A MySQL story: Can system engineers solve database issues using system tools?
A story about how a system engineer solved a MySQL performance issue written by Rajeshkumar Sasidharan
A story about how a system engineer solved a MySQL performance issue written by Rajeshkumar Sasidharan
Join Microsoft Data Platform MVP, and AWS Community Builder Grant Fritchey to discover what we mean by Database DevOps, why you need to include the database in your DevOps initiative and the benefits its offer you, your teams, and your organization.
Who is the best Batman? – A Power BI Analysis of data Introduction Who is the best Batman? We were drinking some cold beers with some friends when someone said that Pattinson was the best Batman. People started to discuss and after 2 hours, the police had to stop the fight. The discussion inspires me […]
2,971 reads
Flyway provides a database-independent way for a team to track, manage and apply database changes, while maintaining strict control of database versions. It updates a database by running a series of versioned migration scripts, in order, and keeps track of all the changes in a special "schema history" table. It sounds simple, but it is easy to derail this team discipline if you don't find the right answers to the following questions…
Firebase is a SaaS platform that provides developers with many services to improve productivity and reduce build time. In this article, Goodness Woke demonstrates working with Firebase Version 9 and React Typescript.
A short story about why standards matter and where they can help you with limiting the off hour calls from others in your organization.
2,526 reads
The payback of DevOps is not simply in automation but in using that automation to increase the visibility of the development processes. This article demonstrates way to make Flyway developments more visible, regardless of your RDBMS, such as by providing a detailed migration history, and change reports that reveal detail of what is going on to all involved.
You can automate Power BI table refreshes using PowerShell, an Automation Account, and Runbook. Dennes Torres explains how in this article.
In this article, we will see 3 SSIS design patterns that we can use to set up SSIS configurations and deployments.
2022-05-05 (first published: 2022-04-08)
3,839 reads
My FlywayTeamwork PowerShell framework is designed to help get you started quickly with developing databases, using Flyway versioned migrations. It introduces a PowerShell task library, and automation, to take care of repetitive chores. It will also help you get to grips with the practicalities of using Flyway in team-based development. This article explains the basics of its design and provides a demo how to use Flyway to migrate a PostgreSQL database, while generating a high-level narrative of the changes made between versions.
By Patrick
One of my customers recently wanted to rename each of the SQL audit files...
The post The pros and cons of self-service BI: What every industry leader should...
By Steve Jones
As this publishes, I’ll get taxiing down the runway at DIA (fingers crossed) and...
Morning all, I've inherited a small (on prem) SQL estate. I'm a DBA, used...
insert into NewKms8081..members SELECT (select u2.Id from SecurityKms8081..users u2 join SecurityKms8081..Import_users_barghGharb i2 on i2.code_personeli=u2.PersonnelNumber...
I am running SQL Server 20.2. When I copy a query into the query...
Which cloud sources can be used for the current Data Migration Assistant (Sep 2024)
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