As an organisation grows it becomes ever harder to keep track of its data, what it is and where it goes and associated metadata that adds context to turn data into information. A data dictionary is a valuable artefact, particularly when trying to integrate disparate data sources into a data warehouse.
Unfortunately by the time an organisation realises the worth of a data dictionary and decides to implement one it is a case of "We know where we want to get to but we wouldn't start from here"! Creating a data dictionary is a documentation task and developers tend to react to such tasks in the same way that slugs react to salt. With that in mind I thought about how I could make an unpleasant task as easy as possible so it becomes merely a minor irritation rather than a major pain point.
How we can use SQL Servers built in properties
Mindy Curnutt's article Data Dictionary from within SQL Server 2000 showed how descriptions can be added to objects from within Enterprise Manager and the same is also true of SQL Management Studio. These are stored in the MS_DESCRIPTION extended property.
There are a number of tools that can scavenge the SQL Server objects and any associated MS_DESCRIPTION properties in order to produce a documentation set in one or more of HTML, CHM, PDF and Word format. Back in August 2009 I wrote Database Documentation Using Red Gate's SQLDoc which describes not only the use of the tool but also how the MS_DESCRIPTION property can be added using the sp_addExtendedProperty and sp_UpdateExtendedProperty system stored procedures.
Making it simple as maintaining records in a table
The code snippet in my article may be easy for a DBA or TSQL enthusiast but it hardly fits in well with someone whose focus isn't on DB development. With that in mind my first thought was "wouldn't it be much easier to maintain the properties as entries in a table". I could then take the contents of the table and use it to populate the extended properties as and when I had time.
So what I need is two tables to hold descriptions for tables and fields. All the developers will have to do is insert or update records into these tables!
DataDictionary_Tables | DataDictionary_Fields |
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='DataDictionary_Tables') BEGIN CREATE TABLE dbo.DataDictionary_Tables( SchemaName sysname NOT NULL, TableName sysname NOT NULL, TableDescription varchar(7000) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DEF_DataDictionary_TableDescription DEFAULT (''), CONSTRAINT PK_DataDictionary_Tables PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( SchemaName, TableName ) ) PRINT 'TABLE CREATED: dbo.DataDictionary_Tables' END GO | IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='DataDictionary_Fields') BEGIN CREATE TABLE dbo.DataDictionary_Fields( SchemaName sysname NOT NULL, TableName sysname NOT NULL, FieldName sysname NOT NULL, FieldDescription varchar(7000) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DEF_DataDictionary_FieldDescription DEFAULT (''), CONSTRAINT PK_DataDictionary_Fields PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( SchemaName , TableName , FieldName ) ) PRINT 'TABLE CREATED: dbo.DataDictionary_Fields' END GO |
Pre-populating the tables
There are three problems here
- The developer has to ensure that there are no typos when they insert/update records.
- They have to determine whether to insert or update records in the first place
- It is asking the developers to write a repetitive insert/update statement.
What would be really useful would be a stored proc that scraped the schema and populated the tables for the developers!
Of course we have the ANSI standard INFORMATION_SCHEMA views to allow us to do just that
It is simply a case of performing a LEFT JOIN between our two new tables and these views to grab the non MS user tables as illustrated in the proc below.
CREATE PROC dbo.PopulateDataDictionary AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @TableCount INT, @FieldCount INT INSERT INTO dbo.DataDictionary_Tables ( SchemaName, TableName ) SELECT SRC.TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES AS SRC LEFT JOIN dbo.DataDictionary_Tables AS DEST ON SRC.table_Schema = DEST.SchemaName AND SRC.table_name = DEST.TableName WHERE DEST.SchemaName IS NULL AND SRC.table_Type = 'BASE TABLE' AND OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(QUOTENAME(SRC.TABLE_SCHEMA) + '.' + QUOTENAME(SRC.TABLE_NAME)), 'IsMSShipped') = 0 SET @TableCount = @@ROWCOUNT INSERT INTO dbo.DataDictionary_Fields ( SchemaName, TableName, FieldName ) SELECT C.TABLE_SCHEMA, C.TABLE_NAME, C.COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS AS C INNER JOIN dbo.DataDictionary_Tables AS T ON C.TABLE_SCHEMA = T.SchemaName AND C.TABLE_NAME = T.TableName LEFT JOIN dbo.DataDictionary_Fields AS F ON C.TABLE_SCHEMA = F.SchemaName AND C.TABLE_NAME = F.TableName AND C.COLUMN_NAME = F.FieldName WHERE F.SchemaName IS NULL AND OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(QUOTENAME(C.TABLE_SCHEMA) + '.' + QUOTENAME(C.TABLE_NAME)), 'IsMSShipped') = 0 SET @FieldCount = @@ROWCOUNT RAISERROR ( 'DATA DICTIONARY: %i tables & %i fields added', 10, 1, @TableCount, @FieldCount ) WITH NOWAIT GO
Making updates simpler
OK, so we have a method to pre-populate our tables so the developer only ever has to worry about UPDATE statements but can we make it even simpler? Well, yes we can by creating stored procedures and eliminating the possibility of a malformed WHERE clause. For tables this will be as follows: -
CREATE PROC dbo.UpdateDataDictionaryTable @SchemaName sysname = N'dbo', @TableName sysname, @TableDescription VARCHAR(7000) = '' AS SET NOCOUNT ON UPDATE dbo.DataDictionary_Tables SET TableDescription = ISNULL(@TableDescription, '') WHERE SchemaName = @SchemaName AND TableName = @TableName RETURN @@ROWCOUNT GO
And for fields this will be as follows:-
CREATE PROC dbo.UpdateDataDictionaryField @SchemaName sysname = N'dbo', @TableName sysname, @FieldName sysname, @FieldDescription VARCHAR(7000) = '' AS SET NOCOUNT ON UPDATE dbo.DataDictionary_Fields SET FieldDescription = ISNULL(@FieldDescription, '') WHERE SchemaName = @SchemaName AND TableName = @TableName AND FieldName = @FieldName RETURN @@ROWCOUNT GO
Of course it may be beneficial to use a RAISERROR statement rather than the RETURN @@ROWCOUNT statement to print a suitable message. This is particularly true if you are using some form of logged deployment method or continuous integration.
For details of how to use RAISERROR see Quick Hints for using the RAISERROR Command.
If you want to cause a continuous integration task to fail then simply change the ***FAILED raiserror to use severity level 16 rather than 10. Some agile methods advocate "fail early" which is good if there is buy-in for such discipline but a bit of a pain if you are trying to get your data dictionary process adopted. There is an alternative which I will describe in the next section.
Test driven development for the process
If the maintenance of a data dictionary is mandatory then clearly there should be automated tests to ensure that the data dictionary tasks have been completed. These are as simple as throwing an error if our two data dictionary tables have any blank descriptions in them.
CREATE PROC dbo.TestDataDictionaryTables AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @TableList TABLE ( SchemaName sysname NOT NULL, TableName SYSNAME NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( SchemaName, TableName ) ) DECLARE @RecordCount INT EXEC dbo.PopulateDataDictionary -- Ensure the dbo.DataDictionary tables are up-to-date. INSERT INTO @TableList ( SchemaName, TableName ) SELECT SchemaName, TableName FROM dbo.DataDictionary_Tables WHERE TableName NOT LIKE 'MSp%' -- ??? AND TableName NOT LIKE 'sys%' -- Exclude standard system tables. AND TableDescription = '' SET @RecordCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF @RecordCount > 0 BEGIN PRINT '' PRINT 'The following recordset shows the tables for which data dictionary descriptions are missing' PRINT '' SELECT LEFT(SchemaName, 15) AS SchemaName, LEFT(TableName, 30) AS TableName FROM @TableList UNION ALL SELECT '', '' -- Used to force a blank line RAISERROR ( '%i table(s) lack descriptions', 16, 1, @RecordCount ) WITH NOWAIT END GO
What we are doing here is simple
- Run our proc to scavenge the database schema for any new tables and/or fields
- Store any schema.table names where there is a blank description in a table variable
- If such records exist list them and throw an error that will break the build.
The test for the database fields is very similar.
CREATE PROC dbo.TestDataDictionaryFields AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @RecordCount INT DECLARE @FieldList TABLE ( SchemaName sysname NOT NULL, TableName SYSNAME NOT NULL, FieldName sysname NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( SchemaName, TableName, FieldName ) ) EXEC dbo.PopulateDataDictionary -- Ensure the dbo.DataDictionary tables are up-to-date. INSERT INTO @FieldList ( SchemaName, TableName, FieldName ) SELECT SchemaName, TableName, FieldName FROM dbo.DataDictionary_Fields WHERE TableName NOT LIKE 'MSp%' -- ??? AND TableName NOT LIKE 'sys%' -- Exclude standard system tables. AND FieldDescription = '' SET @RecordCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF @RecordCount > 0 BEGIN PRINT '' PRINT 'The following recordset shows the tables/fields for which data dictionary descriptions are missing' PRINT '' SELECT LEFT(SchemaName, 15) AS SchemaName, LEFT(TableName, 30) AS TableName, LEFT(FieldName, 30) AS FieldName FROM @FieldList UNION ALL SELECT '', '', '' -- Used to force a blank line RAISERROR ( '%i field(s) lack descriptions', 16, 1, @RecordCount ) WITH NOWAIT END GO
In general we have created everything the developer needs to make the maintenance of a data dictionary as painless as possible.
The complicated bit
There are two further tasks to be achieved
- Create a stored proc to copy the table/field descriptions from our two data dictionary tables to the MS_DESCRIPTION extended properties.
- Create stored procs to scavenge any legacy MS_DESCRIPTION entries.
The latter is useful if you have historically maintained extended properties yourself using sp_AddExtendedProperty and sp_UpdateExtendedProperty
A proc to apply our data dictionary
What we really want is something that decides which of the two system procs to call
- sp_AddExtendedProperty
- sp_UpdateExtendedProperty
There is a gotcha if you are running a mix of pre and post SQL 2005 boxes and that is the property of the 3rd argument
- SQL 7 and SQL2000 the argument will always be 'User'
- SQL2005 onwards the argument will always be 'Schema'
Our first task becomes to determine the version of SQL Server on which our procs are running and set a variable to contain the appropriate value.
DECLARE @SQLVersion VARCHAR(30), @SchemaOrUser sysname SET @SQLVersion = CONVERT(VARCHAR, SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')) IF CAST(LEFT(@SQLVersion, CHARINDEX('.', @SQLVersion) - 1) AS TINYINT) < 9 SET @SchemaOrUser = 'User' ELSE SET @SchemaOrUser = 'Schema'
This certainly works from SQL7 through to SQL2008R2 and should hopefully work fine on SQL2011 (Denali)
The full proc code is as shown below.
CREATE PROC dbo.ApplyDataDictionary AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @SQLVersion VARCHAR(30), @SchemaOrUser sysname SET @SQLVersion = CONVERT(VARCHAR, SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')) IF CAST(LEFT(@SQLVersion, CHARINDEX('.', @SQLVersion) - 1) AS TINYINT) < 9 SET @SchemaOrUser = 'User' ELSE SET @SchemaOrUser = 'Schema' DECLARE @SchemaName sysname, @TableName sysname, @FieldName sysname, @ObjectDescription VARCHAR(7000) DECLARE csr_dd CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT DT.SchemaName, DT.TableName, DT.TableDescription FROM dbo.DataDictionary_Tables AS DT INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES AS> T ON DT.SchemaName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = T.TABLE_SCHEMA COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AND DT.TableName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = T.TABLE_NAME COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS WHERE DT.TableDescription <> '' OPEN csr_dd FETCH NEXT FROM csr_dd INTO @SchemaName, @TableName, @ObjectDescription WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ::fn_listextendedproperty((NULL, @SchemaOrUser, @SchemaName, 'table', @TableName, default, default) ) EXECUTE sp_updateextendedproperty N'MS_Description', @ObjectDescription, @SchemaOrUser, @SchemaName, N'table', @TableName, NULL, NULL ELSE EXECUTE sp_addextendedproperty N'MS_Description', @ObjectDescription, @SchemaOrUser, @SchemaName, N'table', @TableName, NULL, NULL RAISERROR ( 'DOCUMENTED TABLE: %s', 10, 1, @TableName ) WITH NOWAIT FETCH NEXT FROM csr_dd INTO @SchemaName, @TableName, @ObjectDescription END CLOSE csr_dd DEALLOCATE csr_dd DECLARE csr_ddf CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT DT.SchemaName, DT.TableName, DT.FieldName, DT.FieldDescription FROM dbo.DataDictionary_Fields AS DT INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS AS T ON DT.SchemaName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = T.TABLE_SCHEMA COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AND DT.TableName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = T.TABLE_NAME COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AND DT.FieldName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = T.COLUMN_NAME COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS WHERE DT.FieldDescription <> '' OPEN csr_ddf FETCH NEXT FROM csr_ddf INTO @SchemaName, @TableName, @FieldName, @ObjectDescription WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM ::fn_listextendedproperty(NULL, @SchemaOrUser, @SchemaName, 'table', @TableName, 'column', @FieldName) ) EXECUTE sp_updateextendedproperty N'MS_Description', @ObjectDescription, @SchemaOrUser, @SchemaName, N'table', @TableName, N'column', @FieldName ELSE EXECUTE sp_addextendedproperty N'MS_Description', @ObjectDescription, @SchemaOrUser, @SchemaName, N'table', @TableName, N'column', @FieldName RAISERROR ( 'DOCUMENTED FIELD: %s.%s', 10, 1, @TableName, @FieldName ) WITH NOWAIT FETCH NEXT FROM csr_ddf INTO @SchemaName, @TableName, @FieldName, @ObjectDescription END CLOSE csr_ddf DEALLOCATE csr_ddf GO
There are a few points to note in the code. Unless Jeff Moden knows otherwise I believe this is one of the few cases where row by row processing is justified. In truth I should probably bounce the qualifying records into a temp table and iterate through the temp table rather than risk any cursor locking issues.
I am also using explicit COLLATE statements. There reason for this is that I had to document a legacy database restored from a separate server and ran into collation conflicts. In the ideal world our servers should be on a particular collation however I am not building for the ideal world.
Procs to scavenge any legacy descriptions
These are by far the most complicated stored procs. To scavenge table properties the tasks that are needed are as follows
- Work out what version of SQL is running
- Build a table variable and populate it with a list of schemas. The function to retrieve MS_DESCRIPTION will retrieve descriptions for all tables in a single schema but not all tables in all schemas.
- Create a temporary table to hold the output from the fn_listextendedproperty function.
- Iterate through the schemas in our table variable grabbing the descriptions and updating our data dictionary table.
- Drop the temporary table.
The stored procedure to do so is as shown below.
CREATE PROC dbo.ScavengeDataDictionaryTables AS SET NOCOUNT ON IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DataDictionaryTables') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DataDictionaryTables DECLARE @SchemaOrUser sysname, @SQLVersion VARCHAR(30), @SchemaName sysname SET @SQLVersion = CONVERT(VARCHAR, SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')) SET @SchemaName = '' DECLARE @SchemaList TABLE ( SchemaName sysname NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ) INSERT INTO @SchemaList ( SchemaName ) SELECT DISTINCT TABLE_SCHEMA FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' IF CAST(LEFT(@SQLVersion, CHARINDEX('.', @SQLVersion) - 1) AS TINYINT) < 9 SET @SchemaOrUser = 'User' ELSE SET @SchemaOrUser = 'Schema' CREATE TABLE #DataDictionaryTables ( objtype sysname NOT NULL, TableName sysname NOT NULL, PropertyName sysname NOT NULL, TableDescription VARCHAR(7000) NULL ) WHILE @SchemaName IS NOT NULL BEGIN TRUNCATE TABLE #DataDictionaryTables SELECT @SchemaName = MIN(SchemaName) FROM @SchemaList WHERE SchemaName > @SchemaName IF @SchemaName IS NOT NULL BEGIN RAISERROR ( 'Scavenging schema %s', 10, 1, @SchemaName ) WITH NOWAIT INSERT INTO #DataDictionaryTables ( objtype, TableName, PropertyName, TableDescription ) SELECT objtype, objname, name, CONVERT(VARCHAR(7000), value) FROM ::fn_listextendedproperty(NULL, @SchemaOrUser, @SchemaName, 'table', default, default, default) WHERE name = 'MS_DESCRIPTION' UPDATE DT_DEST SET DT_DEST.TableDescription = DT_SRC.TableDescription FROM #DataDictionaryTables AS DT_SRC INNER JOIN dbo.DataDictionary_Tables AS DT_DEST ON DT_SRC.TableName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = DT_DEST.TableName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS WHERE DT_DEST.SchemaName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = @SchemaName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AND DT_SRC.TableDescription IS NOT NULL AND DT_SRC.TableDescription <> '' END END IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DataDictionaryTables') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DataDictionaryTables GO
The equivalent proc for scavenging fields is slightly more involved because the ::fn_listextendedproperty( function requires both the schema and table as arguments in order to list all the fields in the table. The proc is shown below
CREATE PROC dbo.ScavengeDataDictionaryFields AS SET NOCOUNT ON IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DataDictionaryFields') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DataDictionaryFields IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TableList') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TableList DECLARE @SchemaOrUser sysname, @SQLVersion VARCHAR(30), @SchemaName sysname , @TableName sysname SET @SQLVersion = CONVERT(VARCHAR,SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')) CREATE TABLE #TableList(SchemaName sysname NOT null,TableName sysname NOT NULL) INSERT INTO #TableList(SchemaName,TableName) SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' IF CAST(LEFT(@SQLVersion,CHARINDEX('.',@SQLVersion)-1) AS TINYINT) <9 SET @SchemaOrUser = 'User' ELSE SET @SchemaOrUser='Schema' CREATE TABLE #DataDictionaryFields ( objtype sysname NOT NULL, FieldName sysname NOT NULL, PropertyName sysname NOT NULL, FieldDescription VARCHAR(7000) NULL ) DECLARE csr_dd CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT SchemaName,TableName FROM #TableList OPEN csr_dd FETCH NEXT FROM csr_dd INTO @SchemaName, @TableName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN TRUNCATE TABLE #DataDictionaryFields RAISERROR('Scavenging schema.table %s.%s',10,1,@SchemaName,@TableName) WITH NOWAIT INSERT INTO #DataDictionaryFields ( objtype , FieldName , PropertyName , FieldDescription ) SELECT objtype , objname , name , CONVERT(VARCHAR(7000),value ) FROM ::fn_listextendedproperty( (NULL, @SchemaOrUser, @SchemaName, 'table', @TableName, 'column', default) WHERE name='MS_DESCRIPTION' UPDATE DT_DEST SET DT_DEST.FieldDescription = DT_SRC.FieldDescription FROM #DataDictionaryFields AS DT_SRC INNER JOIN dbo.DataDictionary_Fields AS DT_DEST ON DT_SRC.FieldName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = DT_DEST.FieldName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS WHERE DT_DEST.SchemaName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = @SchemaNameCOLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AND DT_DEST.TableName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = @TableNameCOLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AND DT_SRC.FieldDescription IS NOT NULL AND DT_SRC.FieldDescription<>'' FETCH NEXT FROM csr_dd INTO @SchemaName, @TableName END CLOSE csr_dd DEALLOCATE csr_dd IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DataDictionaryFields') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DataDictionaryFields IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TableList') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TableList GO
Installing our data dictionary objects
What we have here is a framework for maintaining the data dictionary and this framework should be deployed to all databases that are going to be documented. The framework is reliable and robust so there is a case for installing it within the model DB so it will be present in all databases created on that server.
I have three scripts that I use to deploy the framework in the first place.
Script | Purpose |
Datadictionary_FrameworkInstall.SQL | Uses SQLCMD mode to connect to a server and database then calls the following two scripts |
DataDictionaryTables.SQL | Builds the two data dictionary tables |
DataDictionaryProcs.SQL | Builds the stored procs described here. |
The Datadictionary_FrameworkInstall.SQL script is very simple.
:CONNECT yourdbserver :setvar ScriptLocation "C:\Documents and Settings\David\My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Projects\Datadictionary\" go USE model GO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT 'DataDictionary_FrameworkInstall.SQL' PRINT '***************************************' GO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- :r $(ScriptLocation)DataDictionaryTables.SQL :r $(ScriptLocation)DataDictionaryProcs.SQL
Putting it all together as part of a build process
How a developer uses the framework is really up to them. My interest is that I have made it as simple as possible and having lead the hydrophobic horse to water I choose to watch it drink at a safe distance.
It really depends on whether this is a new build database or maintaining an existing one. If it is an existing one then the first step is to run the Populate and Scavenge stored procs. As developers add objects they may choose to run the populate and update procs at the end of their object creation script or they may choose to have one large script at the end of the build.
The last stored procedures are as follows: -
- ApplyDataDictionary
- TestDataDictionaryTables
- TestDatadictionaryFields
If you have a tool like Red-Gate SQLDoc then you can either have a windows scheduled task to build the documentation set or if it is installed on the continuous integration machine you can even include it as part of the build process.
Personally I favour the latter because a sizable development utilizing test driven development will take considerable time to build and perform all the relevant tests without the overhead of running the actual SQLDoc process.
Final thoughts
I have been an advocate for a decent data dictionary (and for that matter quality systems documentation) ever since I worked in a small company supporting a large number of systems spread over a number of clients. Simple brief intent and purpose comments attached to a database or API makes life a great deal easier. Just because a task isn't popular doesn't mean that it has to be painful. Making a development task easier is always a good move because, like slugs, developers always know where the good beer is.