
SQLServerCentral Article

Undocumented T-SQL Tricks With Logs

An interesting feature added to SQL Server 7.0 and 2000 is the ability to purge
an error log through a stored procedure or DBCC command. In this article, Brian Knight shows some of the undocumented stored procedures to detect, read and purge an SQL Server error log in T-SQL.

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SQL Server 2000: New XML Features Streamline Webcast

With XML support in SQL Server 2000, you can query SQL over HTTP with a URL, bring the data down to the browser, and manipulate it on the client machine. By adding Internet Explorer 5.0 to the mix and using XSL to convert the XML to HTML, you can lighten the load on your database server. Going still one step further, by using Vector Markup Language you can even create drawings on the fly using the data from your SQL queries.


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