
SQLServerCentral Article

Making Dynamic Queries Static

Building and executing dynamic sql in a stored procedure - is it the only way to solve problems like supporting a simple search function? Leon offers a couple alternatives that let you continue to provide the functionality in a stored procedure without using dynamic sql. Interesting ideas worth exploring!

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Technical Article

Hotek, Tripp Launch PASS Regional Seminars

SQL Server MVP Mike Hotek and industry expert Kimberly Tripp launch the latest SQL Server educational offering from PASS - one day seminars beginning this June in Chicago and August in Las Vegas. Join Mike and Kim as they demonstrate their expertise on SQL Server replication and tuning high performance SQL Server 2000 databases. Space is limited. Seminar details and convenient, secure online registration is available at


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Technical Article

Choosing an Edition of SQL Server 2000

Whether you are a developer, IT professional, or a database administrator, whether you are just developing and testing or are ready to deploy in production, there is a SQL Server 2000 edition for you and your organization. This paper will inform you about the differences among the various editions of SQL Server 2000, and how you can save time and money by choosing the right one for the job.


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Concat Addition

What is the result of this code?

SELECT CONCAT(1, 2, 3) + 4

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