
SQLServerCentral Article

Getting Ready to Replicate

We've asked Andy to put together some articles that tackle replication from a beginner perspective, a tutorial type approach PLUS comments on what you should or should not do. This week he covers the steps needed to set up a server for replication. More images than usual so the page may take a little longer to load, but we think worthwhile so that you can see every step along the way. Let us know what you think.

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Technical Article

New 'Find Duplicates Wizard'

The Wizard enables anyone working with a SQL Server database to identify and review duplicate data with ease. It is an exceptionally powerful tool with the modest price tag of $397 (approximately £230).

The software has a wealth of processing options, which you can read about when visiting or (in even more detail) in the free help file download which is also available on the web site.


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