
SQLServerCentral Article

Horizontal Trees

Introduction The sp_HorizontalTree procedure introduced here may be used to audit tables with dependent columns. A column is dependent on another if the meaning of the first column depends on the meaning of the second. For example, in a table containing accounting information, the meaning of a Fiscal Quarter column depends on the Fiscal Year to […]

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External Article

Are PostgreSQL memory parameters magic?

Ordinary PostgreSQL users often do not know that PostgreSQL configuration parameters exist, let alone what they are and what they mean. Some parameter tuning can improve the database performance, and we are usually talking about 10%, 20%, and in rare cases, up to 50% performance improvement.


External Article

Flyway for SQL Server Data Tools Users

If you are using SSDT for authoring, building, debugging, and publishing a database project, how do you change to, or preferably migrate towards, a Flyway-based database development? Flyway doesn't need to replace any code part of SSDT, but if allowed to manage every release candidate, it does allow for much cleaner branching, merging, and deployments.



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Counting Bits IV

What does this code return in SQL Server 2022+?

select bit_count(2.4)

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