SQLServerCentral Article

Making Dynamic Queries Static


In this article, I discuss some possibilities for circumventing the

performance hit on dynamic queries.  This problem crops up endlessly when

trying to build stored procedures that take multiple parameters in the where

clause.  There are actually two parts to this problem: first, how do we

know which parameters to include in the where clause and second, how do we get

sql to cache a query plan for the stored procedure.  Lets explore the first

problem with a simple example:  Lets say I want to build an application

that will allow the user to search for an account based on some criteria. 

Lets say our criteria will be Account Name, Contact first name, Contact last

name, city, state, and phone number.  To do this we need to build a stored

procedure that takes six input parameters: @Aname, @Cfirst, @Clast, @city,

@state, @phone.  The select statement we want will look something like

this:  SELECT * from account A inner Join  Contact C on a.primarykey=c.accountkey

inner join Address D on A.primarykey=D.foreignkey WHERE ......  The problem

is how do we build the WHERE clause since it is dynamic.  In other words we

do not know which of the input parameters were actually passed values that need

to be in the where clause.  Fortunately the rules are pretty simple, if a

parameter has a value then it must be contained in the where clause and if a

parameter does not have a value then it can not appear in the where clause. 

So, how do we solve this problem? This article will present three different solutions: 

Solution 1:  Use the CASE or IF statement to test each

parameter and run an appropriate select statement


IF @Aname<>'' and @Cfirst='' and @Clast='' and @city='' and @state='' and


SELECT * from account A inner Join  Contact C on a.primarykey=c.accountkey

inner join Address D on A.primarykey=D.foreignkey WHERE A.name=@Aname


IF @Aname<>'' and @Cfirst<>'' and @Clast='' and @city='' and @state='' and


 SELECT * from account A inner Join  Contact C on a.primarykey=c.accountkey

inner join Address D on A.primarykey=D.foreignkey WHERE A.name=@Aname and



Advantages:    Probably the most straight forward solution


Best SQL performance  (low reads, fast sql execution)

Disadvantages:   Complex code as the number of cases rises

exponentially with the number of parameters


CPU time increases based on the number of CASE or IF comparisons

Solution 2:  Write your sql so that you can always include

every parameter in the where clause. How is this possible???


SELECT * from account A inner Join  Contact C on a.primarykey=c.accountkey

inner join Address D on A.primarykey=D.foreignkey WHERE (A.name like @Aname or

A.name is NULL) and (C.firstName like @Cfirst or C.firstName is NULL) and (C.lastName

like @Clast or C.lastName is NULL) and (D.city like @city or D.city is NULL) and

(D.state like @state or D.state is NULL) and (D.phone like @phone or D.phone is


Advantages:      Easy code to write


Fast CPU time (code executes quickly)

Disadvantages:    Need to decide what you are going to do with



Slower SQL performance

Lets take a look at how this works.  First

we have to make sure that our input parameters to the stored procedure are

correct.  For this scheme to work every parameter will get represented in a

LIKE clause, thus the parameter must contain a % at the end.  If parameters

are blank then they get converted to %.  So what happens when we do

something like WHERE d.city LIKE '%' ?  Well if you turn on show execution

plan in query analyzer you can see that it is represented as a SEEK(d.city Is

Not Null).  In other words, all records will be returned unless they are

NULL.  This is why we need to decide what to do with the Nulls.  When

I created this solution, I decided that if the value was NULL then it is

conceivable that it could match, thus I added the criteria (or d.City is NULL)

to my where.  I end up with the criteria of:  WHERE (dcity LIKE '%' or

d.city Is NULL).  This will return "all records where city is Not Null" 

or  "all records where city is NULL".  In other words, it will return

all records (it is as if the criteria did not exist).  Its magic, with this

technique we are able to always add the parameter to the select statement

without it actually limiting our return results (it is as if the criteria did

not exist). 

Recap of the city example:

WHERE (d.city LIKE '%' or d.city Is NULL)      

Returns all records (as if the criteria does not exits). 

WHERE (d.city LIKE 'Orlando%' or d.city Is

NULL)    Returns all records where city starts with Orlando or

city is Null

As I stated earlier, my implementation of this

solution returns records where the city is NULL.  My reasoning for this was

that a NULL value by definition means that I do not have the information

available to me.  If I do not know for sure that the city is Not Orlando

then it is very well possible that it could be Orlando.  What would I do if

I wanted to get rid of the records where city is NULL?  Well, your first

guess may be to remove the (or d.city Is NULL) clause, which would work fine in

cases where the city parameter has a value, but then what would happen if the

city parameter was blank?  It would get converted to '%' and the clause

would be (d.city LIKE '%') which would limit my results to all records where the

city is not null.  Take for instance the case where I want to return all

records where state is CA.  My where clause would end up looking like this:

WHERE (A.name like '%') and (C.firstName like

'%') and (C.lastName

like '%') and (D.city like '%') and

(D.state like 'CA%') and (D.phone like '%')

My results would not contain any records where

a.name, c.firstName, c.lastname, d.city or d.phone were NULL even if the state

was CA.

The challenge is how could you

modify my solution so that all records that had a value of 'CA' for state will

be returned regardless of whether or not the values in the other fields are

Null?  The solution must be generic so that it can work with any parameter

and any value passed in.  Remember that the solution must also work for

cases where the parameter is blank '%'.  When blank we do not want to

restrict any records returned, it should be as if the criteria was not there!

The only other problem I can find with this

solution is that you can not enforce operators (=, <>, > , <, IN) other than

Like as it stands.  This may or may not be an issue depending on the

application.  Another challenge would be to come up with a solution to


Solution 3:  Build a Cache table for every combination of

parameters that occur

Select @storedProc=storedProc from ProcCache where pAname=@Aname and pCfirst=@Cfirst

and pClast=@Clast and pCity=@city and pState=@state and pPhone=@phone

IF @@rowcount=1

    exec (@storedProc)


    exec sp_CreateNewProc

Advantages:    Don't waste code trying to handle situations

that never occur


Good performance  (fast sql execution)

DisAdvantages:    Need to do a lookup in the cache table every


                            Need to build a stored procedure on the fly the first time a combination occurs

This is an interesting solution to the problem

which I have not explored yet.  Basically the way it would work would be

like this;  The stored procedure is called with a group of parameters

passed in.  The first thing I would do is a lookup in my ProcCache Table. 

The ProcCache table would have a column for each parameter.  A value of 1

in the column would indicate that the parameter is included in the where clause

and a value of 0 in the column would indicate that the parameter is not included

in the where clause.   I would build a SELECT statement based on the

parameters passed into the stored procedure.  For example assume I have a

stored procedure that accepted two input parameters @account, @name:  My

SELECT would be created like this:

SELECT storedProcToRun fromProcCache where Account=CASE @account WHEN '' THEN

0 ELSE 1 END AND Name= case @name WHEN '' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END

The select statement would return the name of the stored procedure that was

created to handle this particular query.  If there was no entry for the

query then I would insert a row into ProcCache and create a new stored procedure

on the fly.  The next time the same query is run it will be in the

ProcCache.  This solution means that I only have to create stored

procedures for the queries that are run (I do not have to figure out all

possible combinations).  The stored procedure will be created automatically

since all of the information necessary to create it is known.  As a new

query is attempted my collection of stored procedures grows automatically

without user intervention.

My thoughts are that this solution could offer

a good balance of performance and flexibility.  I will always take a hit

doing the cache lookup but it should be very quick, and I will only take a hit

creating the stored procedure the first time.  One thing I am considering

with this solution is to pass in both the parameter and the comparison operator. 

That way I could do any kind of comparison (=, <>, >, <, Like, IN) I wanted and

use the one that makes the most sense in some situations.    I

expect to play around with this idea shortly and write a follow up article on my



In this article, I have presented three

solutions to over come the problem of dynamic queries in stored procedures. 

To be honest with you, I would not get too hung up on trying to avoid using

dynamic queries.  Yes, sql server can not cache the query plan and you will

suffer some performance loss, but this is not any more performance loss than

passing the sql directly to sql server from an application.  My opinion is

that stored procedures should not just be thought of as a method of increasing

sql performance, but also as a way to package your solutions and maybe even most

importantly a way to provide maximum security.  By packaging your

solutions, I mean that I think of stored procedures as analogous to sub routines

in programming.  My current strategy when programming is to do everything

through a stored procedure.  Calling the stored procedures are just like

calling other sub routines in my program except that the stored procedures deal

directly with the database servers.  You may have many situations where you

need to do something like return a list of valid users.  Why not make a

stored procedure to do this and call it over and over.  Making the stored

procedure generic enough to be used in any situation may require dynamic sql,

but I would not let that stop you.  One of the greatest benefits of always

using a stored procedure for database access is that you can remove the users

permissions to the tables completely and place all of the permissions on the

stored procedures, thus limiting the users ability to do only those functions

that have been coded into stored procedures.  Keep in mind when you are

creating dynamic queries in a stored procedure that there may be a higher

performance way to achieve the results especially if you are dealing with a

small number of input parameters.  Those of you who are techno geeks, try

to solve the problem exposed in solution 2 and maybe some of you even have some

better solutions than I have presented here.  Lets hear'em!


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