
SQLServerCentral Article

Pro Developer: Improving Your Career In Any Economy

Like many other areas of business, the tech industry has weathered the occasional slump over the past few decades. It's only natural that the fate of techies is closely linked to the tides of the business. However, in any economy, weak or strong, some people prosper and advance while others suffer the consequences.

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Technical Article

Best SoftTool Announces SQLSourceSafe 2.0

Best SoftTool, Inc. today announces that its flagship product SQLSourceSafe 2.0 is available for download and purchase. SQLSourceSafe is the integrated solution that Best SoftTool provides to meet the mounting market demand for a solid version control system for SQL Server database development. SQLSourceSafe integrates Microsoft Visual SourceSafe® and Microsoft SQL Server® together, offers robust and advanced version control functions to database scripts in SQL Server.


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Simple Talks Episode 7


The season 1, seventh episode of Simple Talks is out. Check it out, with...

A New Word: the McFly effect


the McFly Effect – n. the phenomenon of observing your parents interact with people...

Key mappings in Visual Studio Code


At a recent conference I was asked how I executed code during my presentation....

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There is a table tblItems with below structure ( i cannot change the below...

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Enable a Disabled Index

I have disabled the LoggerCI index on the dbo.Logger table. How do I enable it?

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