A common task for DBAs is to grant or revoke security for a person, group or SQL login. It’s usually not difficult but can be tedious. For the users and developers, it’s also tedious because it prevents them from doing their jobs while they wait for security to be changed.
When I interviewed at my company, I asked what a common pain point was for my customers: the developers and managers. The first answer was security. Work often ground to a halt if permissions were missing or incorrect. There was also a great concern that some active directory groups had too many permissions.
General Approach
It wasn’t uncommon for a DBA to have a template set of scripts where they’d plug in the database, the active directory group or SQL login and the specific permission or role. It was easy and pretty repetitive.
Databases that were regularly restored from other environments were frequently put into a SQL job and then a step after the restore would change the rights.
I’ve always tried to automate repetitive tasks and come up with generalized solutions. Since I was always running variations on the same template, I thought I could generalize an appropriate solution.
Below is my solution to the problem because it:
- Centralized security and kept it from being changed
- Allowed the users to run their own security fixes by returning security to a baseline standard, because the stored procedures were rolled up into a SQL job that they could run at will.
- Gave visibility to the developers about what permissions were defined
Types of Security
The lines below came from my generic template. With few exceptions, I was able to create generic roles for security groups. There was either dboUser (to select and update data and run stored procedures) or dboDeveloper (dboUser plus ability to create and modify objects). All security that I ever set followed one of the outlines below:
To grant a Login rights to a Role in a database:
exec sp_addrolemember MyRoleName , MyLoginName
To grant a Login rights to a Role in a database schema:
grant MyRoleName on schema :: MySchemaName to MyLoginName
To grant a Login rights to a specific object (like a table or procedure) in a database:
grant MyRoleName on MyObjectName to MyLoginName
To grant a Login rights to a specific permission, such as db_datareader or db_owner in a database:
EXEC sp_addrolemember MyPermission , MyLoginName
To grant a Login access to the instance:
To grant a Login server level rights to the instance, such as SystemAdministrator:
for SQL 2008
EXEC master..sp_addsrvrolemember @Loginame = MyLoginName , @Rolename = MyRoleName
for SQL 2012
Data Driven Security
The common values in the above “templates” are:
Which become the columns in our Permissions table. Added to that are the following to make it more flexible:
In its final form the table looks like this
create table dbo.PermissionDef ( ID int identity(1,1), InstanceName varchar(50), DBName varchar(100), LoginName varchar(100), PermissionType varchar(15), RoleName varchar(50), SchemaName varchar(20), ObjectName varchar(100) )
Based on the templates described earlier, you can insert into the table to for the following rights:
Feature | INSERT into PermissionDef table | SQL command derived from table |
To grant a Login rights to a Role in a database | insert into PermissionDef ( InstanceName, DBName, LoginName, PermissionType, RoleName) select MyVmDev', 'MSDB', 'Domain\ActiveDirectoryGroup', 'Role', 'SQLAgentOperatorRole' | exec sp_addrolemember N'RoleName', 'LoginName' |
To grant a Login rights to a Role in a database schema | insert into PermissionDef ( InstanceName, DBName, LoginName, PermissionType, RoleName, SchemaName) select 'MyVmDev', 'DatabaseName', 'SqlLoginName', 'Grant', 'select', 'dbo' | grant MyRoleName on schema :: MySchemaName to MyLoginName |
To grant a Login rights to a specific object (like a table or procedure) in a database | insert into PermissionDef ( InstanceName, DBName, LoginName, PermissionType, RoleName, ObjectName) select 'MyVmDev' as InstanceName, 'DatabaseName' AS DBName, 'Domain\ActDirGroup' as LoginName, 'GRANT' AS PermissionType, 'SELECT' AS RoleName, 'dbo.TableName' as ObjectName | grant MyRoleName on MyObjectName to MyLoginName |
To grant a Login rights to a specific permission, such as db_datareader or db_owner in a database | insert into PermissionDef ( InstanceName, DBName, LoginName, PermissionType, RoleName) select 'MyVmDev' as InstanceName, 'DatabaseName' AS DBName, 'Domain\ActDirGroup' as LoginName, 'Member' as PermissionType, 'db_owner' as RoleName | EXEC sp_addrolemember MyPermission , MyLoginName |
To grant a Login access to the instance | insert into PermissionDef ( InstanceName, DBName, LoginName, PermissionType, RoleName) select 'MyVmDev', 'master', 'SqlLoginName', 'Server', 'Connect' | GRANT CONNECT SQL TO MyLoginName |
To grant a Login server level rights to the instance, such as System Administrator | insert into PermissionDef ( InstanceName, DBName, LoginName, PermissionType, RoleName) select 'MyVmDev', 'master', 'Domain\ActiveDirectoryGroup', 'Server', 'sysadmin' | EXEC master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'MyLoginName', @rolename = N'sysadmin' |
It may seem somewhat complex at first, but it’s able to handle all the security situations that we’ve encountered.
As you move from one environment to another you can copy the security settings as a template and then tweak it after.
insert into PermissionDef ( InstanceName, DBName, LoginName, PermissionType, RoleName, SchemaName, ObjectName) select 'MyVmQa' as InstanceName, DBName, LooginName, PermissionType, RoleName, SchemaName, ObjectName from PermissionDef where InstanceName = 'MyVmDev'
Your developers would be able to access the table with the query below:
select * from [dba_instance].Admin.api.PermissionDDef where charindex(InstanceName,@@servername) > 0 order by LoginName, DBName
How PermissionDef, the Security Data Table is Used
Once the data is populated, you have to take care of a few things to get the login some rights on that database:
- Make sure that user exists on that instance, in procedure BaseLogin
- Make sure that user exists on that database, in procedure ServiceRole
BaseLogin procedure
Step (1)
I addressed by creating a new procedure called BaseLogin. It creates the user on the instance level if that login exists anywhere in the PermissionDef associated with that instance.
In my case, I didn’t deal with SQL logins very often, so the code is specific to our domain. If SQL Logins needed to be created, I did this manually because I didn’t want passwords in my stored procedures or tables and one of its databases exist.
A few structures have been built in. My security table is on another instance (DBA_INSTANCE) and is in a schema called api. My permission settings in the data table grants everyone access to SELECT from this table only. The benefit is that everyone in our company could see what their security settings were without having to ask. api.PermissionDef is a view to the data table. Each instance has a linked server that connects to my DBA_INSTANCE. It’s defined to use a security login that has access to only that api schema on that Admin.
-- BaseLogin.sql Use Admin IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[BaseLogin]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[BaseLogin] GO use Admin go CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.BaseLogin AS /* create windows accounts on an instance based on [PROD-VM-DBA].Admin.api.PermissionDef table NOTE: does not remove any logins. That would be done in Admin.dbo.ServiceRole exec Admin.dbo.BaseLogin 1/28/14 Andre Quitta Created 6/9/14 Andre Quitta Only add instance level login if a database exists that it's associated to and its not an SERVER or CONNECT login, via @ConnectionCount */begin declare @SQL nvarchar(max) declare @LoginName varchar(100) declare @ConnectionCount int set nocount on IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#PermissionDef') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #PermissionDef -- from table of permissions select distinct LoginName, cast('' as varchar(100)) as PrincipalsName, cast(0 as bit) as Done into #PermissionDef from [prod-vm-dba].admin.api.PermissionDef where charindex(InstanceName,@@servername) > 0 -- match on what is already there delete from #PermissionDef where LoginName in ( select name from master.sys.server_principals p ) if (select count(*) from #PermissionDef) = 0 begin print 'All Base Logins are current' return end if (select count(*) from #PermissionDef where LoginName not like 'SW\%') > 0 begin print 'Base Logins that are missing that are SQL Logins' select * from #PermissionDef where LoginName not like 'SW\%' delete from #PermissionDef where LoginName not like 'SW\%' end -- create the logins while (select count(*) from #PermissionDef where Done = 0) > 0 begin set @ConnectionCount = 0 select @LoginName = min(LoginName) from #PermissionDef where Done = 0 set @ConnectionCount = 0 + (select count(*) from [prod-vm-dba].admin.api.PermissionDef where charindex(InstanceName,@@servername) > 0 and LoginName = @LoginName and DBName in (select name from master.sys.databases) ) + (select count(*) from [prod-vm-dba].admin.api.PermissionDef where charindex(InstanceName,@@servername) > 0 and LoginName = @LoginName and PermissionType in ('Connect', 'Server') ) --print '@LoginName = '+ @LoginName + ' , @ConnectionCount = ' + convert(varchar(10), @ConnectionCount) if @ConnectionCount > 0 begin set @SQL = ' CREATE LOGIN ['+ @LoginName +'] from windows ' print @SQL exec sp_executeSQL @SQL end -- if @ConnectionCount > 0 else print ' Didnt create login ' + @LoginName + ' because there are no databases on ' + @@Servername + ' that use it' update #PermissionDef set Done = 1 where LoginName = @LoginName end -- while (select count(*) from #PermissionDef where Done = 0) > 0 end
Ensure that User Exists on that Database
For database specific permissions, I used code frequently used with security:
use DBName if not exists (select * from sysusers where name = 'LoginName') create USER [LoginName]
For instance level permissions, the code was this:
use master if not exists (select * from sysusers where name = 'LoginName') create USER [LoginName]
ServiceRole procedure
One thing to note is that it relies on dynamic SQL to run the appropriate commands. I’ve done everything that I could to avoid SQL injection and walled off the table that contains the permissions from edits.
The other benefit for me is that I took advantage of SQL box naming conventions. The developer boxes started out with MyVmDev. Each box had its own prefix and set of permissions. The code made sure they all followed the same security standard. If a specific box had specific permissions, I could call it out by name with the code below:
select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order by DBName, LoginName, RoleName) AS RowNumber, *, cast(0 as bit) as Done into #PermissionDef from [dba_instance].admin.api.PermissionDef where charindex(InstanceName,@@servername) > 0
The procedure will output the SQL statements that gets executed and if there is anything wrong, then will print out the reasons.
One of the really nice parts is that I can define permissions for databases that don’t exist yet, as long as they are valid windows logins. It will instead output the message below:
DBName [YourDBHere] does not exist, so Domain\ActiveDirGroup/MyPermissionName cannot be used
create procedure dbo.ServiceRole as begin /* exec Admin.dbo.ServiceRole Description grant service account permissions in non-Production environments Used by SQL job SecurityAutoFix Dependent on DBAInstance.Admin.dbo.BaseLogin Outline -- check if database exists -- pull all other rights in that database -- associated login with role or GRANTs */declare @SQL nvarchar(max) declare @DBName varchar(100) declare @SchemaName varchar(20) declare @LoginName varchar(100) declare @PermissionType varchar(15) declare @RoleName varchar(50) declare @ObjectName varchar(100) declare @MinRowNum int declare @Version varchar(5) set nocount on exec Admin.dbo.BaseLogin -- SQL version, either '10' or '11' select @Version = left(convert(varchar(20),SERVERPROPERTY ('ProductVersion')),2) select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order by DBName, LoginName, RoleName) AS RowNumber, *, cast(0 as bit) as Done into #PermissionDef from [dba_instance].admin.api.PermissionDef where charindex(InstanceName,@@servername) > 0 while (select count(*) from #PermissionDef where Done = 0) > 0 begin select @MinRowNum = min(RowNumber) from #PermissionDef where Done = 0 select @DBName = DBName, @SchemaName = SchemaName, @LoginName = LoginName, @PermissionType = PermissionType, @RoleName = RoleName, @ObjectName = ObjectName from #PermissionDef where RowNumber = @MinRowNum --print 'acting on DBName [' + @DBName + '] , ' + @LoginName + '/' + @RoleName + ' for PermissionType ' + @PermissionType if (select count(*) from master.sys.databases where name = @DBName) = 1 begin if @PermissionType = 'Role' set @SQL = ' use [' + @DBName + '] if (select count(*) from sys.database_principals where name = ''' + @RoleName + ''' and type = ''R'' and owning_principal_id is not null) > 0 begin if (select count(*) from sysusers where name = '''+ @LoginName +''') = 0 create user ['+ @LoginName +'] exec sp_addrolemember N'''+ @RoleName +''', '''+ @LoginName +''' end else print ''DBName [' + @DBName + '] ' + @LoginName + ' / ' + @RoleName + ' cannot be used because of a missing Role or the Login is not on the Instance'' ' else if @PermissionType = 'Grant' and coalesce(@ObjectName, '') = '' set @SQL = ' use [' + @DBName + '] if not exists (select * from sysusers where name = '''+ @LoginName +''') create USER ['+ @LoginName +'] grant '+ @RoleName +' on schema :: '+ @SchemaName +' to ['+ @LoginName +'] ' else if @PermissionType = 'Grant' and coalesce(@ObjectName, '') <> '' set @SQL = ' use [' + @DBName + '] if not exists (select * from sysusers where name = '''+ @LoginName +''') create USER ['+ @LoginName +'] grant '+ @RoleName +' on '+ @ObjectName +' to ['+ @LoginName +'] ' else if @PermissionType = 'Member' set @SQL = ' use [' + @DBName + '] if not exists (select * from sysusers where name = '''+ @LoginName +''') create USER ['+ @LoginName +'] EXEC sp_addrolemember N'''+ @RoleName +''', ['+ @LoginName +'] ' else if @PermissionType = 'Server' and @RoleName = 'Connect' set @SQL = ' use master if not exists (select * from sysusers where name = '''+ @LoginName +''') create USER ['+ @LoginName +'] GRANT CONNECT SQL TO ['+ @LoginName +']; ' else if @PermissionType = 'Server' and @Version = '10' -- SQL 2008 set @SQL = ' use master if not exists (select * from sysusers where name = '''+ @LoginName +''') create USER ['+ @LoginName +'] EXEC master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'''+ @LoginName +''', @rolename = N'''+ @RoleName +''' --EXEC sp_addrolemember N'''+ @RoleName +''', ['+ @LoginName +'] ' else if @PermissionType = 'Server' and @Version = '11' -- SQL 2012 set @SQL = ' use master if not exists (select * from sysusers where name = '''+ @LoginName +''') create USER ['+ @LoginName +'] ALTER SERVER ROLE '+ @RoleName + ' ADD MEMBER [' + @LoginName + '] ' else print 'NO CRITERIA MATCH ??' print @SQL exec sp_executeSQL @SQL end else print 'DBName [' + @DBName + '] does not exist, so ' + @LoginName + '/' + @RoleName + ' cannot be used' update #PermissionDef set Done = 1 where RowNumber = @MinRowNum end -- while (select count(*) from #PermissionDef where Done = 0) > 0 end·
This process allowed me as the DBA to define permissions even before databases were created so the DBA was never a bottleneck for the developers. They were told that whenever a database is created, they could run the SQL job SecurityAutoFix to adjust the permissions to the standard.