
SQLServerCentral Article

Some Comments about our Discussion Area

Sometimes as hard as you look you just can't find the answer or idea you're looking for - that's when a good discussion forum comes in handy! Read this article for some tips and tricks on using our discussion forums successfully. Then when you have time, browse our current discussions and see if they work.

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Technical Article

Monitoring blocking on a Server

This article will demonstrate how to monitor active spids, blocked by spids,cpu,I/O,cmds and app name being issued in a real time fashion by using the cmd shell calling a T-SQL script and a resource kit utility.


49 reads

External Article

SQL Server 2000: New Features Provide Unmatched Ea

SQL Server 2000 includes many new features that extend its capabilities as a high performance relational database system with a rich development environment. This article presents an overview of new product features including AWE support, new data types, new user-defined and built-in functions as well as enhancements in trigger functionality, indexing, collation, and property definition.


3,578 reads


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A New Word: the McFly effect


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Key mappings in Visual Studio Code


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Enable a Disabled Index

I have disabled the LoggerCI index on the dbo.Logger table. How do I enable it?

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