Editor's Note: This is an April Fool's joke, so please enjoy the read, but do not take it seriously.
Today we are bringing attention to the Release to Manufacturing (RTM) version of the HummBase relational database management system (RDBMS) from Kenneth Ingols SQL Software. This product is completely compatible with MIcrosoft SQL Server 2008 at this time.
The opening of the blog on the Kenneth Ingols SQL Software (www..kiss.com) reads:
We are pleased to announce that v1.0 of HummBase is complete today. We have released this to manufactoring and will begin taking orders on April 4, 2011 from customers.
April 1, 2011: This is a significant milestone in the development of this 100% Microsoft SQL Server compatible database engine at the SQL Server 2008 level. While we do not have the functionality of Integration Serivces, Reporting Services, or many of the other subsystems that have been added onto the SQL Server platform over the years, we have a core database engine that is ACID compliant, and runs all T-SQL code without any changes. We have included support for the following features in this v1.0 release:
- Full T-SQL language support, including all DBCC, BACKUP, and other maintenance commands
- Database Mail
- Snapshot and transactional replication
- A SQL Agent alternative built on cron that supports maintenance, T-SQL, OS, and powershell job types.
- Declaritve Mangement asks, compatible with PBM
- Database Mirroring, including read only mirrors (up to 2).
- Full system stored proedure, DMV, and DMF support.
- Data compression
- DDL and DML triggers, including "Before" triggers
- full-text indexing
- Paritioning of tables and indexes
- Limited CLR support for UDTs, UDFs, and stored procedures.
- Windows and SQL authentication
We will license the HummBase engine at $300 per core for all servers. There is only one edition of our product at this time, and support is available at the standard 20% of licensing cost per year. We include one year of support with the purchase of a license. We also anticipate following two versions behind SQL Server in support of its features and expect that we will be SQL Server 2008 R2 compatible by the end of 2011.
We feel that the value we provide will allow almost all SQL Server customers to use HummBase as a lower cost alternative to Microsoft SQL Server, and if you are still reading at this point, it's April Fools Day. None of this is true, and not lkely to come true in the near future.
Our Take
This seems like a fantastic idea for some company out there to create a database engine product that supports the T-SQL language and provides an alternative to SQL Server for smaller environments. Actually, for smaller companies. SQL Server Express is a nice product that is free, and is 100% compatible with the larger editions of SQL Server.
This joke was brought to you by the SQL Server staff and is intended only for humor today with the idea that you will enjoy it. We are including more text down here strictly for the purpose of making this article longer and giving it a bit of added credibility. All remaining test will be in Latin.
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