
SQLServerCentral Article

Quick and Effective Migration Between CosmosDB Collections Using ADF

This document aims to explain the process of using ADF (Azure data Factory) to make a copy of a Cosmos DB (Instance A)  collection into a new collection in another Cosmos DB Instance effectively and cost effectively. For example, here is our  Instance A in the Data Explorer: Here is Instance B: We are looking […]

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External Article

Database Feature Toggles

In software development the concept of feature toggles are used to selectively turn on and off features. They are, for example, used to restrict some newly introduced features to a select group to see how these features work. While this concept has been long used for user-facing application code, it is also a practice that is useful for database code.



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Enable a Disabled Index

I have disabled the LoggerCI index on the dbo.Logger table. How do I enable it?

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