server username and password in the webClass.xmlcontrol


Lets Take a look at how the xmlHTTP object functions

CLIENT - SIDE:  Here is some code taken from the

original bookViewer.asp file that uses the xmlHTTP object to retreive the

query results of all books in the Pubs database:

var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); //build the command to get my saved books
var xmlcmd='<?xml version="1.0"?><ENVELOPE><XMLCMD c1="gettitlesxml" p1="" p2="" p3=""></XMLCMD></ENVELOPE>'; 
xmlhttp.Open("POST","xml_receive.asp", false); //use http to send a command to xml_receive.asp 
xmlhttp.Send(xmlcmd); //send the xml command  

Line one: sets a reference to the



Line two: builds the XML that will be sent using the

object.  Note: you don't have to send xml, you could send plain text if you

want to.  The reason I use XML is that it makes it very easy to parse the

command and the parameters 1 through 3. 

Line three: sets up the connection for the

object.  the first parameter is type of http request.  This is most

commonly either "GET" or "POST".  The second parameter is the url that the

request will go to.  The third parameter is whether or not the request is

asynchronous.  You may also see the object used with two additional

parameters, one for username and one for password.  In my example above: I

am using a HTTP POST request to a page called xml_receive.asp (which I call

my listener page) and the request is synchronous (the entire request will

be made before anything else occurs.  The code will not continue to


Line four: just initiates the request as it has been setup in the

previous line.  Note: the parameter I am sending is the xml command that was built in

line two.  Note, since we are operating synchronously the code will now sit here

and wait until the response is received.

A little background on the LISTENER PAGE


- I call this

my listener page because basically all it does is sit on the web server and wait

for xmlHTTP requests.  When a request is made to this page it does three

things.  First - it loads the request into a XML DOM and parses out the

command and parameters that were sent.  Second - based on the command it

may call a method of the back-end Active X control and the back-end Active X control will

usually return an XML string.  Third - it loads the return data into a

XML DOM and then sends it back to the client using the response object. 

The three steps will be demonstrated bellow:


PAGE (Step One -

Parse the command):  here is some

code taken from the original xml_receive.asp that processes the request above: 

This code should be self explanatory.  Basically all it does is parse the

xml that was sent to find the command, parameter1, parameter2, parameter3 and any additional XML that may have been sent

as an additional parameter. 

    var doc = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument");

doc.load(Request); //load the xmlHTTP request into a XML DOM for parsing

var c1=doc.childNodes.item(1).childNodes.item(0).attributes.item(0).text; //command

var p1=doc.childNodes.item(1).childNodes.item(0).attributes.item(1).text; //parameter 1

var p2=doc.childNodes.item(1).childNodes.item(0).attributes.item(2).text; //parameter 2

var p3=doc.childNodes.item(1).childNodes.item(0).attributes.item(3).text; //parameter 3

if (doc.childNodes.item(1).childNodes.length==2) //check for passed xml

var passedXML=''+doc.childNodes.item(1).childNodes.item(1).xml;

var xmlreturn=''; //initialize return string

var doc=null; //dont need the XML DOM anymore now that command and parametes are parsed


PAGE (Step Two - call the correct method of the back-end ActiveX control):   here

is some code taken from

the original xml_receive.asp that processes the command "gettitlesxml":  Note the command is processed by setting

up a reference to a back-end ActiveX control and calling the method

GetTitlesXML() which queries the Pubs database and returns the results in an XML format. 

//************* Function gettitlesxml ***********************

if (c1=="gettitlesxml")


resultsXML=true; //results object will load a xml string

var objWC= Server.CreateObject("WebClass.xmlControl"); //instantiate vb control

objWC.strServer=sqlServer; //which sql server

xmlreturn=objWC.GetTitlesXML(); //vb function to get titles and return as xml string

var objWC=null; //destroy the vb control



(Step Three - return the results):  here is some code taken from the original xml_receive.asp

that sends the response back to the client:  This involves creating a

results DOM, loading the results into the DOM, checking to make sure the XML loaded

correctly, and finally using the ASP Response object to send the DOM

to the client.  Note the actual sending of the XML DOM is accomplished using

the save method of the XML DOM.  Using the parameter Response causes the xml

to be saved out to the Response stream. 

var result = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument"); //create the results XML DOM

if (resultsXML) //load a xml string


result.loadXML(xmlreturn); //call loadXML to load a string into the DOM

if (c1=="savemybooks") result.save(Server.MapPath(p1)); //save the xml if necessary


if ( result.parseError.errorCode!=0 ) //error parsing document


//return for errors

xmlreturn='<?xml version="1.0"?><RESULTS error="true">FALSE</RESULTS>';

result.loadXML(xmlreturn); //load the xml error string into the resutls object


//use ASP Response object to sent the response back to the client

Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; //we are sending xml back

result.save(Response);//save the dom to the HTTPResponse object

var result = null;

Back to the Client (bookViewer.asp)

Meanwhile back at the client our code is paitently

waiting for the xmlHttp response.  And when it occurs it is loaded

into a XML DOM where its data can then be bound to ASP form controls. 

objSallbooks.load(xmlhttp.responseXML); //put the response into a dom

var xmlhttp = null;

//check for errors in the response

if (objSallbooks.childNodes.item(1).childNodes.item(0).nodeValue=="FALSE") Snumberofbooks=0;

else Snumberofbooks=(objSallbooks.childNodes.item(1).childNodes.length); //set number of books

if (Snumberofbooks>0) display_book(0,1); //display the first book

Line one: loads the xmlHttp

response into the XML DOM objSallBooks using the load method since we had set

the content type of the response to be XML.  Note, the xmlHTTP object also

has a responseText method to retreive the response as plain text.

Line two: at this point we have our answer in a XML DOM so we don't need the

xmlHTTP object anymore.

Line three:  If there was an error then the listener page would send back

the following string: <?xml version="1.0"?><RESULTS


Line four: otherwise we have the titles in the DOM

and we can find out how many there are using the length method of the roots


Line five: if we have books in the DOM then bind the

data to the forms controls for the first one in the list.

Now lets add some additional funcionality to the gettitlesxml


Changes to the

BookViewer.ASP code:

  With a few simple changes

to our previous code, the gettitlesxml command can be modified to allow the user

to query for books based on type,price or year to date sales.  The code

bellow shows the changes necessary:  Note, the three query fields also had

to be changed from readonly textboxes to regular textboxes.

var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");

var where= "";

if(document.frmFields.Stype.value.length>0) where=where + " type= '"+document.frmFields.Stype.value+"' AND ";

if(document.frmFields.Sprice.value.length>0) where=where + " price<= "+document.frmFields.Sprice.value+" AND ";

if(document.frmFields.Ssales.value.length>0) where=where + " ytd_sales>= "+document.frmFields.Ssales.value;

if(where.length>0) where = " WHERE " + where;

var xmlcmd='<?xml version="1.0"?><ENVELOPE><XMLCMD c1="gettitlesxml" p1="'+where+'" p2="" p3=""></XMLCMD></ENVELOPE>'; xmlhttp.Open("POST", "xml_receive.asp", false); //use http to senda command to xml_receive.asp

xmlhttp.Send(xmlcmd);//send thexml command

Lines two through six:  are

used to build a sql where clause based on the values entered into

the three textboxes.  

Line seven:  has

changed from the original code in that it now contains a parameter value for p1,

which is the where clause that is built up in lines two through six

Changes to the

xml_receive.ASP code:   consists

of simply passing the parameter p1 to the GetTitlesXML function of the ActiveX


//************* Function gettitlesxml ***********************

if (c1=="gettitlesxml")


resultsXML=true; //results object will load a xml string

var objWC= Server.CreateObject("WebClass.xmlControl"); //instantiate vb control

objWC.strServer=sqlServer; //which sql server

xmlreturn=objWC.GetTitlesXML(p1); //vb function to get titles and return as xml string

var objWC=null; //destroy the vb control



What I have just done is to take ASP to a new level

of user interaction.  The user of the bookViewer application can now

perform simple limited queries against the pubs database from within a single

web page.  The queries are performed in the background via the xmlHTTP object and the user

is left thinking he is running more of a windows type application

than your typical ASP web application.  The technology I have just

described is basically the concept behind Web Services.  The only diference is that Web

Services are wrapped in a Layer of complexity namely the SOAP

protocol.  The reason for the complexity is to make Web Services

more flexible and standardized than what I have described above.  For situations where you

don't want to expose yourself to whole world (only your own internal pages

will be using the functionality) the methods I have described will more that


Using the methods I have described in this article:  (Client-side application-->ASP Listener Page-->ActiveX Control)(ActiveX Control-->ASP

Listener Page-->Client-side application) you

can provide a simple method of communication between

your client-side users and your back-end ActiveX controls.  Using the ASPListener

Page allows you to expose only the methods and properties of the

ActiveX controls that you want while hiding the rest.  Security could be build

into the ASP Listener Page to prevent or allow access to only certain

users if desired.  Using these methods, database security is maintained to

the highest degree since all database access goes through the ActiveX controls and

only those methods that are deamed safe and reliable need to

be exposed through the ASP Listener Page.

I was amazed by the number of uses I have

found for this technology.  My ASP Listener Page has grown from three

or four functions to somewhere around 30 to 40.  There were so many

instances where I used to call another ASP page just to process some information

or to load a dropdown list box.  Now all I do is package up

a XML command and send it to my ASP Listener Page and the results

are back before the user even knows it.  I just mentioned populating

a dropdown list box.  How many times have you wanted to populate

a dropdown listbox based on a selection made in another listbox or

textbox.  With pure ASP the only way to do it is to submit the form and

process the rusults.  With JavaScript and the xmlHTTP object its easy as

cake.  Just put some code in the first listboxes on_change() event

handler to package up an xml command that will go out and get the values for the

second list box based on the value chosen in the first.  In my next article

"XSLT in 20 minutes" I will discuss the basics of XSL Transforms and the

benifits of separating data from presentation.  Thanks for taking

the time to read this article.  Please use the specific forum that has been

set up for this article for any feedback or question regarding it. 

And remember voting is always appreciated and is helpful for future readers.

Added Bonus - Populate one  drop down list

box (<SELECT>) based on the value of another:

function dropDownOne_onchange(dropDownOneValue)


var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");

var xmlcmd; xmlcmd='<?xml version="1.0"?><ENVELOPE><XMLCMD c1="getDropDownTwo" p1="'+dropDownOneValue+'" p2="" p3 =""></XMLCMD></ENVELOPE>';

xmlhttp.Open("POST", "xml_receive.asp", false);


var doc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument");


doc.load(xmlhttp.responseXML); //load the returned xml into the doc DOM

var xmlhttp = null;

var listLen= doc.childNodes.item(1).childNodes.length; //length of listbox = number of Nodes in DOM

var mylistbox=document.frmControls.dropDownTwo //set reference to the dropDownTwo list box

mylistbox.length = listLen; //change the number of items in dropDownTwo list box

mylistbox.selectedIndex=0; //set the selected item to be the first item in the list box

for (i=0;i<listLen;i++) //populate thedropDownTwo lsitbox fromthe DOM


//the structure of the returned XML should be similar tothe following

//<ITEMS><ITEM value="value1" text="text1"/></ITMES>








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