Recently I had to cover for a colleague who was taking a weeks vacation. "You will probably be kept busy" he said during the last minute handover "but I would appreciate it if you could add a separate index and data filegroup and shift all the relevant objects onto those filegroups".
And with that he vanished off into the Friday rain to a holiday of sand, sea, sangria and other alliterations that make vacations so pleasurable. It was only when I started to look at this in more detail that I realised that what he was hoping was for me to shift data around in the offline data store of a data warehouse covering 3 years of transactions!
Of course when you know how to do it the moving of such things is straight forward but very time consuming. Raj Gujar's recent article covers it nicely.
Determining the requirements
The two filegroups to which data and indexes were to be moved were named FGDATA and FGINDEX.
The offline data store is the accumulation of all transactions on all database servers that are relevant to the data warehouse. This is a large number of tables so manually scripting every drop and recreation is not really practical.
The primary keys in most of the data warehouse tables were clustered indexes so I was going to have to drop and recreate the primary keys in the majority of cases.
For reasons I won't go into the offline data store had foreign key constraints to enforce DRI and as you can't drop a primary or unique constraint if a foreign key constraint depends on it I was going to have to drop and recreate the foreign key constraints as well.
Of course dropping and recreating primary and unique key constraints and indexes is going to thrash TEMPDB and with the volumes of data involved I have to worry about disk space. I decided to record the commands I was going to use as strings in a table so I would have a log of what the process had attempted to do so I could recover manually where possible. I tend to have an administration database called DBA where all such work in progress data is stored.
So my requirements were as follows
- Record all commands to create/destroy objects
- Foreign keys
- Primary/Unique clustered constraints
- Clustered indexes
- Non-clustered primary/unique constraints
- Non-clustered indexes
- XML Indexes
- Primary XML Indexes
- Make the script database agnostic (it should run on any database)
- Make the script as safe as possible. Running it on a database where the objects have already been moved should do no harm!
- Make the script print out what it was doing so I had a log of the execution.
The drop recreate order
The drop/recreate order is dictated by the dependencies.
- You cannot drop an XML index until the primary XML index has been dropped.
- You cannot drop a primary key before any primary XML indexes or foreign keys have been dropped.
The drop order is as follows
- Foreign keys
- Secondary XML indexes
- Primary XML indexes
- Nonclustered keys/indexes
- Clustered keys/Indexes
The create order is a reverse of this however you may have a particular reason for changing the order of recreation.
Creating the backup tables in the DBA database
As I wanted my script to run in any database but log to my DBA database I had to use dynamic SQL. This would be a bit of a nuisance but not really complicated.
If I ran my script in the AdventureWorks database then my backup table would be called AdventureWorks_FileGroupMove. It would have the following structure
Field | Type | Description |
DropOrder | TINYINT | The order in which objects should be dropped. Low values first. |
CreateOrder | TINYINT | The order in which objects should be recreated. |
TableName | VARCHAR(256) | The table that is affected by the command |
DropObject | VARCHAR(500) | The T-SQL to drop the object |
CreateObject | VARCHAR(500) | The T-SQL to recreate the object. |
DECLARE @TableName sysname, @SQL VARCHAR(MAX), @CRLF CHAR(2) SET @CRLF = CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) SET @TableName = DB_NAME()+'_FileGroupMove' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- We do not want to lose any foreign key drop/create commands so log them -- to a permanent table in the DBA database. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM DBA.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='dbo' AND TABLE_NAME=@TableName) BEGIN SET @SQL='CREATE TABLE DBA.dbo.' + QUOTENAME(@TableName) + '( DropOrder TINYINT NOT NULL,CreateOrder TINYINT NOT NULL,TableName VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,DropObject varchar(500) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_' + @TableName + ' PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,CreateObject VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL)' PRINT @SQL EXEC(@SQL)
NB The END statement is in the code for the next section.
Recording foreign key drop and recreate commands
Generating a script to drop foreign keys is easy and I covered it in my recent article Fast Project Rollbacks.
Scripting the recreation is a bit more involved.
The first step is to take a look at the sysreferences table.
Field | Meaning |
KeyCnt | The number of fields participating in the relationship. This is very important. |
Constid | The id from sysobjects representing the foreign key. |
Fkeyid | The id from sysobjects representing the child table. |
Rkeyid | The id from sysobjects representing the referenced (parent) table. |
Fkey1 Fkey16 | The colid representing the syscolumns field on the child side of the relationship |
Rkey1 Rkey16 | The colid representing the syscolums field on the parent side of the relationship. |
All foreign keys will have at least one field participating in the relationship but we can have up to 16fields participating if we wish. The KeyCnt columns tells us how many we have to allow for.
In Adventureworks the maximum value for this field is two so the SQL below is adequate for what we want to do.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- As the table name is dynamic we need to build up the SQL command -- to populate the table. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET @SQL= 'INSERT INTO DBA.dbo.' + @TableName + '(DropOrder,CreateOrder,TableName,DropObject,CreateObject)' + @CRLF + 'SELECT 1 AS DropOrder,5 AS CreateOrder,'''' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(rkeyid,''SchemaID'')AS INT))) + ''.'' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(rkeyid)) + '''' AS TableName,''ALTER TABLE '' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(fkeyid,''SchemaID'')AS INT))) + ''.'' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(fkeyid)) + '' DROP CONSTRAINT '' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(constid)) AS DropObject, ''ALTER TABLE '' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(fkeyid,''SchemaID'')AS INT))) + ''.'' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(fkeyid)) + '' WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT '' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(constid)) + '' FOREIGN KEY ('' + QUOTENAME(C.[name]) + CASE WHEN IS NOT NULL THEN '','' + QUOTENAME(F2.[name]) ELSE '''' END + '')'' + '' REFERENCES '' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(rkeyid,''SchemaID'')AS INT))) + ''.'' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(rkeyid)) + ''('' + QUOTENAME(C1.[name]) + CASE WHEN IS NOT NULL THEN '','' + QUOTENAME(R2.[name]) ELSE '''' END + '')'' AS CreateObject FROM sys.sysreferences AS R INNER JOIN sys.syscolumns AS C ON R.fkeyid = AND R.fkey1 = C.colid LEFT JOIN sys.syscolumns as F2 ON R.fkeyid = and R.fkey2 = F2.colid INNER JOIN sys.syscolumns AS C1 ON R.rkeyid = AND R.rkey1 = C1.colid LEFT JOIN sys.syscolumns as R2 ON R.rkeyid = AND R.rkey2 = R2.colid' PRINT @SQL EXEC(@SQL) END GO
If the MAX(keycnt) value was greater then we would need additional LEFT JOIN statements. Let us suppose that we had a maximum value of three then the additional join statements would be as follows.
LEFT JOIN sys.syscolumns as F3
ON R.fkeyid =
and R.fkey3 = F3.colid
LEFT JOIN sys.syscolumns as R3
ON R.rkeyid =
AND R.rkey3 = R3.colid'
Note that for the 3rd field in the relationship I am using fkey3 and rkey3.
If there was a 4th field in the relationship I would be using fkey4 and rkey4.
In the select statement the following line would change from
And similarly
would change to
If we were to run the script now then we would find that all our drop and create commands had been generated and stored in DBA.dbo.AdventureWorks_FileGroupMove
If we were to look at the record for SalesOrderDetail we would see the following commands had been generated and stored
ALTER TABLE [Sales].[SalesOrderDetail] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_SalesOrderDetail_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderID] FOREIGN KEY ([SalesOrderID]) REFERENCES [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader]([SalesOrderID]) ALTER TABLE [Sales].[SalesOrderDetail] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_SalesOrderDetail_SpecialOfferProduct_SpecialOfferIDProductID] FOREIGN KEY ([SpecialOfferID],[ProductID]) REFERENCES [Sales].[SpecialOfferProduct]([SpecialOfferID],[ProductID])
There are three points to note at this stage
I prefer any object that I create to use alphanumerics and underscore characters. Every time that I have deviated from this rule it has come back to haunt me at some stage. I find that wrapping object names up in brackets as performed by the QUOTENAME() function simply makes the code harder to read. I have used QUOTENAME here simply to produce a script that will work with whatever legacy or 3rd party aberration may be inflicted on me.
I have deliberately used WITH NOCHECK because I don't want the overhead of checking the foreign key constraints for legacy data.
I can always script up the WITH CHECK equivalent later if I need to do so.
The TableName field
The script stored the table name of the referenced table for foreign keys. For example, if you wanted to move a Country table to a separate file group then before you could drop the primary key constraint you would have to remove all foreign keys that refer to the Country table.
Drop and recreate XML indexes
The following script will generate the commands to drop and recreate both the primary and secondary XML indexes.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Record the commands to drop and recreate XML indexes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @TableName sysname, @SQL VARCHAR(MAX), @CRLF CHAR(2) SET @CRLF = CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) SET @TableName = DB_NAME()+'_FileGroupMove' SET @SQL= 'INSERT INTO DBA.dbo.' + @TableName + '(DropOrder,CreateOrder,TableName,DropObject,CreateObject)' + @CRLF + 'SELECT CASE WHEN is null THEN ''3'' ELSE ''2'' END AS DropOrder, CASE WHEN is null THEN ''3'' ELSE ''4'' END AS CreateOrder, + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(MI.Object_ID,''SchemaID'')AS INT))) + ''.'' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(MI.object_id)) AS TableName, ''DROP INDEX '' + QUOTENAME(MI.Name) + '' ON '' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(MI.Object_ID,''SchemaID'')AS INT))) + ''.'' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(MI.object_id)), ''CREATE '' + CASE WHEN IS NOT NULL THEN '''' ELSE ''PRIMARY '' END + ''XML INDEX '' + QUOTENAME(MI.Name) + '' ON '' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(MI.Object_ID,''SchemaID'')AS INT))) + ''.'' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(MI.object_id)) +''('' + QUOTENAME( + '')'' + CASE WHEN IS NULL THEN '''' ELSE '' USING XML INDEX '' + QUOTENAME( + '' FOR '' + CASE MI.secondary_type WHEN ''V'' THEN ''VALUE'' WHEN ''P'' THEN ''PATH'' WHEN ''R'' THEN ''PROPERTY'' ELSE '''' END END FROM sys.xml_indexes AS MI INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS IC ON MI.object_id = IC.Object_ID AND MI.Index_id = IC.Index_id INNER JOIN sys.columns As C ON IC.object_id = C.object_id AND IC.column_id = C.column_id LEFT JOIN sys.xml_indexes AS PRI ON MI.object_id = PRI.object_id AND MI.using_xml_index_id = PRI.index_id WHERE PRI.secondary_type is null ORDER BY MI.secondary_type desc' PRINT @SQL EXEC(@SQL) GO
Indexes that are not also a constraint
Both PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraint have entries in the sys.sysindexes table and require
the ALTER TABLE <TableName> DROP CONSTRAINT syntax. We want to identify those sys.sysindexes records that
require the DROP INDEX syntax.
The following script generates the drop and recreate commands for indexes that are not also a constraint.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Assemble a list of tables/indexes where the index is not a constraint ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @IndexList TABLE ( PK INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, Id INT NOT NULL , IndID INT NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO @IndexList ( Id, IndID ) SELECT,I.indid FROM sys.sysindexes AS I WHERE INDEXPROPERTY ( I.ID,, 'IsStatistics' ) =0 AND OBJECTPROPERTY(,'IsUserTable')=1 AND OBJECTPROPERTY(,'IsMSShipped')=0 AND NOT IN (SELECT FROM sys.sysobjects AS O WHERE I.ID = O.Parent_Obj AND O.xtype IN ('UQ','PK')) AND I.groupid = FILEGROUP_ID('PRIMARY') ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Itterate through the tables dropping and recreating the indexes that are not constraints ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @TableID INT, @TableName SYSNAME SET @TableName = DB_NAME()+'_FileGroupMove' SET @TableID = 0 DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(MAX), @INCLUDE VARCHAR(MAX), @CRLF CHAR(2) SET @CRLF = CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) WHILE @TableID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @SQL = NULL SELECT @TableID = MIN(PK) FROM @IndexList WHERE PK> @TableID IF @TableID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @SQL=COALESCE(@SQL+',','') + QUOTENAME(C.[name]) FROM sys.sysindexes AS I INNER JOIN sys.sysindexkeys AS K ON = AND I.indid = K.indid INNER JOIN sys.syscolumns AS C ON = AND K.colid = C.colid INNER JOIN sys.sysfilegroups AS G ON I.groupid = G.groupid INNER JOIN @IndexList AS IL ON = IL.Id AND I.indid = IL.IndID WHERE IL.PK = @TableID AND G.groupid = FILEGROUP_ID('PRIMARY') AND K.KeyNo>0 ORDER BY K.keyno IF @@ROWCOUNT>0 BEGIN set @INCLUDE = NULL SELECT @INCLUDE=COALESCE(@INCLUDE+',','') + QUOTENAME(C.[name]) FROM sys.sysindexes AS I INNER JOIN sys.sysindexkeys AS K ON = AND I.indid = K.indid INNER JOIN sys.syscolumns AS C ON = AND K.colid = C.colid INNER JOIN sys.sysfilegroups AS G ON I.groupid = G.groupid INNER JOIN @IndexList AS IL ON = IL.Id AND I.indid = IL.IndID WHERE IL.PK = @TableID AND G.groupid = FILEGROUP_ID('PRIMARY') AND K.KeyNo=0 set @Include= coalesce(@include,'') -- If the primary key was on the PRIMARY file group we need to move it. SELECT @SQL='INSERT INTO DBA.dbo.' + @TableName + '(DropOrder,CreateOrder,TableName,DropObject,CreateObject)' + @CRLF + 'SELECT ' + CASE INDEXPROPERTY(,,'IsClustered') WHEN 0 THEN '4 ' WHEN 1 THEN '5 ' END + ' AS DropOrder,' + CASE INDEXPROPERTY(,,'IsClustered') WHEN 0 THEN '2 ' WHEN 1 THEN '1 ' END + ' AS CreateOrder,''' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(,'SchemaID')AS INT))) + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME( + ''' AS TableName, ''DROP INDEX ' + QUOTENAME(I.[name]) + ' ON ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(,'SchemaID')AS INT))) + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME( + ';'' AS DropObject,' + '''CREATE ' + CASE INDEXPROPERTY(,,'IsUnique') WHEN 0 THEN '' WHEN 1 THEN 'UNIQUE ' END + CASE INDEXPROPERTY(,,'IsClustered') WHEN 0 THEN '' WHEN 1 THEN 'CLUSTERED ' END + 'INDEX ' + QUOTENAME(I.[name]) + ' ON ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(,'SchemaID')AS INT))) + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME( + ' (' + @SQL + ')' + CASE WHEN LEN(@INCLUDE)=0 THEN '' ELSE ' INCLUDE('+ @INCLUDE + ')' END + ' ON ' + CASE INDEXPROPERTY(,,'IsClustered') WHEN 0 THEN '[FGINDEX];' WHEN 1 THEN '[FGDATA];' END + ''' AS CreateObject' FROM sys.sysindexes AS I INNER JOIN @IndexList AS IL ON = IL.Id AND I.indid = IL.IndID WHERE IL.PK = @TableID RAISERROR('%s',10,1, @sql) WITH NOWAIT EXEC(@SQL) END END END GO
There are some points to note at this stage.
The PRINT statement will only work at the end of the batch. Using the RAISERROR statement with NOWAIT ensures that the result is echoed to the screen straight away. For the web programmers amongst you this is the SQL equivalent of a Flush() method.
This is important because the building of the constraints could take a very long time and being able to determine the script progress reduces the blood pressure.
The sysindexes table links to sysfilegroups. It is this that determines where data/indexes reside.
Remember that the clustered index/constraint cannot be separated from the data.
In ANSI SQL there are UNIQUE CONSTRAINTs and not UNIQUE INDEXs. SQL Server allows you to have a unique index without a unique constraint but a unique constraint will build a unique index to cover it.
In AdventureWorks there the Production.BillOfMaterials uses a unique clustered index.
Indexes that ARE constraints
At first glance the script below appears so similar to the script for indexes that ARE NOT constraints that you might wonder why I haven't done anything clever to roll the two script blocks into a single block with case statements.
Primarily I kept the two separate due to time pressures. Being able to generate the scripts drop/recreate commands is the important thing.
There are also some quirks in the INDEXPROPERTY() function. Even though both primary key and unique keys are indexes the INDEXPROPERTY() function is not always correct in identifying them as CLUSTERED/NONCLUSTERED.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Assemble a list of tables/indexes where the index is a constraint ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @IndexList TABLE ( PK INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, Id INT NOT NULL , IndID INT NOT NULL ) INSERT INTO @IndexList ( Id, IndID ) SELECT,I.indid FROM sys.sysindexes AS I WHERE INDEXPROPERTY ( I.ID,, 'IsStatistics' ) =0 AND OBJECTPROPERTY(,'IsUserTable')=1 AND OBJECTPROPERTY(,'IsMSShipped')=0 AND IN (SELECT FROM sys.sysobjects AS O WHERE I.ID = O.Parent_Obj AND O.xtype IN ('UQ','PK')) AND I.groupid = FILEGROUP_ID('PRIMARY') AND object_name(<>'sysdiagrams' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Itterate through the tables dropping and recreating the indexes that are constraints ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @TableID INT, @TableName SYSNAME SET @TableName = DB_NAME()+'_FileGroupMove' SET @TableID = 0 DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(MAX), @INCLUDE VARCHAR(MAX), @CRLF CHAR(2) SET @CRLF = CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10) WHILE @TableID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @SQL = NULL SELECT @TableID = MIN(PK) FROM @IndexList WHERE PK> @TableID IF @TableID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @SQL=COALESCE(@SQL+',','') + QUOTENAME(C.[name]) FROM sys.sysindexes AS I INNER JOIN sys.sysindexkeys AS K ON = AND I.indid = K.indid INNER JOIN sys.syscolumns AS C ON = AND K.colid = C.colid INNER JOIN sys.sysfilegroups AS G ON I.groupid = G.groupid INNER JOIN @IndexList AS IL ON = IL.Id AND I.indid = IL.IndID WHERE IL.PK = @TableID AND G.groupid = FILEGROUP_ID('PRIMARY') AND K.KeyNo>0 ORDER BY K.keyno IF @@ROWCOUNT>0 BEGIN set @INCLUDE = NULL SELECT @INCLUDE=COALESCE(@INCLUDE+',','') + QUOTENAME(C.[name]) FROM sys.sysindexes AS I INNER JOIN sys.sysindexkeys AS K ON = AND I.indid = K.indid INNER JOIN sys.syscolumns AS C ON = AND K.colid = C.colid INNER JOIN sys.sysfilegroups AS G ON I.groupid = G.groupid INNER JOIN @IndexList AS IL ON = IL.Id AND I.indid = IL.IndID WHERE IL.PK = @TableID AND G.groupid = FILEGROUP_ID('PRIMARY') AND K.KeyNo=0 set @Include= coalesce(@include,'') -- If the primary key was on the PRIMARY file group we need to move it. SELECT @SQL='INSERT INTO DBA.dbo.' + @TableName + '(DropOrder,CreateOrder,TableName,DropObject,CreateObject)' + @CRLF + 'SELECT ' + CASE I.IndID WHEN 1 THEN '5 ' ELSE '4 ' END + ' AS DropOrder,' + CASE I.IndID WHEN 1 THEN '1 ' ELSE '2 ' END + ' AS CreateOrder,''' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(,'SchemaID')AS INT))) + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME( + ''' AS TableName,''ALTER TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(,'SchemaID')AS INT))) + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME( + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + QUOTENAME(I.[name]) + CASE I.IndId WHEN 1 THEN ' WITH (MOVE TO [FGDATA]) ' ELSE '' END + ';'' AS DropObject,' + '''ALTER TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(,'SchemaID')AS INT))) + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME( + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + QUOTENAME(I.[name]) + CASE OBJECTPROPERTYEX(OBJECT_ID(QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(CAST(OBJECTPROPERTYEX(,'SchemaID')AS INT))) + '.' + QUOTENAME(,'IsPrimaryKey') WHEN 1 THEN ' PRIMARY KEY ' ELSE ' UNIQUE ' END + CASE I.IndID WHEN 1 THEN 'CLUSTERED ' ELSE 'NONCLUSTERED ' END + ' (' + @SQL + ')' + CASE WHEN LEN(@INCLUDE)=0 THEN '' ELSE 'INCLUDE('+ @INCLUDE + ')' END + ' ON ' + CASE I.IndID WHEN 1 THEN '[FGDATA];' ELSE '[FGINDEX];' END + ''' AS CreateObject' FROM sys.sysindexes AS I INNER JOIN @IndexList AS IL ON = IL.Id AND I.indid = IL.IndID WHERE IL.PK = @TableID RAISERROR('%s',10,1, @sql) WITH NOWAIT EXEC(@SQL) END END END GO
Retrieving the commands
As a manual exercise I create a view in my DBA database as follows
USE DBA GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].FileGroupMoveCommands AS SELECT DropOrder AS CommandOrder ,TableName ,DropObject AS SQLCommand FROM DBA.dbo.AdventureWorks_FileGroupMove UNION ALL SELECT CreateOrder +5 AS CommandOrder ,TableName ,CreateObject AS SQLCommand FROM DBA.dbo.AdventureWorks_FileGroupMove
This allows me to retrieve the commands I need with a simple SELECT
SELECT * FROM DBA.dbo.FileGroupMoveCommands ORDER BY TableName,CommandOrder For an example for a specific table from Adventureworks try the following command. SELECT SQLCommand FROM DBA.dbo.FileGroupMoveCommands where tablename = '[Sales].[Individual]' ORDER BY TableName,CommandOrder
This will produce the following T-SQL commands
DROP INDEX [XMLPATH_Individual_Demographics] ON [Sales].[Individual] DROP INDEX [XMLPROPERTY_Individual_Demographics] ON [Sales].[Individual] DROP INDEX [XMLVALUE_Individual_Demographics] ON [Sales].[Individual] DROP INDEX [PXML_Individual_Demographics] ON [Sales].[Individual] ALTER TABLE [Sales].[Individual] DROP CONSTRAINT [PK_Individual_CustomerID] WITH (MOVE TO [FGDATA]) ; ALTER TABLE [Sales].[Individual] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Individual_CustomerID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([CustomerID]) ON [FGDATA]; CREATE PRIMARY XML INDEX [PXML_Individual_Demographics] ON [Sales].[Individual]([Demographics]) CREATE XML INDEX [XMLPATH_Individual_Demographics] ON [Sales].[Individual]([Demographics]) USING XML INDEX [PXML_Individual_Demographics] FOR PATH CREATE XML INDEX [XMLPROPERTY_Individual_Demographics] ON [Sales].[Individual]([Demographics]) USING XML INDEX [PXML_Individual_Demographics] FOR PROPERTY CREATE XML INDEX [XMLVALUE_Individual_Demographics] ON [Sales].[Individual]([Demographics]) USING XML INDEX [PXML_Individual_Demographics] FOR VALUE
Executing the commands
I could of course write a simple piece of looping SQL to run all the commands that I have generated.
This would be extraordinarily brave in a data warehouse due to the sheer number of tables and the volumes of data involved.
My data warehouse server would need enough capacity to store twice the current volume of data plus space in TEMPDB, plus some hefty log file space to carry out this automatically.
In reality I am constrained for space so I have to go through a manual process that involves the following
- Ensure that the files in FGData and FGIndex are big enough for the proposed data movement.
- Select the commands for the particular data movement and copy/paste/execute them
- Shrink the PRIMARY files to free up space for the next block of data movement.
- Remove the records representing my move from my backup table if the move was entirely successful.process.
Perhaps in a future iteration I will generate some code that introduces basic rules for automatic selection on the basis of the output of sp_spaceused but in the absence of unlimited resources, including downtime there is always going to be a manual element to such a major move.
Storage planning has to be a major part of a data warehouse project. Think of the characteristics of a data warehouse
- Huge volumes of data
- Heavily indexed to support user queries
Moving data and indexes retrospectively is not a task you want to be doing in such a database. Doing so is very much a case of "I know where I want to go but I wouldn't start from here".
It was an interesting problem to solve but the person who dropped this on me as part of covering for their vacation had better be generous with the beer money at the office Christmas party.