
SQLServerCentral Article

Review: Loading Sample Data with DataTect 1.6

So, you've created a database and application and want to see how it operates with a substantial load of data In this product review of Datatect 1.6, you can learn how this third-party product could help you benchmark you database with a lot of sample data.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Pseudo web service using xmlHTTP

This article delves into the mysterious xmlHTTP object and the supporting ASP code. I've got to tell you that I really love using this object. Basically what I like about it is that through xmlHTTP you can expose some or all methods of any ActiveX class to the client-side user. What this means is you are giving the user the capability of calling your back-end Active X controls. And the best part of it all is that the entire communication process takes place behind the scenes!

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SQLServerCentral Article

Save Your Packages Locally

DBAs often ask how to transfer DTS packages and move them between servers. They also want a version control system that is more robust than that provided in msdb. Steve Jones looks at one of the features of the DTS designer that solves both of these problems.

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Enable a Disabled Index

I have disabled the LoggerCI index on the dbo.Logger table. How do I enable it?

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