
SQLServerCentral Article

SQLsnake Worm Hits SQL Servers and Networks Hard

If you haven't changed the SA password on your SQL Server, you may be soon paying the price. Beginning last week, an old worm has come back in full force, infecting about 100 SQL Servers an hour. Reports of heavy port 1433 scanning began in early may but by the 22nd, the virus really began to take its hold on systems with no SA password.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Maintenance Plans - Behind the Scenes

Andy did "Under the Covers" last week, what the heck will it be next week? Read this article to see how maintenance plans update statistics, rebuild indexes, and remove free space from your databases. Add your comments to the article, maybe even a suggestion or two for better titles!

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SQLServerCentral Article

Freeware Product : ASPReport

It provides an infrastructure to create and manage various SQL Server stored procedure based reports into HTML output. You can add reports, categorize them in a treeview, edit, delete and manage the report parameters - all through the web interface. Members can now download this as Freeware at

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