SQLServerCentral Article

How to Install and Configure Baseline Collector Solution V2


In my previous two articles I introduced my Baseline Collector Solution. I think these articles were more technical than informative, and not everyone likes the deep technical, design details. For example, people who are not actually DBAs just need to handle DBA stuff. Somebody may just prefer a nice presentation about the end result of a solution.

So I decided to write a so-called "How to," in which I show you how easy it can be to install and to configure my Baseline Collector Solution.

Here you can find my previous articles about the Solution (the techie ones):

Let's get started.

Downloading the Solution

The first step is to download the Solution. So, let's go to my blog: SQLApprentice.net

Go to Baseline Collector Solution in the menu. Then Download the BCS (see the picture below)

Click to "Download Now" and save the file.

During downloading the Solution, don't forget to Sign up to the Update Newsletter so you will be informed when new updates are availalbe!

That's it. Let's go on with configuring...

Configuring the Solution

This step is the most important one. Right after the license info you can see the following instruction which tells you what is needed to find in the script and to modify:

So basically we need to tell the SetupScript how to implement the Solution. You need to answer the following questions:


In which database do you want to install the Solution? This database will be used for storing the data collected. As you can see there is reminder part, a big ASCII arrow telling you that there are still some settings to be configured, so you are not DONE yet.

Tables, Jobs, Schedules

In the next section you can decide if you want the SetupScript to drop any tables which already exist in the database and you can also enable data compression so the created tables will be compressed using PAGE compression.

You can also configure the SetupScript to create default Jobs and Schedules for you. Here there are also a drop options for both the jobs and the schedules. There is one thing which is not mentioned here: If you choose to create both jobs and schedules, the jobs will be mapped to my recommended schedules, but both the jobs and schedules will be disabled, so you will need to enable them. (NOTE: You can find a script created by rstone for enabling the default jobs/schedules on the article disscussion of article Baseline Collector Solution V2 here.)

Here is a list about the created jobs and its' predefined schedules:

  • Baseline - Collect InstanceInfo/ConfigData/DatabaseInfo/FileInfo/WaitStats

    • SCHEDULE[baseline - daily - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/]

    • STEPS:

      • Collect InstanceInfo

      • Collect ConfigData

      • Collect DatabaseInfo

      • Collect FileInfo

      • Collect WaitStats with @ResetWaitStats=1

      • JobCheck

  • Baseline - CollectIOVFStats

    • SCHEDULE[baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/]

  • Baseline - CollectPerfmonData

    • SCHEDULE[baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/]

  • Baseline - CollectTempDBUsage

    • SCHEDULE[baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/]

  • Baseline - Output File Cleanup

    • SCHEDULE[baseline - daily - at 2351PM]


Where do you want to put the logs generated by the jobs?

This can be configued at the end of the configuring section.

If you want to put the logs into your own folder, you need to explicitly provide the full path of this folder, and the folder MUST exists.

If you want to put the logs into the instance's default error log directory...

  • in SQL Server 2008 / 2008 R2 / 2012 just leave the @OutputFileDirectory parameter as NULL and set the @LocateSQLErrorLogDirectoryFromRegistry parameter to 1 and the script will try to locate the default error log directory for you. (see my demo setup log below)

  • in SQL Server 2014 leave the @OutputFileDirectory parameter as NULL and that's it you are done, the SetupScript will ignore the @LocateSQLErrorLogDirectoryFromRegistry parameter since it will use SQLLOGDIR token.

  • you can explicitly provide that folder.

That's it. As you can see you are DONE! You can run the script... or not?

Installing the Solution

As part of the implementation process the SetupScript generates SetupLog so you can easily troubleshoot if something goes wrong. So it is important to save the SetupLog. Let's see few options for that:

SSMS Query Result to file

You can set SSMS to save the result generated to file. With this option used everything that you can see on the message tab will be in the file as well.

Since there will be only text output I modified the file type to *.* and use .txt extension.

SSMS with SQLCMD mode Enabled

From Baseline Collector Solution V2.0.4 SQLCMD mode can be used. One disadvantage of this is that you need to define two output. One for the errors and one for the standard output generated. First enable SQLCMD mode in SSMS:

Write the followign code somewhere right after the license or the first setup instruction:

:on error exit
:error D:\BCS_DEMO\BCS_error_log_YYYYMMDD.txt
:out D:\BCS_DEMO\BCS_install_log_YYYYMMDD.txt

If you already enabled SQLCMD mode the SQLCMD statements are highlighted in gray.


Last but not least you can use SQLCMD itself.

So the script is already configured well. You have more options:

  1. You can still use the code described in the previous section to redirect the output (both :error and :out) or
  2. You can simple use the -o option of SQLCMD.exe.

In my demo I used SQLCMD with the second option:

If everything went well you have the followings:

The BaselineDB with the tables and the collectors in it...

...the jobs...

... and the schedules...

...and a SetupLog like this one:

22:18:57.6473 Implementation of Baseline Collector Solution is started... /28 Sep 2015 22:18:57.647/
22:18:57.6473 Please report every error you get (copy the SetupLog into the message): http://www.sqlapprentice.net/contact/
22:18:57.6473 Baseline Collector Solution Version: 2.0.4
22:18:57.6473 MachineName: TEST01
22:18:57.6473 InstanceName: SQL2008_CS
22:18:57.6473 ServerName: TEST01\SQL2008_CS
22:18:57.6473 ProductVersion: 10.0.6000.29
22:18:57.6473 Edition: Developer Edition (64-bit)
22:18:57.6473 Current Database: [master]
22:18:57.6473 Instance Collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
22:18:57.6473 Login name: bcsdemologin
22:18:57.6473 User name: dbo
22:18:57.7393 Trying to locate the Instance Error Log Directory from registry...
22:18:57.7413 Locating the Instance Error Log Directory...SUCCEED
22:18:57.7413 Target Baseline Database: [BaselineDB]
22:18:57.7413 Configuration of the implementation script:
22:18:57.7413 Parameter @CreateJobs: 1
22:18:57.7413 Parameter @CreateSchedules: 1
22:18:57.7413 Parameter @LocateSQLErrorLogDirectoryFromRegistry: 1
22:18:57.7413 Parameter @OutputFileDirectory: e:\SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQL2008_CS\MSSQL\Log
22:18:57.7413 Parameter @DropJobsIfExist: 1
22:18:57.7413 Parameter @DropScheduleIfExist: 1
22:18:57.7413 Parameter @DropTableIfExist: 1
22:18:57.7413 Parameter @DataCompression: 1
22:18:57.7413 START: CREATE SCHEMA
22:18:57.7413 Creating table [dbo].[bcs_config]...
22:18:57.7703 ...[dbo].[bcs_config]...DONE
22:18:57.7703 Creating table [dbo].[instance_info]...
22:18:57.7733 ...[dbo].[instance_info]...DONE
22:18:57.7733 Creating table [dbo].[configuration_data]...
22:18:57.7773 ...[dbo].[configuration_data]...DONE
22:18:57.7773 Creating table [dbo].[database_info]...
22:18:57.7823 ...[dbo].[database_info]...DONE
22:18:57.7823 Creating table [dbo].[file_info]...
22:18:57.7863 ...[dbo].[file_info]...DONE
22:18:57.7863 Creating table [dbo].[ts_file_info]...
22:18:57.7893 ...[dbo].[ts_file_info]...DONE
22:18:57.7893 Creating table [dbo].[iovf_stats]...
22:18:57.7923 ...[dbo].[iovf_stats]...DONE
22:18:57.7923 Creating table [dbo].[ts_iovf_stats]...
22:18:57.7943 ...[dbo].[ts_iovf_stats]...DONE
22:18:57.7943 Creating table [dbo].[filter_database_file]...
22:18:57.7973 Loading database filtering data into filter table [dbo].[filter_wait_types]...
22:18:57.8053 ...[dbo].[filter_database_file]...DONE
22:18:57.8053 Creating table [dbo].[tempdb_usage]...
22:18:57.8093 ...[dbo].[tempdb_usage]...DONE
22:18:57.8093 Creating table [dbo].[ts_tempdb_usage]...
22:18:57.8123 ...[dbo].[ts_tempdb_usage]...DONE
22:18:57.8123 Creating table [dbo].[perfmon_data]...
22:18:57.8163 ...[dbo].[perfmon_data]...DONE
22:18:57.8163 Creating table [dbo].[ts_perfmon_data]...
22:18:57.8203 ...[dbo].[ts_perfmon_data]...DONE
22:18:57.8203 Creating table [dbo].[wait_stats]...
22:18:57.8233 ...[dbo].[wait_stats]...DONE
22:18:57.8233 Creating table [dbo].[ts_wait_stats]...
22:18:57.8263 ...[dbo].[ts_wait_stats]...DONE
22:18:57.8263 Creating table [dbo].[filter_wait_types]...
22:18:57.8283 Loading wait type data into filter table [dbo].[filter_wait_types]...
22:18:57.8343 WaitType filtering data configuration...
22:18:57.8463 ...[dbo].[filter_wait_types]...DONE
22:18:57.8463 Creating table [dbo].[filter_performance_counters]...
22:18:57.8483 Loading supported performance counters into filter table [dbo].[filter_wait_types]...
22:18:57.8573 Performance counter filtering data configuration for SQL Server 2008/2008R2...
22:18:57.8733 ...[dbo].[filter_performance_counters]...DONE
22:18:57.8733 END: CREATE SCHEMA
22:18:57.8733 Creating collector [dbo].[sp_ConfigureBCS]...
22:18:57.9403 ...[dbo].[sp_ConfigureBCS]...DONE
22:18:57.9413 Creating collector [dbo].[sp_CollectInstanceInfo]...
22:18:57.9713 ...[dbo].[sp_CollectInstanceInfo]...DONE
22:18:57.9723 Creating collector [dbo].[sp_CollectConfigData]...
22:18:57.9914 ...[dbo].[sp_CollectConfigData]...DONE
22:18:57.9914 Creating collector [dbo].[sp_CollectDatabaseInfo]...
22:18:58.0104 ...[dbo].[sp_CollectDatabaseInfo]...DONE
22:18:58.0104 Creating collector [dbo].[sp_CollectFileInfo]...
22:18:58.0344 ...[dbo].[sp_CollectFileInfo]...DONE
22:18:58.0354 Creating collector [dbo].[sp_CollectIOVFStats]...
22:18:58.0574 ...[dbo].[sp_CollectIOVFStats]...DONE
22:18:58.0584 Creating collector [dbo].[sp_CollectPerfmonData]...
22:18:58.0794 ...[dbo].[sp_CollectPerfmonData]...DONE
22:18:58.0804 Creating collector [dbo].[sp_CollectTempDBUsage]...
22:18:58.1044 ...[dbo].[sp_CollectTempDBUsage]...DONE
22:18:58.1044 Creating collector [dbo].[sp_CollectWaitStats]...
22:18:58.1254 ...[dbo].[sp_CollectWaitStats]...DONE
22:18:58.1274 START: CREATE JOBS
22:18:58.1494 SQL Server Instance (TEST01\SQL2008_CS) edition is appropriate for creating jobs...
22:18:58.1494 Creating job Baseline - Collect InstanceInfo/ConfigData/DatabaseInfo/FileInfo/WaitStats...
22:18:58.1504 Configuring job Baseline - Collect InstanceInfo/ConfigData/DatabaseInfo/FileInfo/WaitStats...
22:18:58.1544 Creating job step (Collect InstanceInfo)...DONE
22:18:58.1564 Creating job step (Collect ConfigData)...DONE
22:18:58.1594 Creating job step (Collect DatabaseInfo)...DONE
22:18:58.1614 Creating job step (Collect FileInfo)...DONE
22:18:58.1634 Creating job step (Collect WaitStats)...DONE
22:18:58.1664 Creating job step (JobCheck)...DONE
22:18:58.1734 ...Baseline - Collect InstanceInfo/ConfigData/DatabaseInfo/FileInfo/WaitStats...DONE
22:18:58.1734 Creating job Baseline - CollectIOVFStats...
22:18:58.1734 Configuring job Baseline - CollectIOVFStats...
22:18:58.1854 ...Baseline - CollectIOVFStats...DONE
22:18:58.1854 Creating job Baseline - CollectPerfmonData...
22:18:58.1854 Configuring job Baseline - CollectPerfmonData...
22:18:58.1964 ...Baseline - CollectPerfmonData...DONE
22:18:58.1964 Creating job Baseline - CollectTempDBUsage...
22:18:58.1964 Configuring job Baseline - CollectTempDBUsage...
22:18:58.2114 ...Baseline - CollectTempDBUsage...DONE
22:18:58.2114 Creating job Baseline - Output File Cleanup...
22:18:58.2114 Configuring job Baseline - Output File Cleanup...
22:18:58.2254 ...Baseline - Output File Cleanup...DONE
22:18:58.2264 END: CREATE JOBS
22:18:58.5694 Creating schedule (baseline - daily - at 2359PM)...DONE
22:18:58.5704 Creating schedule (baseline - daily - at 2355PM)...DONE
22:18:58.5714 Creating schedule (baseline - daily - at 2351PM)...DONE
22:18:58.5724 Creating schedule (baseline - daily - every 30 mins)...DONE
22:18:58.5734 Creating schedule (baseline - daily - every 30 mins - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5744 Creating schedule (baseline - daily - every 1 hour)...DONE
22:18:58.5754 Creating schedule (baseline - daily - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5764 Creating schedule (baseline - daily - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5764 Creating schedule (baseline - daily - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5774 Creating schedule (baseline - daily - every 8 hours /6AM/2PM/10PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5794 Creating schedule (baseline - daily - evey 12 hours /6AM/6PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5804 Creating schedule (baseline - weekday - every 30 mins)...DONE
22:18:58.5814 Creating schedule (baseline - weekday - every 30 mins - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5824 Creating schedule (baseline - weekday - every 1 hour)...DONE
22:18:58.5834 Creating schedule (baseline - weekday - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5844 Creating schedule (baseline - weekday - evey 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5854 Creating schedule (baseline - weekday - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5864 Creating schedule (baseline - weekday - every 8 hours /6AM/2PM/10PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5874 Creating schedule (baseline - weekday - evey 12 hours /6AM/6PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5884 Creating schedule (baseline - weekend - every 30 mins)...DONE
22:18:58.5894 Creating schedule (baseline - weekend - every 30 mins - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5904 Creating schedule (baseline - weekend - every 1 hour)...DONE
22:18:58.5914 Creating schedule (baseline - weekend - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5934 Creating schedule (baseline - weekend - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5944 Creating schedule (baseline - weekend - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5954 Creating schedule (baseline - weekend - every 8 hours /6AM/2PM/10PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5964 Creating schedule (baseline - weekend - evey 12 hours /6AM/6PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5974 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 30 mins)...DONE
22:18:58.5984 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 30 mins - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.5994 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 1 hour)...DONE
22:18:58.6014 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6024 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6034 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6044 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 8 hours /6AM/2PM/10PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6054 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - evey 12 hours /6AM/6PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6064 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekdays - every 30 mins)...DONE
22:18:58.6074 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekdays - every 30 mins - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6084 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekdays - every 1 hour)...DONE
22:18:58.6084 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekdays - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6104 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekdays - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6114 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekdays - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6124 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekdays - every 8 hours /6AM/2PM/10PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6134 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekdays - evey 12 hours /6AM/6PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6144 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekend - every 30 mins)...DONE
22:18:58.6154 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekend - every 30 mins - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6164 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekend - every 1 hour)...DONE
22:18:58.6174 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekend - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6184 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekend - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6194 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekend - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6234 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekend - every 8 hours /6AM/2PM/10PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6284 Creating schedule (baseline - every 4 weeks - weekend - evey 12 hours /6AM/6PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6324 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - 1week - every 30 mins)...DONE
22:18:58.6354 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - 1week - every 30 mins - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6374 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - 1week - every 1 hour)...DONE
22:18:58.6384 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - 1week - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6394 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - 1week - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6404 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - 1week - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6414 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - 1week - every 8 hours /6AM/2PM/10PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6414 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - 1week - evey 12 hours /6AM/6PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6434 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekdays - every 30 mins)...DONE
22:18:58.6444 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekdays - every 30 mins - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6454 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekdays - every 1 hour)...DONE
22:18:58.6454 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekdays - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6474 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekdays - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6484 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekdays - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6494 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekdays - every 8 hours /6AM/2PM/10PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6494 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekdays - evey 12 hours /6AM/6PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6504 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekend - every 30 mins)...DONE
22:18:58.6514 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekend - every 30 mins - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6524 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekend - every 1 hour)...DONE
22:18:58.6534 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekend - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6544 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekend - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6554 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekend - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6564 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekend - every 8 hours /6AM/2PM/10PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6574 Creating schedule (baseline - every 12 weeks - weekend - evey 12 hours /6AM/6PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6584 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - 1week - every 30 mins)...DONE
22:18:58.6594 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - 1week - every 30 mins - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6604 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - 1week - every 1 hour)...DONE
22:18:58.6614 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - 1week - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6624 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - 1week - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6634 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - 1week - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6644 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - 1week - every 8 hours /6AM/2PM/10PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6654 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - 1week - evey 12 hours /6AM/6PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6654 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekdays - every 30 mins)...DONE
22:18:58.6664 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekdays - every 30 mins - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6684 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekdays - every 1 hour)...DONE
22:18:58.6694 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekdays - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6704 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekdays - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6714 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekdays - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6724 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekdays - every 8 hours /6AM/2PM/10PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6734 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekdays - evey 12 hours /6AM/6PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6744 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekend - every 30 mins)...DONE
22:18:58.6754 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekend - every 30 mins - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6764 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekend - every 1 hour)...DONE
22:18:58.6774 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekend - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6784 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekend - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6794 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekend - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6804 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekend - every 8 hours /6AM/2PM/10PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6814 Creating schedule (baseline - every 24 weeks - weekend - evey 12 hours /6AM/6PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.6854 Configuring schedules for jobs...
22:18:58.7014 Job 'Baseline - Collect InstanceInfo/ConfigData/DatabaseInfo/FileInfo/WaitStats' is scheduled (baseline - daily - every 6 hours /6AM/12PM/6PM/12AM/)...DONE
22:18:58.7114 Job 'Baseline - CollectIOVFStats' is scheduled (baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 3 hours /12AM/3AM/6AM/9AM/12PM/3PM/6PM/9PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.7224 Job 'Baseline - CollectPerfmonData' is scheduled (baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.7314 Job 'Baseline - CollectTempDBUsage' is scheduled (baseline - every 4 weeks - 1week - every 1 hour - BT/6AM-7PM/)...DONE
22:18:58.7424 Job 'Baseline - Output File Cleanup' is scheduled (baseline - daily - at 2351PM)...DONE
22:18:58.7424 Configuring schedules for jobs...DONE
22:18:58.7444 Implementation of Baseline Collector Solution is finished.

You are done. Baseline Collector Solution V2.0.4 is installed with jobs and schedules and the process is also documented. You only need to enable the jobs and schedules and that's it.

Future Plans

Here is a preview of the coming features and improvements:

  • Implementing inside code versioning. So in the future you won't need to reinstall the whole solution from scratch, there will be cumulative updates availabe.
  • New SetupScript using SQLCMD mode
  • Re-Designed schema => security purpose
  • SSRS reports

Please report me every bug you may find or contact me if you have any remarks, questions or any ideas:


Stay Tuned and Sign up to the Update Newsletter!


Download the most recent version:


See the whole Change Log here:



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