Troy Hunt talks Security and compliance in estate monitoring
Troy Hunt joins Steve Jones to discuss the critical and complex role of monitoring in organizational data security and compliance.
Troy Hunt joins Steve Jones to discuss the critical and complex role of monitoring in organizational data security and compliance.
PolyBase is a new feature of SQL Server that allows you to connect to relational and non-relational data. You can run queries on any external data sources you might have, such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, Salesforce, MongoDB, Hadoop, etc. When paired with the CData ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL, you get access to your PostgreSQL data directly […]
2,403 reads
When you execute a query, the database server has to figure a lot of things out. For even the simplest queries, there are usually several possible ways to get the job done.
This tip demonstrates models for detecting the start of periods of rising or falling financial securities prices based on exponential moving averages. The demonstration is simplified because it relies on a log to keep track of time series values as well as exponential moving averages with different period lengths.
BMW have been monitoring their SQL Server estate for more than 7 years, but with evolving technology and circumstances, monitoring also needs to change and grow. Join Tony Maddonna in conversation with Redgate's James King, to discover how BMW are handling the challenges.
Big data can be risky, which is why you need great estate management. Join Matt Schmelzer, Data Systems and Automation - IT, and Jonathan Holck, IT Associate, from Artisan Partners in discussion with Microsoft MVP Grant Fritchey to learn how they implemented a successful infrastructure and what tools they need to support their growing estate.
Learn how to use IIF, Switch and Choose logical functions in SSRS reports to make your reports more dynamic and more appealing to report users.
Learn how you can perform an offline migration of a SQL Server to Azure Managed Instances or IaaS VMs.
2,425 reads
There are many ways to load data into a SQL Server database. In this article, Greg Moore demonstrates how to get PowerShell to do more of the work.
We’re sharing the results of our State of Database Monitoring survey in four insights reports this year – and the second one is out now. In The value of a monitoring tool for the entire organization you’ll learn why more businesses than ever are using a monitoring tool and how doing so can help the entire business to reduce costs, enhance security and collaborate more efficiently. DBAs - download a copy and send it to your boss, today!
By Steve Jones
Experience is overrated. Most breakthrough accomplishments were done by people doing them for the...
By Brian Kelley
As you begin the new year, if you don't already have time set aside...
By Brian Kelley
I picked up Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On...
Table A ServerName ColB ServerA C ServerA I ServerA L ServerA M ServerA N...
Hello everyone, I am about to start a data archiving project that will affect...
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